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39 th General Election Winners, Losers, & the New Political Make-up of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "39 th General Election Winners, Losers, & the New Political Make-up of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 39 th General Election Winners, Losers, & the New Political Make-up of Canada

2 House of Commons Before 133 985319 Liberal + NDP + liberal independents = 154 Conservative + Bloc + cons. ind. = 154

3 House of Commons Today 126974830 There are also 4 independents and 3 vacancies. Liberal MPs + Senators = 157 Conservative MPs + Senators = 148

4 House of Commons After Seating Plan in the House

5 Results by Regions







12 Big Winners Tony Clement – by 21 votes Several other ridings by 100 or 200 votes Lawrence Cannon & the 9 other Quebec Conservative MPs The NDP by increasing their seat count by 50% Stephen Harper – first PM elected from outside Quebec in 27 years

13 Big Losers Cabinet Ministers Anne McLellan, Reg Alcock, Pierre Pettigrew, Andy Mitchell, and Tony Ianno Conservatives in urban centres Greens

14 The Federal Cabinet Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Cabinet

15 Federal Cabinet 2006 Considerations –Party loyalists –Experience & high profile MPs –Regional representation Ontario Quebec Atlantic Canada Western Canada The Territories

16 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Right Honourable Stephen Harper Prime Minister

17 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Rob Nicholson Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

18 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable David Emerson Minister of International Trade Was elected as a Liberal MP!

19 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Jean-Pierre Blackburn Minister of Labour

20 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Greg Thompson Minister of Veterans Affairs

21 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Senator Marjory LeBreton Leader of the Government in the Senate

22 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Monte Solberg Minister of Human Resources and Social Development

23 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Chuck Strahl Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

24 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Gary Lunn Minister Natural Resources

25 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Peter MacKay Minister of National Defence

26 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Loyola Hearn Minister of Fisheries and Oceans

27 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Stockwell Day Minister of Public Safety

28 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Vic Toews President of the Treasury Board

29 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Rona Ambrose Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs

30 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Diane Finley Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Minister Finley has been diagnosed with Graves' Disease, a non-life-threatening condition which causes an increase in metabolism and sensitivity to heat, cold and bright lights. This requires her to wear dark sunglasses much of the time.

31 Federal Cabinet 2006 Brigadier-General The Honourable Gordon O'Connor Minister of National Revenue

32 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Bev Oda Minister for International Cooperation

33 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Jim Prentice Minister of Industry

34 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable John Baird Minister of the Environment

35 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Maxime Bernier Minister of Foreign Affairs

36 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Lawrence Cannon Minister of Transport, Infrastructure, and Communities

37 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Tony Clement Minister of Health

38 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Jim Flaherty Minister of Finance Member of Parliament for Whitby-Oshawa

39 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Josée Verner Minister of Canadian Heritage

40 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Michael Fortier Minister of Public Works and Government Services NOT an MP! Was appointed to the Senate as to be accepted as a member of the Cabinet.

41 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Peter van Loan Leader of the Government in the House of Commons

42 Federal Cabinet 2006 The Honourable Gerry Ritz Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

43 Federal Cabinet 2006

44 There are also other members of the Canadian Ministry that are not members of the Cabinet. They are called Secretaries of State and often are positioned in support of a Minister of one of the larger ministries. There are currently 5 Secretaries of State that are not already Ministers. Federal Cabinet 2006

45 The Honourable Jay Hill, Secretary of State and Chief Government Whip The Honourable Jason Kenney, Secretary of State (Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity) The Honourable Helena Guergis, Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs and International Trade) (Sport) The Honourable Christian Paradis, Secretary of State (Agriculture) The Honourable Diane Ablonczy, Secretary of State (Small Business and Tourism) Federal Cabinet 2006

46 40 th General Election Coming soon to Canadians…


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