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Staff-student collaboration to enhance digital practices in the disciplines Jim Pettiward (CELT eLearning) & Chris O’Reilly (ISS) Photo:

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Presentation on theme: "Staff-student collaboration to enhance digital practices in the disciplines Jim Pettiward (CELT eLearning) & Chris O’Reilly (ISS) Photo:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff-student collaboration to enhance digital practices in the disciplines Jim Pettiward (CELT eLearning) & Chris O’Reilly (ISS) Photo: London Met L & T Conference, 2014

2 Aims Reflect on digital literacies and practices (yours and your students’) Explore partnerships / collaboration within the disciplines To raise awareness of the Digital Ambassadors project and Clued Up! resource for students

3 The way we live, work, communicate, interact and play is evolving rapidly… …but what about education?

4 Your Work Spaces Institute of Education: Introducing Spaces and Places

5 Where we work… Institute of Education: Mapping Spaces and Places

6 Your work spaces Think about your own work spaces and devices you use… Draw a map/diagram showing what devices you use and where you use them. Compare maps with the person next to you – similarities/differences? Are there any activities you do with one device in one particular place? E.g. marking at home on laptop?

7 “… those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. JISC, 2014 Digital Literacies “Digital literacy looks beyond functional IT skills to describe a richer set of digital behaviours, practices and identities. What it means to be digitally literate changes over time and across contexts, so digital literacies are essentially a set of academic and professional situated practices supported by diverse and changing technologies.” JISC, 2014

8 7 Elements of Digital Literacies

9 Discussion How has your discipline changed in the last decade as a result of technology? What do we do as a university to help students develop their digital literacies? Are there some digital literacies/practices which are generic and some which are subject specific? (example?) What would a digitally literate graduate in your discipline be able to do?

10 Rationale for projects Absence of faculty initiatives Digital Literacy in strategy/policy documents New approaches to staff development Staff / student collaboration Examples from other institutions


12 Support for Digital Literacies which are not subject-specific e.g. Clued UpClued Up ‘Subject-specific’ digital literacies Digital Ambassadors project Embedding Digital Literacies in the curriculum – CASS Critical & Contextual Studies module Projects

13 Digital Ambassadors Project Support student digital literacy development Co-create workshops and facilitate focus groups Student – staff partnerships in subject areas Support staff development of digital practices in their subject areas

14 Embedding Digital Literacies in the curriculum CASS Critical & Contextual Studies Module Level 4 – Film & Broadcast Production CED project – collaboration between CELT eLearning & specific subject area More effective blended learning + embedding digital literacies into curriculum

15 "The challenge is perhaps as much cultural as it is practical....We are moving to changes of approach and more collaborative ways of working. Ways that harness the collective skills, knowledge and effort of all those involved in our learning communities, that transform practice to more accurately reflect the way we live and work." (JISC, 2011)

16 Questions?

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