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Software Recommendations CM Jones, JE Brace, PL Cave & DR Puplett VIF workshop 22 nd April 2008 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Recommendations CM Jones, JE Brace, PL Cave & DR Puplett VIF workshop 22 nd April 2008 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Recommendations CM Jones, JE Brace, PL Cave & DR Puplett VIF workshop 22 nd April 2008 1

2 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 1.Ensure the system can cope with and link more than one version At a basic level, the software understands that there might be more than one version and there are mechanisms for linking objects with versioning relationships.

3 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 2.Use a FRBRised structure – it is consistent with current application profiles and also allows the end user to understand relationships between versions FRBR (Functional requirements for Bibliographic Records) gives a structure for linking version of the same work at different levels; enabling versioning distinctions on content & format to be made through use of the model.

4 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 3.Ensure five key pieces of versioning information are available for capture and display. Support the object versioning solutions

5 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 4.Enhance deposit workflow to assist in upfront capture of versioning information The point of deposit of an object into a repository is a crucial stage in version identification as it gives the easiest opportunity for communication between the depositor and the repository about versioning. Enabling this information to be captured smoothly will enhance version identification.

6 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 5.Facilitate searching for similar titles within the local repository and other external repositories to prevent duplication Duplication is a significant problem in version identification, both within a single repository or across multiple repositories, if there is no information about which one is which or how they are related. Enhancing the ingest workflow to aid disambiguation of version will aid this process, especially if the objects are making use of versioning solutions to aid identification.

7 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 6.Support the harvest/export of richer metadata using Dublin Core application profiles The use of an application profile helps to provide a more consistent, richer metadata to aggregators such as cross repository search tools. In addition to better searching of elements, it helps to facilitate navigation between different versions, because it provides metadata information down to the item level. Application Profiles are available or are in development for Scholarly Works, Images, Geospatial objects and Time-Based media.

8 VIF Workshop 22 nd April 2008 Recommendations for Software Development: 7.Broaden the language and interface used in repository software to work with different object better. Repositories are increasingly used for a full range of digital objects, covering all types of outputs from research. Repositories design should expect these objects to be deposit and cater for these objects accordingly.

9 Next: The main software repository systems & versioning…… 9

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