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CITIZENSHIP in SRSD A Celebration of Community Spirit! June 25, 2013.

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2 CITIZENSHIP in SRSD A Celebration of Community Spirit! June 25, 2013

3 Citizenship in our students’ words… “I wanted people that have cancer to have hair. It is important because they could be just like everyone else and who they use to be. It might make them feel better!” McKenna Burbank, Samantha Vien, Emerald Sebastian “ I will continue to help others because it makes me happy to see people smiling.” Khayden Riberdy “ We sell cookies and cards for the homeless!” Tianna Campbell and Mya Mann

4 “ Volunteering is a good way to help our community. We get to help each other out and support each other.” Ethan and Avery Cochrane “If we win we would love to donate to Children’s Hospital. We think it’s an important charity because every kid should get the chance to be healthy again.” Abby Pelletier, Jordynn Barrett, Tayler Arkle, Rowan Shwaluk

5 “ I believe a good citizen is someone who follows rules and regulations, uses their voice and opinion for good and who respect themselves and the people around them.!” Tyra Turbovsky “ A good citizen is someone that is a good person even when no one is watching!”Devon Caron “ …every good citizens makes a difference!.” Lina Poplavski & Mirjam Lik

6 “ …my efforts are worth it because I feel the impact a bit of elbow grease can make!” Marie Wrede “…to strive to be the best I can be both in school and in my community!” Karmen Britton “ Social Justice has taught me all about being grateful for the life I live!” Kaira Lavallee

7 “I think a good citizen is a person that is always willing to be helpful, caring, positive and in general being a good role model!” Trevor Broesky “Sharing Circle was a great learning experience and has helped each of us in the circle to grow as individuals. The circle has showed us how to become active citizens in our community.” Rachel and Katelyn

8 École Lorette Immersion Ethan & Avery Cochrane We stand for:  Providing a water pump to Haiti through UNICEF  Initiative and Responsibility  Helping others

9 Parc LaSalle Tianna Campbell and Mya Mann We stand for:  Creating and selling Christmas Cards at the Annual Breakfast with Santa for homeless people. We raised $230.00 and fed 300 people with chili!

10 Ste. Anne Collegiate Trevor Broesky I stand for:  Active living (Volleyball, Basketball and Baseball school teams)  Coaching and being an umpire  Clean up our school surroundings  Student helper  Being helpful  Respect for others

11 Ste. Anne Collegiate Kaira Lavalle I stand for:  Student Voice  Social Justice  School Musical  We Day  Volunteer in the SAE kindergarten class  Volunteering to care for animals

12 Ste. Anne Collegiate Karmen Britton I stand for:  Student Voice and Social Justice  Summer in the City volunteer  School Musical  Grad Committee  Dance instructor assistant  Peer Tutor for Pre-Calculus  Winnipeg Butterfly Gala

13 Ste. Anne Collegiate Marie Wrede I stand for:  Student Voice ( School dance, Writer’s club)  Social Justice ( Rachel’s Challenge, fundraising drive for humanitarian projects)  School Musical  Grad Committee  High Academics  Helping with Kindergarten to grade 2 children at the Gospel Chapel Superclub

14 Ste. Anne Elementary Devon Caron I stand for:  Positive attitude and cheerful nature  Well-being of other students  Respect and kindness for others  Helping out at school  Facing life’s challenges with pride and courage!

15 La Salle School Grade 6 Craft Club We stand for:  Develop, plan and instruct literature craft program for younger students  Leadership  Creativity and literacy for young students

16 École Ile des Chênes McKenna Burbank, Samantha Vien & Emerald Sebastian We stand for:  Free the Children Campaign  Collecting food for the school hampers and helping families in need  Supporting Cancer Care Manitoba by donating our hair

17 Collège Lorette Collegiate CLC Sharing Circle We stand for:  Discovering oral traditions and storytelling through a Metis elder  Manitoo Ahbee Aboriginal Youth Leaders  Seven Sacred Teachings through Drumming  RM of Tache Food Bank  Creating murals for CLC with the support of SRSD Visual Art support teacher  Supporting students learning about Aboriginal culture in K to 8 schools

18 Arborgate School Lina Poplovski & Mirjam Lik We stand for:  Leadership  Breakfast for Learning  Canteen helper  Lunch Monitor  Math and Reading Buddies  Babysitting  Picking up garbage around the community in the summer

19 Richer School Tyra Turbovsky I stand for:  Student Voice (We Day, Penny Drive, Anti-Bullying Week)  Christmas Food hampers  Special events at school  Fundraising for a Water Pump for Haiti  Richer Local Urban District student representative  Reading buddy for EAL students.  Student representative on the PAC

20 Last word…. “There’s a radical – and wonderful – new idea here… that all children could and should be inventors of their own theories, critics of other people’s ideas, analyzers of evidence, and makers of their own personal marks on the world. Its an idea with revolutionary implications. If we take it seriously.” - Deborah Meier

21 The End

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