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Studying The Brain Lesson 6-2.

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1 Studying The Brain Lesson 6-2


3 Objectives Identify the structure and functions of the human brain
Discuss the different ways psychologists study the brain

4 Introduction Early Greeks thought the heart was the source of feelings and thought Hippocrates observed the effects of head injuries on people’s thoughts.

5 The Three Brains Hindbrain at base of the skull
controls most life processes (eating, sleep, appetite, thirst, mating) includes cerebellum, medulla and pons Brain

6 Hindbrain cerebellum- controls posture and balance
medulla- controls breathing pons- bridges messages between brain and spinal cord Brain

7 Midbrain Integrates sensory information and relays it Brain

8 Forebrain Includes thalamus- integrates sensory information, except smell hypothalamus- controls hunger, thirst, body temperature, and sexual behavior Brain

9 Forebrain Allows for higher level thinking
Outer layer is called cerebral cortex Inner layer is the cerebrum Brain

10 Activity Color the brain according to hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain Label structure and function: thalamus - cerebellum pituitary gland -cerebral cortex pons -spinal cord medulla

11 H I N D M I D F O R E

12 Lobes of the Brain Cerebrum is two sides
Corpus Callosum is a band of fibers that connects the two sides Deep grooves that forms lobes

13 Lobes of the Brain Occipital Lobe- processes visual info
Parietal Lobes- Sensory information Temporal Lobe- hearing, memory, emotion, speaking Frontal Lobe- organization, planning, creative thinking, and personality

14 Psychosurgery A prefrontal lobotomy has been preformed many times to alter psychopathic behavior are very controversial when preformed on prisoners informed consent role of prisons

15 Brain and Criminal Behavior
Recent studies show that men convicted of violent crimes are more likely to have abnormalities of their frontal lobe and their right hemisphere.

16 Activity Color and label the lobes of the brain

17 Left and Right Hemispheres
Are almost mirror images Left brain controls the right side of the body controls speech for most people controls mathematical ability and logic

18 Left and Right Hemispheres
Right hemisphere controls left side of the body visual and spatial ability puzzles recognizing patterns music and art creativity and intuition

19 Split Brain Operations
Corpus Callosum- lets right brain know what left brain is doing right brain- sees the sunset left brain- describes the sunset

20 Split-Brain Operations
In Epileptics, split the corpus callosum to decrease number of seizures seizure is massive uncontrolled electrical activity that begins in either hemisphere and spreads to the other

21 Split-Brain Operations
Roger Sperry did experiments on people with split brain operations Nobel Peace prize in 1981 Holds ball in right hand can say it is a ball, but put in left hand, can’t say it is a ball. Showed each half had specialized functions

22 Activity Right brain or left brain??

23 How Psychologists Study the Brain
Physiological Psychologists or Psychobiologists study the role of the brain in behavior

24 Recording Electrodes- can be inserted into the brain to record electrical activity electroencephalograph- EEG records electrical activity from whole areas of the brain See p. 167

25 Stimulation Electrodes can be used to set off the firing of neurons
Stimulate brains of patients during surgery to find out what function they perform have been used to relieve pain of terminally ill cancer patients experimented with use to control violent emotional behavior

26 Lesions Cut or destroy a small portion of an animals brain
They then monitor the animal for changes in behavior Assume those changes are controlled by that part of the brain Rhesus monkey study no longer fearful and aggressive

27 Accidents 1848- Phineas Gage
RR foreman showed good judgement, restraint, worked well with others tamping iron enters Gage’s head right below left eye (13 pounds, 3 feet long) survived, but personality changed greatly

28 Accidents Dr. Paul Broca discovered the connection between left brain and speech area now called Broca’s area

29 Images Computer Axial Tomography (CAT)
xrays pass around and through a person’s head radiation absorbed based on density of brain tissue transforms into a 3 dimensional picture

30 Images Positron Emission Topography (PET)
captures a picture as different parts are being used Uses a radioactive solution into the blood and then measures the amount absorbed by blood cells.

31 Images Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
study both structures and activity pass radio frequencies through the brain used to identify tumors or brain damage

32 Closure Web activity from prentice hall site
Read articles on brain injury on prentice hall site and report to class. Each student reads a different one. Web activity- Probe the brain Research a brain disorder

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