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Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon") Overview of Windows Vista Graphics Pablo Fernicola PRS 309 Group Program Manager Microsoft Corporation

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon") Overview of Windows Vista Graphics Pablo Fernicola PRS 309 Group Program Manager Microsoft Corporation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon") Overview of Windows Vista Graphics Pablo Fernicola PRS 309 Group Program Manager Microsoft Corporation

2 Top High Level Graphics Questions What is the direction for Windows graphics? What is the new baseline in relation to graphics services for applications and content? What are the new possibilities enabled by the new Windows technologies?

3 Today’s Graphics Landscape Current mainstream Windows graphics platform is 20 years old Greater expectations and demands in relation to experiences and quality Graphics hardware continues to evolve at a rapid pace Performance vs price ratio constantly improving Advances are mainly focused on the 3D pipeline

4 A Glimpse Into the Future - The North Face kiosk

5 Graphics Toolbox Existing graphics technologies continue to work GDI, GDI+, DirectShow, … But, for future development, you should consider: Direct3D Windows Media Foundation Windows Presentation Foundation

6 New Toolbox Direct3D Focused on 3D graphics Maximum flexibility in relation to 3D features and resource management Maturing as an enabler for general use Longhorn Display Driver Model virtualizes the GPU and enables multiple applications to share the graphics processing Versions details Direct3D 9 - basis for Longhorn graphics Direct3D 10 – advancing the state of the art PRS311 – Direct3D (Part 1): Utilizing the Maximum Power of the GPU PRS416 – Direct3D (Part 2): Deep Dive into Building RT Graphics Applications

7 New Toolbox Windows Media Foundation Protected Audio and Video playback Long term replacement for DirectShow and Windows Media SDK Key benefits “Resilience” media playback Enables High Definition, content

8 New Toolbox Windows Presentation Foundation Mainstream graphics services for applications and content Bringing the benefits of graphics hardware advances to the wider developer audience Greater emphasis on vector based content Resolution independence/virtual pixels Double precision coordinates Coordinated advances in the graphics ecosystem Displaying through Longhorn Display Driver Model Printing through Next Generation Print Path Full fidelity graphics remoting PRS325 – WPF: Advanced Graphics (Part 1): 2D, 3D, and Text PRS328 – WPF: Advanced Graphics (Part 2): Animations, Imaging, Effects, and Media

9 Windows Presentation Foundation Graphics

10 WPF Media Integration Layer Media Integration Layer 2D2D 3D3D AudioAudioImagingImagingTextText VideoVideo EffectsEffects Composition Engine AnimationAnimation Base Services XAMLXAML AccessibilityAccessibility Property System Input & Eventing Document Services XPS Documents Packaging Services User Interface Services Application Services Deployment Services ControlsControls LayoutLayout DatabindingDatabinding

11 Windows Presentation Foundation Setting a higher bar The new standard of what you should expect from a graphics platform Consistency across different services in relation to Programming model Rendering and composition 2D3DTextImagingEffectsAudioVideo Animation and Timing

12 All Paths Lead to the 3D Pipeline All rendering within WPF goes through Direct3D Windows Vista’s hardware logo program requires a Dx9 GPU Establishes a new balance between CPU and GPU Better quality, better performance, frees up CPU cycles Benefits from 3D graphics accrue even to traditional 2D content “Managed graphics”

13 The power of 3D behind Text

14 Factored Programming Exposure Unmanaged code access Imaging CODECs Imaging Effects Managed code access Mainstream entry points into graphics System.Windows.ShapesSystem.Windows.Media Lower level access, perhaps replacing your existing graphics back-end Visual layer

15 Integration Across Media Types Going beyond just consistency in programming model Composition through VisualBrush Ability to use any content as the stroke, fill, or texture for graphic elements Content can be a combination of multiple media types Graphics and text can be used as a clip on any element Animation can be applied to any property Hierarchical timing model

16 Integration Across Media Types

17 Integration With Control Framework Ability to apply different visuals to controls Model/View separation Greatly reduce need to rewrite existing controls in order to customize look and feel Graphics as a first class Framework concept Participate in layout, styling, and serialize to XAML Ability to generate graphics content through databinding Enable richer visualization and interaction Presenting user interface on 3D surfaces

18 Integration of Graphics and Controls

19 Windows Presentation Foundation Basic benefits Benefits are equally present whether your focus is on controls, documents, or graphics Same capabilities and performance whether local or Web based Hardware acceleration pervasive throughout WPF services 2D anti-aliased graphics Sub-pixel ClearType text Imaging transformations Extensible imaging CODEC architecture Access to OpenType functionality

20 Windows Presentation Foundation Going beyond the basics Utilize animation functionality to provide users with feedback as part of your interface Use databinding and data transforms to provide richer graphical representation of data, or to create user interface elements Incorporate 3D content and/or media as a building block of your experience PRS324 – Using Data in your WPF Applications

21 Use of 3D in User Interface

22 Opportunities Go further in traditional areas, with less work Incorporate additional functionality into your existing applications Advance your applications, by building on WPF services Focus areas: drawing, imaging/photo, typography, media Break new ground and set yourself apart Provide richer, Web-based, interactive applications and content Develop applications/utilities that participate in a XAML based workflow Incorporate data visualization into re-usable controls Leverage the integration of 2D and 3D into new experiences

23 Community Resources Most closely related sessions PRS 305 – A Lap Around WPF PRS 325 – 2D, 3D, and Text PRS 328 – Imaging, Effects, Media and Animation in WPF PRS 311 and PRS 416 – Direct3D Presentation (PRS) Lounge Hands-On Lab Birds of a Feather sessions Channel9 Tag: Newsgroup:

24 Discussion

25 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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