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Generalized Mosaics Yoav Y. Schechner, Shree Nayar Department of Computer Science Columbia University.

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Presentation on theme: "Generalized Mosaics Yoav Y. Schechner, Shree Nayar Department of Computer Science Columbia University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generalized Mosaics Yoav Y. Schechner, Shree Nayar Department of Computer Science Columbia University

2 Mosaics Processing

3 Redundant Measurements Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar

4 Scanning with Less Redundancy Mantis Shrimp TakataC Different rows = Different optical characteristics

5 Generalized Mosaicing Field of View Brightness Dynamic Range Spectrum Depth of Field Polarization camera Spatially varying filter Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

6 Mosaic + High Dynamic Range 88 - 18,794

7 Fusion of Measurements Maximum-Likelihood Solution Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

8 8 bit camera Dynamic range as 16 bits Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar 8 bits (almost) (pixels) -2 -4 -6 -8 x log M 2 Log of the mask = 110 -6 110 -2

9 M x average row Mask Self-Calibration Unknown filter (vignetting) consistency constraints Consistency, Smoothness A Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

10 Image Registration Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

11 Bias towards “no motion” Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics Image Registration

12 Uncertainty Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics Image Registration

13 Registration: Standard “Coarse to Fine” 5 pixels 10 pix 9 pix 18 pix 19 pix 4 pixels 2 pixels motion of However, we need: multiscale UNCERTAINTIES Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

14 Maximum-Likelihood Pyramid At each level L, for each pixel estimate 2 Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

15 Max-Likelihood Pyramid Gaussian PyramidML estimation

16 log I Intensity range Spatial range x Generalized Mosaic x log I Intensity range Spatial range frame Mosaic Schechner, Nayar, Generalized mosaics

17 Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar spectral y x Variable Spectral Filter

18 Multi Spectral Multi Spectral Mosaic 500700400600 500700400600 500700400600 Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar

19 Rendering : Any Illumination sunset fluorescent

20 Halogen y x Illumination at a Glance Fluorescent y x  Illuminant spectrum Extra information

21 Spatially Varying Polarizer Polarization Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar

22 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -30 60 90 30 0 -60 -90 o o o o o o polarizance polarizing angle o Polarization Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar transmittance Spatially Varying Polarizer

23 Raw images Polarization Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar

24 Polarization Mosaic Schechner Shamir Kiryati JOSA-A 2000 reflected structure transmitted painting

25 = y x Depth Insert a prism behind the lens Spatially Varying Focus Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar


27 All Focused All Focused Mosaic Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar … and a Depth Map

28 What else? Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar Dynamic Range & Spectrum & Polarization etc. Multi-dimensional Mosaics - Simultaneously

29  Signal undergoing LPF  “Band limited” signal  Minimizing aliasing  Nyquist sampling rate 11111111 11111111? 10111001?? Sampling Criteria Generalized Mosaicing: Yoav Schechner and Shree Nayar Number of samples per scene point resolution  length L bandwidth B aperture D 1M 1011100101 1011100??? M # samples 1 1/2 2 1/4 3 9 101110????

30 MosaicGeneralized Mosaic Spatially varying filter Wide field of view Spectrum I Depth + Focus Dynamic range 88 – 18,794 Polarization

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