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Edi Winarko, John F. Roddick

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1 Edi Winarko, John F. Roddick
ARMADA – An algorithm for discovering richer relative temporal association rules from interval-based data Edi Winarko, John F. Roddick DKE (Data & Knowledge Engineering) 2007

2 OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Related work 3. Problem statement
4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules 5. Experiment results 6. Conclusion and future work

3 1. Introduction Former studies have been focused on time points.
Some applications events are better treated as intervals rather than time points. ARMADA algorithm.

4 2. Related work Allen’s interval expression.
Kam and Fu’s model and definition.

5 3. Problem statement Given a temporal database D = {t1….tn} ti consists of a client-id, a temporal attribute, a start-time, and an end-time, where start-time < end-time. S denote the set of all possible states, s is a state in S. A period of time (b, s, f ), where state s ∈ S, b for start-time and f for end-time. EX: (2, A, 7) refers to state A start in 2 and end in 7. If s is a single state type in S, then s is a temporal pattern, denoted as <s>.

6 3. Problem statement Given n state intervals (bi, si, fi ) , 1 ≦ i ≦ n, a temporal pattern of size n > 1 is defined by a pair maps index i to the corresponding state, and M is an n*n matrix whose elements M[i, j] denotes the relationship between intervals (bi, si, fi ) and (bi, si, fj ). Seven relations : before (b), meets (m), overlaps (o), is-finished-by (fi), contains (c), equals (=), and starts (s).

7 3. Problem statement

8 3. Problem statement A B C D A B D 為何呢? 因為把P2的D移除調會得到P1的樣子,但是對於P3,把DC移掉剩下AB的關係跟P1並不同,所以並非snbpattern p1 is a subpattern of p2, but it is not a subpattern of p3.

9 3. Problem statement

10 3. Problem statement Given a minimum support minsup, a pattern is called frequent if its support is greater than or equal to minsup. Here we set 40% as the minsup.

11 3. Problem statement

12 3. Problem statement A richer temporal association rule is an expression X=>Y, where X and Y are frequent temporal patterns such that X ⊆ Y (X is a subpattern of Y). EX: is a subpattern of If A overlaps B occurs, then it is highly likely that A before D and B before D will also occur.

13 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
Step 1 – reading the database into memory

14 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
minsup = 40% Candidate <A> (σ = 75%), <B> (σ = 75%), <C> (σ = 75%), <D> (σ = 100%), <E> (σ = 50%), <F> (σ = 25%), <G> (σ = 25%). Frequent 1-pattern: <A>, <B>, <C>, <D>, <E>

15 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
Step 2 – constructing the index set

16 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules

17 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
因為是按照字母順序做mining,所以下一個以state B開始

18 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
Step 3 – mining patterns from the index set 計算這個relation的support count 是否有過門檻 將prefix p的pattern去和frequent state s做合併以產生下一個level的pattern

19 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
Continuing example Prefix = <A> combine with s ∈ {B, C, D, E} 這邊都是以A為主去作範例 Relation <A, E> have 1 overlap relation(25%) and 1before relation(25%), so <A, E> is not considered as frequent.

20 4. ARMADA – mining richer temporal association rules
Continuing example Prefix = <A,B> , combine with s ∈ {C, D} Prefix = <A,C> , combine with s ∈ {D} Prefix = <A,D> ,combine with none Prefix = <A,B, D> , combine with s ∈ {C} 2-pattern 的AB AC AD再去跟BCDE做合併 (不重附)

21 5. Experiment results

22 5. Experiment results

23 6. Conclusion and future work
ARMADA algorithm looks promising as a method for discovering patterns and rules from interval-based data. Future work: consider to use real-world databases for the experiment.

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