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Our Mission The MidwayUSA Foundation exists solely to provide long- term, sustainment funding for shooting sports education in high schools, colleges.

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2 Our Mission The MidwayUSA Foundation exists solely to provide long- term, sustainment funding for shooting sports education in high schools, colleges and universities. The Scholastic Shooting Trust (SST) is the Foundation’s vehicle for parents, alumni and the community to raise money in support of their chosen high school, college or university team. The SST is an endowment. As such, money deposited into team accounts is invested and subsequent earnings are returned to teams as “grants”. Participating teams are able to draw 5% of their account balance once per year, every year, as long as the team exists. Teams are eligible to request a grant once every 365 days.

3 Our Mission - Update **As of 2012, in addition to high school and collegiate teams, the SST is now able to offer non-school affiliated youth shooting programs an opportunity to participate in the endowment program. In other words, we may now include teams affiliated with sportsmen’s clubs, BSA Venture Crews, 4-H, etc. REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-SCHOOL AFFILIATED TEAMS: 1. Have team W-9 (Employer Identification Number) *It’s best to have the name on the W-9 and the name on the team account be virtually identical. Example: Palmyra Sportsmen's Association/Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association Youth Program 2. Maintain a separate bank account/line of accounting 3. Team members = predominantly high school or college-aged youth

4 New Account Information

5 How Does It All Work? FIRST - Grow your account balance! 1. Solicit donations (2:1) 2. Conduct fundraisers (1:1) MidwayUSA Foundation promotional items 3. Earnings Subject to stock market fluctuations 4. Key Conservation Group partners Adopt-A-Team program 5. Industry partners CMP, SCTP, SPP, SSC, ACUI, etc. Potterfield matching money! Potterfield matching money

6 How Does It All Work? SECOND – Submit grant request for up to 5% of account balance 1. Choose when to submit January grant cycle = December 15 th deadline OR July grant cycle = June 15 th deadline 2. Download grant packet from the website 3. Return completed paperwork: US Mail, fax, or email A complete grant request includes: -signed copy of W-9* -signed Consideration Agreement * *(an “X” does not constitute a signature)



9 MidwayUSA Foundation Promotion Model MidwayUSA Foundation “gives” promotional item to fundraising organization (teams, 501c3s, etc.) Organization conducts fundraiser (raffle, auction, etc.) Organization sends 50% of proceeds back to endowment account (matched) Organization retains 50% of proceeds to support their youth shooting program Team submits grant request for 5% Team uses cash for operating expenses

10 iPad/Laptop Promotion Be a 501(c)(3) entity or have an EIN & separate checking acct. Complete and return Letter of Intent to MidwayUSA Foundation Make a concerted effort to raise $2k from fundraising activity Retain ½ of proceeds to promote youth shooting in your organization Send ½ of proceeds to MidwayUSA Foundation in the name of high school/college shooting team of your choice and get 6:1 matching money until Feb 28, 2013! What is required to participate?

11 Our Family Legacy Rifle Set Introducing the MidwayUSA Foundation’s latest fundraising promotion in support of high school and college shooting teams: the “Our Family Legacy” Rifle Set. Each raffle participant receives a set of “Our Family Legacy” Browning pocket knives handsomely displayed in a commemorative tin depicting Potterfield family hunting scenes across the years. One lucky raffle participant will win a matched set of Browning A-Bolt rifles chambered in.257 Roberts and featuring gold inlaid engraved bolts with engraved floorplates, rosewood fore-ends and grip caps. Medallion: adjustable trigger, detachable box magazine, 42 1/2” length; 13 5/8” length of pull, 22” barrel length Micro - Medallion: adjustable trigger, detachable box magazine, 39 3/8” length; 12 1/2” length of pull, 20” barrel length

12 Key Conservation Group Partners Delta Waterfowl Ducks Unlimited Mule Deer Foundation National Wild Turkey Federation Pheasants Forever Quality Deer Management Association Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Whitetails Unlimited

13 State Association Partners Arizona Fish & Game/Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation Bluegrass Sportsman’s Association Central Illinois Precision Shooters Georgia Independent School Association Indiana Youth Shooting Sports Foundation Kansas State Rifle Foundation Kentucky Trapshooters League Missouri Youth Sports Shooting Association Ohio State Trapshooting Association Foundation Texas State Rifle Association Foundation

14 501(c)3 Youth Shooting Partners Association of College Unions International (ACUI) Civilian Marksmanship Program Gaston Young Guns New England International Junior Shooting Sports, Inc. Palmyra Sportsmen’s Association Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation/SCTP & SPP South Carolina Youth Shooting Foundation Tucson Trap & Skeet Club US Practical Shooting Association/SSC Alaska State SCTP California State SCTP Idaho State SCTP Iowa State SCTP Montana State SCTP Nevada SCTP Oregon State SCTP Utah State SCTP Washington State SCTP Wisconsin State SCTP Wyoming State SCTP




18 Our contact information: Terri DeWitt : 573-447-5969 Jeff McClure: 573-447-5959

19 In summary, Larry and Brenda Potterfield share a passion for youth shooting and believe in giving back to the industry: MidwayUSA Customer NRA Round-Up = $ 7,824,200 (since 1992) 2012 Annual Youth Shooting Programs = $ 23,000,000

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