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Earth’s Revolution Earth revolves around the sun in a slightly eccentric elliptical path once a year  Ellipse ~ Oval  It takes Earth 365.25 days to.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Revolution Earth revolves around the sun in a slightly eccentric elliptical path once a year  Ellipse ~ Oval  It takes Earth 365.25 days to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Earth’s Revolution Earth revolves around the sun in a slightly eccentric elliptical path once a year  Ellipse ~ Oval  It takes Earth 365.25 days to revolve 360 o in its orbit around the sun. It moves approximately 1 o per day (360 o /365.26 days = 1 o per day)

3 Evidence of Earth’s Revolution around the Sun  Seasonal Constellations: Because of the Earth’s annual motion, some constellations are visible at night only during certain seasons  Constellations are visible when the dark side of the Earth (away from the sun) faces toward the constellation

4 The 13 constellations the Sun appears to travel through during the year

5 Different constellations at different times of the year

6 Evidence of Revolution: Parallax Shift  Because of Earth’s revolution about the Sun, near stars seem to shift their position against the farther stars (the closer the star, the greater the shift)  If you observe the same star while Earth is at 2 different points during its orbit to the more distant background stars will appear to change




10 Apparent Motion of Sun due to Rotation and Revolution  Rotation: Sun’s apparent daily path has the shape of an arc moving 15 o per hour  Revolution: However, the Sun’s arc changes both its position and its length with the seasons.

11 Apparent Motion of Sun due to Rotation and Revolution Earth’s Revolution around the Sun – the Earth’s axis does not change producing a change of seasons.

12 Because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis, the Sun’s rays are only perpendicular (directly overhead) at noon between 23.5 o N and 23.5 o S during the year.


14 Perpendicular Rays of the Sun: The Zenith Position  The noon perpendicular rays of the Sun travel southward from the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 o N) on June 21.  Passes the equator on September 21 st and hits the Tropic of Capricorn on December 21 st.

15 Zenith Position of the Sun  Because of the Earth’s spherical shape, on any particular date, there is just 1 place where insolation (incoming solar radiation) is at an angle of 90 o. All other places are less than 90 o.  Does the 90 o ever reach the United States?  An observer in New York State will never see the Sun directly overhead





20 The apparent rising and setting of the Sun is due to rotation  Changes in the altitude of the path and horizon position of sunrise and sunset are due to revolution SeasonSunriseSunset SummerNorth of EastNorth of West Equinox Fall/SpringDue EastDue West WinterSouth of EastSouth of West





25 Shape of Ellipses  Eccentricity = 0 = circle  Eccentricity = 0.5  Eccentricity = 1 = line

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