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Obligatory Five Times Direct between Man & Allah See Salah - how to Pray at

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1 Obligatory Five Times Direct between Man & Allah See Salah - how to Pray at

2 The Qur’an & Prayer The Qur’an says: Set up Regular Prayers; for such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times. (sura 4 v103) The Qur’an tells Muslims to pray, how they should prepare and the benefits of prayer.

3 The Qur’an and the Sunna The Qur’an says Muslims must pray but it is the Sunna (example of how the prophet prayed) that gives the detail. The ritual is based on the Qur’an & how the prophet carried out the ritual

4 Salah - a most important pillar The most important of the practical pillars Muhammad said, according to a Hadith: Salah is the pillar of the Islamic religion and whoever abandons it, demolishes the very pillar of religion

5 Times of Prayer Times of prayer vary according to sunrise / sunset Fajr - dawn & sunrise Zuhr - after mid-day until afternoon As’r - between late afternoon and sunset Maghrib - sunset and the end of daylight Isha - sunset to dawn Friday Prayer - Juma

6 Adhan The times of prayer are announced by the muezzin He calls out the adhan from the minaret: Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God. I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God Rush to Prayer. Rush to success Rush to success. Allah is greatest. There is no God but God.

7 Wudu To prepare for prayer a Muslim must be clean as it is the time when one comes into contact with God. There is a ritual washing ceremony under running water. At times a bath is necessary but this needs to be done in private - a Muslim must never be seen naked. Clothes should be clean - a very pious Muslim will change their underwear 5 times a day.

8 Wudu - Ablutions Before offering the prayer one must be in good shape and pure condition. It is necessary to wash the parts of the body which are generally exposed to dirt or dust or smog.

9 Nullification of the Ablution 1. Natural discharges, i.e., urine, stools, gas, etc... 2. The flow of blood or pus and the like from any part of the body; 3. Vomiting; 4. Falling asleep; 5. Losing one's reason by taking drugs or any intoxicating stuff.

10 Prayer Mat If not praying in a Mosque need a clean place to prayer may carry a prayer mat - never trodden on with anything unclean May keep a room in the house never entered in outdoor shoes as a place for prayer You will remove your shoes on entering the mosque

11 The Mosque - place for prayer Preferable for prayers to be said in the mosque But they can be said anywhere In the mosque there will be the Mihrab (niche) in the wall to show the Qibla - direction of prayer - the Ka’ba in Mecca.

12 Iqama - Call to Prayer In the Mosque the Immam says: Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. The Salah has begun.Allah is the greatest I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God. I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God Rush to Prayer. Rush to success Rush to success. Allah is greatest. There is no God but God.

13 Raka’t - the prayer ritual First Raka: –niyya - prayer of intention –standing with hands to ears & then arms folded praise God with some set prayers and recite sura 1 –kneel on floor touch forehead on the ground - sign of submission –raise top half of body - glorify God - prostrate –stand up saying “God is greatest” Then you start again. However, once during the prayers you must say: tashahhud - prayer for peace & blessings + Shahada darud - prayer for blessings on Muhammad & the prophets

14 Du’a & the end of Salah Personal prayer to God The prayers end with the words: the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you said over right & then left shoulders whilst still kneeling. The number of raka’t are divided into fard (compulsory prayers), sunna (optional prayers which Muhammad prayed) and nafrilla (optional)

15 Prayers If a Muslim cannot say his prayers because of travel or work they can be joined at the next prayer time.

16 Juma Prayers O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the remembrance of God and leave off business: that is best for you if ye but knew! And when Prayer is finished, then ye may disperse through the land and seek the bounty of God.

17 Zuhr prayers on Juma Need 40 adult males - Jami Mosques Immam leads prayers in the first two raka’t Sermon - how to behave, tell an Hadith, information Can return to work Traditionally Asian women do not attend but see sura 62 which appears to apply to all

18 Absolute Importance Those who offer their Salah with great care and punctuality will find it a light, a proof of their faith and cause of their faith and cause of their salvation on the Day of Judgement

19 Prayer is divided into Salah and Du’a Salah Fixed times Arabic Du’a is a way to pray all of the time, to remember God & to ask for forgiveness is voluntary but many Muslims see them as compulsory own language but many Muslims use Arabic verses for prayers before meals, going to bed, making a decision etc.

20 God in the Salah 1 Holy(separate, totally different) - can only be approached by people who are pure - wudu. All-powerful only response is submission & prostration - Allahu akbar ( 100* per day). The guide - hands to ears - ready to listen. I seek shelter in Allah from the rejected Satan & Guide me in the straight path, the path of those who thou hast blest One & only God - Call + fatiha ( You alone we worship, to you alone we pray for help.

21 God in the Salah 2 God is great & wonderful but also compassionate and merciful - he deserves worship and praise. No intermediaries between God & humans. Prayer is offered to God alone. Prophets not mentioned until end - but some Muslims leave these Darud prayers out as it seems to make Islam like Christianity. The Accepter of Prayer but Salah is not about asking for things it is about putting humans into contact with God. Though in Du’a Muslims will ask to be forgiven their sins.

22 Religious Significance of Salah Five times with GOD Reminder 5 times of their submission Unites Muslims - brotherhood pray in lines, behind the immam all doing same things Fundamentals of faith - submission and peace. Discipline Proper Salah means sins are forgiven. The Hadith says: The five prayers remove sins as water removes dirt

23 Abul Ala Mawdudi said:

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