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Marlee Gaskell Mrs. Ash-Conklin’s Class Marlee shows pride in every area of school! She works hard and is a kind friend to her classmates. Student Spotlight.

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Presentation on theme: "Marlee Gaskell Mrs. Ash-Conklin’s Class Marlee shows pride in every area of school! She works hard and is a kind friend to her classmates. Student Spotlight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marlee Gaskell Mrs. Ash-Conklin’s Class Marlee shows pride in every area of school! She works hard and is a kind friend to her classmates. Student Spotlight Kaileb Briseno Mrs. Ash-Conklin’s Class Kaileb has worked hard to show respect to everyone during October. He show responsibility by listening and following directions. Student Spotlight

2 Dallin Mattingley Mrs. Bickmore’s Class Dallin Mattingley shows PRIDE through his work and his interactions with friends. He always takes his time and does his best work. When someone needs help or drops something, he is first to offer to help out. Student Spotlight Lily Frankenfield Mrs. Bickmore’s Class Student Spotlight Lily Frankenfield shows PRIDE in the classroom with her behavior and work. Lily always does her best work, participates in class discussions and is a good friend to those around her.

3 Angie Quinilla Mrs. Fortune’s Class Angie Quinilla Duarte is a very hard worker. She always gives her best effort. She is kind and helpful to her classmates. She is very responsible and always has her homework. Student Spotlight Matty Wagner Mrs. Fortune’s Class Matty Wagner is a good role model for others in his class. He is respectful to adults and to students. He is always willing to lend a hand to his teacher and friends. He is responsible and is a leader in the classroom. Student Spotlight

4 Christian Henriquez-Mesa Mrs. Maher’s Class Christian has worked to develop better listening skills. A great student who adds much to our classroom discussions. Student Spotlight Olivia Cohn Mrs. Maher’s Class Olivia is very helpful to other students. A great student who takes much pride in her work. Student Spotlight

5 Lauren Mattingley Mrs. Little’s Class Lauren Mattingley consistently demonstrates pride in her school work. She is an active participant in both small and large group activities. Lauren listens attentively to directions and willing helps other classmates. Student Spotlight Jordan Anderson Mrs. Little’s Class Jordan Anderson is a respectful member of our third grade classroom. He completes his work with pride and is a helpful student to his classmates. Jordan works independently and demonstrates self-control in all areas of our school. Student Spotlight

6 Colette Morris Mrs. Sanford’s Class Colette displays great pride and responsibility in completing assigned tasks. She is always willing to assist her peers and teachers. Colette is a great role model. Student Spotlight Abraham Recinos-Velasquez Mrs. Sanford’s Class Abraham Recinos-Velasquez Abraham greets the class each morning with such a cheerful attitude. He works cooperatively with his peers. Abraham is attentive during instruction and raises great discussion questions. Student Spotlight

7 Peter Siebentritt Mrs. Fulton’s Class Peter is an excellent writer and is always willing to put forth the extra effort in his assignments. He has great ideas to contribute to class discussions and enjoys sharing his knowledge within a small group. He is prepared in the morning with his agenda and reading log. He is a joy to have in class! Student Spotlight Jason Horner Mrs. Fulton’s Class Jason is a strong leader in our class. He is willing to help out and exhibits good work habits and behavior. He shows effort in his Number Talks and is able to verbalize the process to reach the answer. Other students look to him for guidance. He is a great addition to the class! Student Spotlight

8 James Rollison Mrs. Polk’s Class For stepping up to represent our class in the SCA (excellent citizenship). Student Spotlight Abbie Rihs Mrs. Polk’s Class For stepping up to run for Lucketts Secretary of Communication, and run for our class representative (excellent citizenship). Student Spotlight

9 Taylor Byrne Mr. Bower’s Class Taylor is a leader in the classroom. She is highly motivated and a self starter. Taylor works hard to create products that are consistently of the very best quality. Student Spotlight Mikiela Campbell Mr. Bower’s Class Mikiela exhibits leadership qualities every day in the classroom. I appreciate how she does classroom tasks without being asked. She is a very talented and creative writer who works hard to produce the very best. Student Spotlight

10 Ella Nassauer Miss Pezzuti’s Class Ella is a natural leader which she shows serving as our class representative. Ella is also a very hard worker and can often be found lending a hand to her classmates! Student Spotlight Maria Sonoski Miss Pezzuti’s Class Maria is a hard worker! She is willing to lend a hand to her classmates and is always on task! Maria strives to give her very best and never seems to give up! Student Spotlight

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