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Latinos, Bilingualism and More: What Speech-Language Pathologists Should Know Paul H. Matthews, Ph.D. October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Latinos, Bilingualism and More: What Speech-Language Pathologists Should Know Paul H. Matthews, Ph.D. October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latinos, Bilingualism and More: What Speech-Language Pathologists Should Know Paul H. Matthews, Ph.D. October 2006

2 Special Education Issues Latino students are over- represented in programs for students with disabilities nationally Generally under- represented in Georgia WHY? 12.7% of US Latinos aged 6-21 are reported to have a speech or language impairment (2001)

3 What Do We Know about Bilingualism? Challenge in defining “bilingualism” because depends on MANY factors, including: age of acquisition, functional ability, relationship between languages, context of acquisition, stages in life, circumstances leading to bilingualism. (Valdes & Figueroa) Parental attitudes and language use also important.

4 “Language Loss” Bilinguals usually have a dominant language; balanced bilingualism is rare L1 can be lost, esp. when submerged into L2 Influences: –language status, –domains of use, –size of language community, –school language, –media, –birth order and family roles, –gender, –peer interactions, etc.

5 “Language Loss” Language attrition also occurs, where L1 is not lost but no progress is being made. Declining use of L1 due to social and envir. pressures may look similar to language disorders: –decreased use of complex clauses, –lexical loss, –deletion of morphological markers or regularization of irregulars, –syntactic transfer

6 Bilingual ≠ 2 Monolinguals! Bilingualism is qualitatively different from monolingualism Different brain organization (esp. early bilingualism), different competencies, different needs: must look at individual holistically L2 knowledge may actually change use & judgments of syntax in L1 Differences in speed and skill on different tasks “Multicompetence” (Cook)

7 Difference and Disorder Bilinguals often slower in first producing speech, but then “catch up” rapidly and often surpass English-only peers Slower response times may be due to bilingualism rather than a specific language impairment (SLI). Words may be mediated initially through L1 lexicon, then eventually directly through concepts. Transfer of some ‘rules’ from one language to another—e.g., mandatory use of subject pronouns; word order cues versus verb agreement cues.

8 Difference and Disorder: Lexicon Total vocabulary of bilingual children at a given age is generally the same as for monolingual children, but is distributed across 2 languages: Total Vocabulary= Language A + Language B Total Conceptual Vocabulary = Language A + Language B – translation equivalents One study found an average of 30% of translation equivalents in vocabulary for toddlers who are simultaneous bilinguals, less for kids who have separate domains of use

9 Difference and Disorder: Lexicon Apparently, up until a critical mass is reached, amount of input determines vocabulary, and after that no difference between kids in English-only and bilingual programs in English vocabulary Input correlates especially for content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) but not for function words (articles, prepositions, etc.)

10 Difference and Disorder: Phonology & Morphology Phonemic differences –Allophones like /j/ /dz/ /sh/ –Distinct phonemes like trilled and regular r –More phonemes in English, esp. for vowels Different morphophonology –Word-initial s+consonant -> /es/ Non-standard dialects come into play, both in Spanish and in English –Caribbean deletion of /s/ at end of syllable –Word choice variable based on country Morphology problems may be language acquisition issue rather than disability (e.g. –s or –ed left off) Prepositions: In Spanish, different prepositions used, plus verbs may not use preposition (e.g., se bajó)

11 Difference and Disorder: Fluency, Discourse Code-switching is sometimes misdiagnosed as stuttering: processing demands –Stuttering never shown in only 1 of 2 languages –No evidence of more frequent code-switching for SLI Cultural norms too—e.g.: –less reliance on known-answer questions –less frequent use of running narrative of activity –importance of respect –topic-associative discourse

12 Assessment Issues & Recommendations “Examine aspects of each speech and language under various conditions with different interlocutors and then examine direction and rate of speech and language change Examine variations in performance and error types Understand the circumstances for acquisition, including the nature and rate of input and output Obtain a detailed language history noting input and output” (Goldstein, 2004, pp. 7-8)

13 Assessment Issues & Recommendations Need to assess across both languages and different domains Testing by bilingual personnel Language “dominance” is not a sufficient determination for testing “Standardized” tests are likely not normed on this population, and even ones geared towards bilinguals may not account for the wide variation in “bilinguals” Current tests inadequate, but no good solutions

14 Assessment Issues & Recommendations Vocabulary tests that are based on item difficulty are problematic, as are frequency of occurrence across dialect of Spanish Semantic and MLU complexity measures usually different across languages Can use parents as resource, e.g., comparing to older siblings and L1 to L2 Parental concern about speech/language problems, coupled with number of grammatical errors per sentence were best predictors of SLI (Restrepo): 0.18 errors per sentence was cutoff.

15 Assessment Issues & Recommendations Some areas of SLI for Spanish speakers: –Article errors (el/la) –gender agreement –clitic pronouns (indirect object & direct object pronouns) –verb agreement errors Need 95% of vocabulary items to be able to infer meaning of unknown words. So high-frequency words should be intervention targets.

16 Vocabulary Development Free Voluntary Reading Campaigns –Set target, base on choice & variety Reading Aloud –4-5 days/week, in person or on tape –Include pre-, during-, and post-reading talks Word Studies –Finding patterns, principles, relationships –Semantic families, structural families –Tiered Vocabulary chart: everybody / educated people / experts– show how words used differently

17 Vocabulary Development Effective Vocabulary Instruction (e.g., lists) –Teacher provides description or example –Students restate in own words –Students create nonlinguistic representation –Periodic activities to help add to knowledge –Periodic peer discussions of terms –Periodic games to play with terms (Marzano, 2004)

18 Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Instruction for ELLs –Repeat chorally, in sub-groups, individually. Teacher acts out, doodles, or gives example –Write on board one at a time, pointing out patterns, relationships to known words. Students also repeat aloud again. –In groups, students define in own words and share –Students look up and write down dictionary definition and write original sentences (Parker)

19 For More Information Genesee, Fred, Paradis, Johanne, & Crago, Martha B. (2004). Dual language development and disorders: A handbook on bilingualism and second language learning. Communication and language intervention series, Vol. 11. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co. Goldstein, Brian A. (Ed.) (2004). Bilingual language development & disorders in Spanish-English speakers. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co. Georgia Learning Connections: ESOL teacher’s guide to SST and Special Education referrals

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