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Thursday, September 19 th 10:50 to 11:40 1. Introductions John Klatt, Director of Procurement, University of West Georgia George Horn, Director, Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, September 19 th 10:50 to 11:40 1. Introductions John Klatt, Director of Procurement, University of West Georgia George Horn, Director, Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, September 19 th 10:50 to 11:40 1

2 Introductions John Klatt, Director of Procurement, University of West Georgia George Horn, Director, Business Services/CUPO, Georgia Southern University Debbie Lasher, Special Projects, USO Teresa Page, GFM Support, ITS Kurt Collins, Project Manager, USO Andy Waligowski, Account Manager, SciQuest 2

3 Agenda History and Status of the GeorgiaFirst Marketplace University of West Georgia Implementation Experience Data Analysis Georgia Southern University Implementation Experience and Results SciQuest and the GeorgiaFirst Marketplace Getting Started Training Opportunities 3

4 History of the GeorgiaFirst Marketplace (GFM) What is the GFM? PeopleSoft ePro SciQuest software (Amazon like shopping environment) Catalogs, contracts, items, pricing Purpose to improve efficiency in procurement and increase compliance with State and USG contracts Started project in 2010 with pilot schools live in early 2011 (7 schools) On-going rollout continuing today 4

5 Current Status of the Marketplace 14 GeorgiaFirst Institutions Live 1133 POs in last 30 days 60+ Suppliers 223 Contracts Hundreds of Thousands of Items on Contract SciQuest also used by the State, UGA, GA Tech, GRU and Georgia State 5

6 University of West Georgia UWG Background Process for Rolling Out the GFM Procurement Role Departments Training How UWG Benefits from the GeorgiaFirst Marketplace Conclusions and Recommendations 6

7 UWG Background Paper “Purchase and Pay Requests” sent to Purchasing Purchasing decided if they were a check request or PO Purchasing created PO in PeopleSoft Receiving by exception to AP’s e-mail notice the invoice would be paid UWG jointed Pilot group with strong support from Controller backed by President’s Advisory Counsel UWG tasked an ePro Administrator and a Non Purchasing Trainer to implement and provided Administrative support 7

8 Roll Out Get Administration Buy-In first Attend BOR training, ePro Administrator and Training Staff Define Security roles for Approvers, Requesters & Buyers Test a few Catalog and Special requisitions, POs and invoices in the SCITEST environment Review existing Ship To codes and make changes Establish Implementation/Training schedule Setup in PeopleSoft following training 8

9 University of West Georgia Benefit of First Full Year Following Implementation 9

10 Change in PO Lines & Spend 10

11 University of West Georgia 2013 Numbers 11 YEAR201120122013 Special PO Lines5,7556,8269,030 Catalog PO Lines4833,9029,176 Catalog % of Total7.7%36.4%50.4% Special PO Spend$35,288,434$37,825,030$38,692,355 Catalog PO Spend$136,820$1,148,758$1,525,985 Catalog % of Total0.4%2.9%3.8%

12 Change in Pcard Activity Year 201120122013 Pcard Transactions12,52213,297 11,145 % Change 6%-16% Pcard Spend$3,236,118$3,217,003$3,285,973 % Change -0.59%2.14% 12

13 Conclusions Need Strong Management Buy-in Spend a lot of time determining user/approver rolls Schedule roll out after completing Pilot test group Phase in slowly, only features you want, best users first Have an active support system – BOR, other schools Simple to use - Successful Implementation will automate most small dollar purchases, reduce Pcard transactions and increase POs and lines Implementation will increase A/P activity/vouchers 13

14 Georgia Southern University GSU Background Process for Rolling Out the GFM Procurement Role Departments Training How GSU Benefits from the GeorgiaFirst Marketplace FY 13 Numbers Conclusions and Recommendations 14

15 GSU BACKGROUND Used paper requisitions prior to implementation. Procurement created the PO in PeopleSoft Desired to convert to online requisitioning for better efficiency and accountability. ePro was attractive due to the workflow element Started implementation in 2011 with a senior buyer assuming responsibility “part time” with little progress. 2012 assigned one buyer “full time” ePro administrator duties 15

16 GSU BACKGROUND Procurement’s Role Oversight of the program Training Roles and Security assistance Troubleshooting Security and Roles administered by member of IT staff 16

17 PROCESS for ROLLOUT FY 13 - Of approx. 175 departments, selected 7 for pilot group rollout for catalog orders Pilot group departments were “purchasing knowledgeable” for ease Two phase implementation after pilot group July – Dec: training on catalog orders in GFM Jan – May: training on Special Requests Training: Five sessions per week with 14 in each class Hands on training accessing training database FY 14 Complete conversion to Special Requests Cut off all paper requisitions Addressing “stragglers”, new users and refresher training Current: Approx 150 depts using with 300 Requesters 17

18 GFM / ePRO BENEFITS Efficiency: Same system for catalog and non catalog orders BOR can only use TGM as “window shoppers” GFM allows us to “shop and buy” in one place Tailored catalogs (ex. Dell) Reduces P-card reconciling efforts Requisition routine much faster Reduces lost requisitions 18

19 GFM / ePRO BENEFITS Financials: Allows better control of spending during fiscal year end due to encumbrances Charges hit financial reports much faster than P-card expenditures Workflow: Many approval levels available - custom IT, Dept, Project (PI), Buyer, Amount, Assets BOR Grant (Research Accounting) Hazardous Materials 19

20 FY 13 NUMBERS 4,260 purchase orders totaling $70.9M 2,190 catalog purchase orders totaling $732K 51% of orders were catalog orders Only 1% of purchase order spend 26,111 P-card transactions totaling $8.2M Catalog orders only 9% of P-card spend Challenges Way the SWCs are structured (ex. Office Supplies) P-card “fan base” Lot of “one off” purchases from non SWC vendors using P- card 20

21 CONCLUSION: WHAT DO I NEED? Administration Support Commitment of Resources Commitment of Time Flexibility as Business Process will need slight changes Patience Willingness to reach out to other schools to help or be helped Desire to see positive results 21

22 SciQuest and the GFM Partnership with SciQuest Demo and New User Interface 22

23 Getting Started Business Decisions Identify who within the organization will use the GFM as Requesters, Buyers and possibly Shoppers (often a small group initially, then rolling out to larger audience) Choose which electronic approvals to implement Choose receiving approach (central vs. distributed) Peer Support Discussions on lessons learned and experiences at schools already live 23

24 Getting Started Implementation Attend training, share training materials with your team Assign new Security roles for access to GFM, and Approvers Setup Requesters and Buyers in PeopleSoft Review existing Ship To codes and possibly make minor formatting changes Test a handful of carts, requisitions, POs and invoices in our SCITEST environment 24

25 Training Opportunities Classroom Training Shopper and Requester Training on Oct 8: Buyer Training on Oct 9: 25

26 Training Opportunities Documentation and Training Materials: fin/training/epro_georgiafirst_marketplace/ User Guides Job Aids Online video sessions 26

27 Question and Answer Period 27

28 How Do I Sign Up???? Contact to get started! 28

29 Please send comments or questions to: John Klatt -- George Horn -- 29

30 Suppliers / Vendors in GFM 30 Supplier Name ADRENALIN POWERSPORTS INCKellogg's Food Away From Home Agilent TechnologiesLaerdal Medical Corporation AIRGAS SOUTH INCLashley Tractor Sales ALLIGARE LLCMayfield Dairy Farms AMERICAN BIO MEDICA CORPMcKesson Medical Surgical ATLANTA X-RAY CORPMEDTOX Scientific, Inc. Bob BarkerMoridge Manufacturing, Inc. Canon USA IncMSC CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY COMulti Media Services CDW GOVERNMENT INCNebraska Scientific Complete BookOfficeMax CRAIG'S FIREARM SUPPLY, INC.Onepath Systems CTS AmericaPet Dairy CWC Chemical, IncPhysician Sales and Service Dade PaperRed River Specialties, Inc. DAL-KAWA CYCLE CENTER INCRegency Lighting Dell (Computers and Software)Remel Inc. E. Sam Jones DistributorRICOH CORPORATION Fisher ScientificSHERWIN WILLIAMS CO Flav-O-Rich Dairies LLCSIG SAUER INC Georgia Correctional IndustriesSMYRNA POLICE DISTRIBUTORS INC Georgia Enterprises for Products & Services (GEPS)SOUTHEASTERN PAPER GROUP Georgia Industries for the Blind (GIB)SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE INC Grainger, Inc.Staples Graybar Electric CompanyTECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION GROUP Gulf States DistributorsTHE INSTRUMENT HOUSE INC HD SUPPLY FACILITIES MAINTENANCE LTDTHE WHITSON COMPANY Helena Chemical CompanyTROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC Hewlett-Packard CompanyVashaw Scientific, Inc. Jerry Pate Turf & IrrigationVoss Lighting John Deere CompanyVWR International KACO Supply CompanyZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC

31 Current Status of the Marketplace Currently LIVE at: Georgia Perimeter College Kennesaw State University Valdosta State University University of West Georgia Georgia Gwinnett College Georgia Southern University Georgia Highlands College 31 Middle Georgia State College South Georgia State College Gordon State College Fort Valley State University College of Coastal Georgia Clayton State University Georgia College and State University

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