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Life in the Americas Pages questions 1-6

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1 Life in the Americas Pages 582-592 questions 1-6
Chapter 16 Section 2 Life in the Americas Pages questions 1-6

2 1. How did the Incan leader Pachacuti maintain the great empire he built?
Pachacuti set up a strong central government while allowing local rulers to stay in control; took sons of local leaders to Cuzco, the Incan Capital, required the use of Quechua; Built a road system

3 They ate Seal, Walrus, Whale, Caribou, and Polar Bear.
2. Who were the people of the Far North, and what sorts of food did they eat? The people of the Far North were the Inuit, found in modern day Alaska and Canada. They ate Seal, Walrus, Whale, Caribou, and Polar Bear.

4 3. Draw Venn Diagram comparing the Aztecs and Incans Societies.
Shared Incans →4 Classes of People →Developed a calendar →Built Huge pyramids →Irrigation and farming Techniques Strong Governments Irrigation Fertilizer for Farming Belief in Gods →Common Language Quechua →Irrigation and farming techniques →Terrace Farming →Stone Cities

5 4. How and Why did the Maya study Astronomy?
The Mayans believed by studying the skies the God’s plans will be revealed in the heavens and the Mayans will know when to plant their crops.

6 5. How did the Aztec find and build their capital city?
The Sun God promised them a place where the eagle “screams and spreads its wings, and eats … the serpent.” The gods told them to build a great city and they called the city Tenochtitlán.

7 6. Why do you think the Inca required everyone in their society to do a specific job? Do you think this is a good idea for a society? Explain. I feel that the Incas wanted everyone to pull their own weight and to have a purpose in society. The Incans also wanted people to be functioning members in a society. That way they will stay loyal because they are an integral part of the society. I think this is a good idea for people to work together for a common purpose and it puts a value on their lives.

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