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Objectives of Cooperative learning *Gain from each other’s efforts. We all sink or swim together. We all sink or swim together. * One hand can not.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives of Cooperative learning *Gain from each other’s efforts. We all sink or swim together. We all sink or swim together. * One hand can not."— Presentation transcript:




4 Objectives of Cooperative learning *Gain from each other’s efforts. We all sink or swim together. We all sink or swim together. * One hand can not clap. * One hand can not clap. * We all congratulate you on your accomplishment.

5 Revision * What is Ramadan ? * What do people do in Ramadan ?

6 calendar: An account book to show months, years & days

7 Brain Storming

8 What does each image mean to you?







15 PillarsPillars

16 Objectives of the lesson * We are going to : Revise the previous lesson. Revise the previous lesson. Comment on some images Comment on some images Listen to a story and tell the moral Listen to a story and tell the moral * Read the passage silently. * Answer some questions. * Rearrange the pillars of Islam.

17 Objectives of the lesson Mention people who are excused. Mention and repeat some new words. Wish at Lilat Qadr ( Imagination ) INSHA Allah WE WILL CELEBRATE TOGETHER AT THE END OF THE Lesson

18 Prepared by : Supervised by : Atifa El Sheikh Mizna AlShoaibi The Holy Month of

19 شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنْزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدىً لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ

20 WORK SHEET ( 1 ) a- What are the five pillars of Islam? ( Rearrange them in random) 1-____________ 2- ___________3-___________ 4-____________ 5- ___________.

21 The first pillar: There is no god but Allah, Prophet Mohammad is His Messenger.

22 The second pillar : A Muslim must perform the due prayers five times a day

23 The third pillar: Zakat To give a percentage of your savings to the poor

24 Alms

25 The Fourth pillar: Fasting Ramadan Every adult Muslim must fast during the month of Ramadan

26 Fast Don’t eat or drink

27 Adult Grown up

28 The Fifth pillar: Hajj All Muslims, should perform Hajj at least once in his lifetime

29 Paper 2 1- All adults Muslims must fast during…………………… ( Complete ) 2- Do you agree that all Muslims must fast between dawn and sunset for the whole month ? 3- Why do you think we fast during Ramadan ? 4- Match some sentences from your paragraph with the suitable pictures( write a title ) :

30 Sunset Sunrise

31 strengthen=(v) to make something strong

32 Work sheet 3 1-Match some sentences from your paragraph with the suitable pictures ( write the title ) 2-What are Ramadan customs ? 3- Tell us about lailatul Qadr is ______ _______.

33 WORK SHEET2 C -Match some sentences from your paragraph with the suitable pictures( write a title ) : C -Match some sentences from your paragraph with the suitable pictures( write a title ) : The Title The Title 1-____________________________. 1-____________________________. 2-____________________________. 3-_____________________________. 4-_____________________________. 5-_____________________________. 1 3 4 2 5

34 People who are excused from fasting:   having reasons for not doing

35 4- Imagine that today will be Lailatul Qadr night What will you wish ? 4- Imagine that today will be Lailatul Qadr night What will you wish ?

36 Work sheet 4 1-What happened at the end of Ramadan ? 2-What do Muslims do ? 4-What about the children ?

37 A great occasion A celebration After Ramadan ends



40 Children wear new clothes


42 They share the happy days

43 Why are we so careful to fast?

44 All the good deed of Man is for himself except Fasting which is for Me and I reward for it.”

45 HomeworkHomework

46 I will stay late to chat with my friend Maha said you’re not a beautiful girl. Comment.

47 When fasting, do we fast only from eating & drinking? What else?

48 Work Sheet 4 Jane is the pen friend of Noha, Noha invite her to spend the holiday with her try to complete complete the conversation with a different ending Jane is the pen friend of Noha, Noha invite her to spend the holiday with her try to complete complete the conversation with a different ending Jane : How are you Noha why are you so tired ? Jane : How are you Noha why are you so tired ? Noha : Fine thank you I am Fasting Ramadan. Noha : Fine thank you I am Fasting Ramadan. Jane : I know a little about it can you tell me more. Jane : I know a little about it can you tell me more. Noha: ________________ and ________________. Noha: ________________ and ________________. Jane : ________________., ________________ Jane : ________________., ________________ ________________. and ________________. ________________. and ________________. Jane : Jane : Noha : Noha : Jane : Jane : Noha : Noha :

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