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Photoshop Composite A Visual Narrative Tell a story through combined images.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoshop Composite A Visual Narrative Tell a story through combined images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoshop Composite A Visual Narrative Tell a story through combined images

2 1. Size differences- from one object to the other 2. Color matching-of all objects and background 3. Seamless blending – of objects into setting

3 1. Size differences 2. Color matching 3. Seamless blending Setting & Character

4 1. Size differences 2. color matching 3. Seamless blending Setting & Character

5 1. Size differences 2. Color matching 3. Seamless blending Character Character in Setting

6 1. Size differences 2. color matching 3. Seamless blending Character Character in setting

7 Character


9 Character in Setting

10 Character Character in Setting


12 Setting Character in Setting

13 Setting


15 Character in Setting


17 DIRECTIONS ARE ON THE WEBSITE PLAN 1. Develop an idea for your visual narrative 2. Gather Creative Commons images SAVE ALL IMAGES 3. Open images into Photoshop (each image on its own layer) RESIZE IMAGES 4. Ctrl T ---to change size/proportion of images (drag; double clk inside to set size change) ---to rotate images (go outside bounding box; curvy arrow appears; move) ---to flip images horizontally (drag side handle across image to other side) RECOLOR IMAGES 5. Image < Adjustments < Color Balance ---to change the color of images move color sliders TRANSPARENCY 6. Select one layer < drag opacity slider to increase transparency ---or--select multiple layers < layers drop down menu < overlay 7. Use eraser tool < choose brush option < decrease eraser opacity ---to 'feather away' the edges of images / creates smooth blendCreative Commons images

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