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1 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Jari Hamalainen Nokia North American Global IPv6 Summit San Diego, CA, U.S.A. June 26th, 2003 IPv6 Enabling Peer-to-Peer IMS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Jari Hamalainen Nokia North American Global IPv6 Summit San Diego, CA, U.S.A. June 26th, 2003 IPv6 Enabling Peer-to-Peer IMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Jari Hamalainen Nokia North American Global IPv6 Summit San Diego, CA, U.S.A. June 26th, 2003 IPv6 Enabling Peer-to-Peer IMS Services

2 2 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Agenda IP multimedia services IMS and IPv6 Example of peer-to-peer IP connectivity Technology and application trends Multi-access IMS Conclusions

3 3 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / IP multimedia services The four key changes Richer person-to-person communication IP will increase usage through reachability of users, seamless usage of different communication types and easy-to-use group communications. Richer interaction between media streams Easy integration and interworking of different IP-based services. Service mobility Consistent services over various different access networks increase usage and reduce churn. Easier service creation and integration Well defined open APIs and programming languages enable service creation by 3rd party developers.

4 4 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Global SIP/IMS deployment needs IPv6 Introduction of SIP-based peer-to-peer services is an important step after current client-server based services. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a service infrastructure based on the use of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). 3GPP Release 5 and 6 specifications 3GPP2 specifications In order to make peer-to-peer services work between different operators' networks, IPv6 is needed - peer-to- peer services work well only with public IP addresses. Small scale IMS deployment / piloting can be started with IPv4. IPv6 is vital for wider scale, global IMS deployment.

5 5 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Example of peer-to-peer IP connectivity CSCF UMS IPv6 SIP Invite player Peter accepted the challenge! Thomas Peter Thomas challenges you to a game of checkers! AcceptDecline Accept IP Connection Game data Quit Chat Push to Stream Peter: 00:00:00 Thomas: 00:00:00

6 6 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / CSCF UMS SIP Invite player Peter: 00:00:00 Thomas: 00:00:00 Chat > Peter: I am going to win this time! >Thomas: Yeah right, in your dreams! Thomas Peter IP Connection Game data Chat Push to Stream Quit Chat Peter: 00:00:00 Thomas: 00:00:00 > Peter: I am going to win this time! >Thomas: Yeah right, in your dreams! IPv6 Example of peer-to-peer IP connectivity

7 7 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / CSCF UMS SIP Invite player Peter: 00:00:00 Thomas: 00:00:00 Chat > Peter: hey, look what just passed by! Thomas Peter IP Connection Game data Streami ng video Push to Stream Quit Peter chooses to add a streaming component to share what he is seeing Streaming video from Peter: IPv6 Example of peer-to-peer IP connectivity

8 8 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Future mobile services = ”serverless media” CSCF UMS SIP Thomas Peter IP Connection Game data Chat Peter: 00:00:00 Thomas: 00:00:00 Signaling only Media components No NATs in between, public IP addresses are needed Example services: gaming, chat, streaming, Voice/video over IP, etc. The SIP/IMS user plane is peer-to-peer in nature - SIP/IMS sessions between mobiles in different Private IPv4 address spaces become highly complicated. This is why public IP addresses are required. The only future proof solution is provided by IPv6. IPv6

9 9 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Standardized technology enablers for new mobile services are here today MMS Java XHTML and TCP/IP XHTML and TCP/IP Color displays Color displays Imaging and camera integration Imaging and camera integration Multimedia Streaming Presence Positioning DRM GPRS EDGE WCDMA CDMA2000 GPRS EDGE WCDMA CDMA2000 Multimode Video MIDI Symbian IPv6 SIP Bluetooth WLAN Bluetooth WLAN

10 10 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Technology and application trends 2G radio interface (GSM / EDGE) IPv4 Client-server connectivity SMS text messaging, WAP browsing, MMS multimedia messaging 2G and 3G radio interfaces (WCDMA / CDMA2000) IPv4/IPv6 dual stack Peer-to-peer connectivity Richer, IP-based Applications HTTP/TCP/IP browsing Presence Instant Messaging Multimedia streaming Gaming Voice and video telephony Sharing Etc.

11 11 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Multi-access IMS Common IP version (=IPv6) makes the multi-access case much easier GGSN P-CSCF S-CSCF IMS (IPv6) 3GPP access nw PDSN 3GPP2 access nw WLAN access nw P-CSCF SIP Signaling for building up the session User IP data SIP P-CSCF

12 12 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 / Conclusions Introduction of SIP-based peer-to-peer services is an important step after current client-server based services. IPv6 enables global IMS-based peer-to-peer services. IMS services will in the first phase be accessed via 3GPP and 3GPP2 radio access networks. WLAN will follow. Communications between cellular terminals and Internet clients (WLAN and fixed networks) enables successful business.

13 13 © NOKIA IPv6 / June 2003 /

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