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The Courtiers Renaissance Knights?. When we think of knights.... We think of mounted military pageantry....

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Presentation on theme: "The Courtiers Renaissance Knights?. When we think of knights.... We think of mounted military pageantry...."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Courtiers Renaissance Knights?

2 When we think of knights.... We think of mounted military pageantry....

3 Armor... Weapons....

4 Chainmail Helmets Scabbards So... what happened to them?

5 Gunpowder makes all that passé....

6 But why did knights turn into this?

7 When they originally were this?

8 Consider the Codpiece. Renaissance noblemen let their private bits dangle in cloth containers.

9 This mimics the protected openings used in knightly armor for urination while wearing armor.

10 An important consideration in battle-- now rendered into a fashion statement with courtiers.

11 Why wear hose?

12 How else will the knight show off his calf-muscles--which demonstrate his ability to “cling” to the saddle using his legs and guide the horse--even without stirrups? The courtiers (even without horses) still think of themselves as knights….

13 Note the “ruff” around the neck-- made to resemble protective shoulder harness on late armor.

14 Why the feather?

15 Note the feather again?

16 The Courtier is still wearing a sword-- because duels still happen.

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