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Community Phylogenetic structure with R. Central question in community ecology What processes are responsible for the identity and relative abundances.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Phylogenetic structure with R. Central question in community ecology What processes are responsible for the identity and relative abundances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Phylogenetic structure with R

2 Central question in community ecology What processes are responsible for the identity and relative abundances of co-occurring species in local assemblages? What is the relative importance of different ecological processes in structuring communities Search for patterns in community structure that may reflect underlying processes

3 Community assembly processes Niche and trait evolution Patterns of phylogenetic community structure Phylogenetic data

4 Patterns of phylogenetic community structure Phylogenetic clustering – Co-occurring species are more closely related than expected by chance Phylogenetic over- dispersion/evenness – Co-occurring species are more distantly related than expected by chance Random patterns

5 Community assembly processes Many processes could influence phylogenetic community structure – Facilitation – Negative density dependent processes (e.g. herbivory, predation) – Indirect interactions mediated by herbivores, parasites, pathogens – Disturbance e.g. fire – Speciation Two main processes are usually considered

6 Habitat filtering Adaptation of species to abiotic conditions – Communities composed of ecologically similar species – Environment imposes a filter via abiotic conditions favoring species with similar adaptations Emerson & Gillepsie, 2008

7 Competitive exclusion – The principle of competitive exclusion: similar species cannot coexist indefinitely. – Related species are ecologically similar Prediction: closely related species should co-occur less than would be expected Early efforts tested this hypothesis using – species : genus ratios – Taxonomic community structure Emerson & Gillepsie, 2008

8 Phylogenetic signal Kembel, 2009

9 Community phylogenetic structure (Competitive exclusion) (or clustering) Kembel, 2009

10 Clustering due to environmental filtering Trait conservatism Over-dispersion due to competitive exclusion Trait conservatism Clustering due to competitive exclusion Trait convergence Over-dispersion due to environmental filtering Trait convergence h Clustering: Co-occurring species are more closely related than expected by chance Over-dispersion: Co-occurring species are more distantly related than expected

11 Emerging patterns Communities structured by several processes acting in concert – Mediated by different sets of traits Scale is important – Taxonomic scale (Cavender-Barres et al., 2004; 2006) Oaks: phylogenetic over dispersion Angiosperms: phylogenetic clustering – Spatial scales Similar shift from smaller (overdispersion) to larger spatial scales (clustering)

12 Steps Quantify the degree of relatedness among co- occurring species using a phylogeny Define a broader pool of species from which communities have been assembled Construct a null model which generates random communities from the broader species pool Determine phylogenetic signal for functional traits that influence community assembly

13 Data Phylogenetic tree for regional/broader species pool – Entire species in all the communities Species list and presence/absence or abundance data for the different communities, plots or specific habitats within a community.

14 Getting a phylogenetic tree Can use either sequence data or species list Different formats: Newick, Nexus Online tools available e.g. – Genbank ( can obtain raw sequence data – ARB/Silva ( provides aligned sequence data free for academic use – RDP ( ): provides sequence data and builds phylogenetic tree – Beast ( contains programs to create phylogenies with sequence data – Phylomatic ( assembles phylogenies using species lists.

15 Quantifying degree of relatedness Vamosi et al., 2009

16 Within community measures Faith’s phylogenetic diversity (PD) – Total branch length spanned by the tree including all species in a local community. A lower value indicates that – Taxa are clumped on the phylogeny – Capture only a small part of the total phylogenetic diversity present in the entire phylogeny – Co-ocurring species are more closely related

17 MPD: Mean pair-wise distance between all species in a community – Measures whether species in a community are more closely related than expected by chance (using a null model and the regional species pool) – MPD is more sensitive to tree-wide phylogenetic patterns MNTD: Mean distance to nearest taxon for each species in the community – Measures whether closely related species tend to co-occur or not (using a null model and the regional species pool). – MNTD is more sensitive to patterns of evenness and clustering closer to the tips of the phylogeny

18 Distance matrix Kembel, 2009

19 Null models Randomize the phylogeny – Phylogeny shuffle: randomizes phylogenetic relationships among species by shuffling the taxa on the tips. – Randomize tree structure Randomize community structure – Randomize draws from species pool Species in each sample are random draws from the – Sample pool: maintains species richness of each sample but species are drawn without replacement from the list of all species actually occurring in the sample. – Regional species pool: maintains species richness, but species are drawn without replacement from a broader phylogeny pool. – Randomize community matrix Independent swap: creates swapped versions of the sample/species matrix; only applicable with presence/absence data.

20 Randomization Using null model – Generate a random community – Recalculate metrics i.e. MPD/MNTD – Repeat many times Result: distribution of metric values for random communities

21 Standardized effect sizes (SES) SES=(Observed value – Mean (random values))/SD(random values) Net relatedness index (NRI): standardized metric obtained by comparing MPD obs and MPD exp – + NRI = phylogenetic clustering – - NRI = phylogenetic evenness – Calculated as standardized effect size (SES) in picante SES = -1 x NRI

22 SES continued Nearest taxon index (NTI): obtained by comparing MNTD obs and MNTD exp – + NTI = phylogenetic clustering – - NTI = phylogenetic evenness – Computed as standardized effect size (SES) in picante SES = -1 x NTI

23 Phylogenetic Beta Diversity Measures patterns of phylogenetic relatedness among communities – Among communities equivalent of MPD and MNTD using pairs of species drawn from different communities – can be used with any method based on among-community distances e.g. cluster analysis, phyloordination, Mantel tests with spatial/environmental distances separating communities.

24 Today’s Data Bird communities along 3 highways: 64, 44, and 55 – Gradient from urban (1) to rural (5) along those highways, with each community separated by 16 km – Ex. Communities: RD441, RD442, RD443, RD641, RD642, etc… RD64 1 2 3 4 5 ???

25 Genetic data from Genbank using 2 mitochondrial genes – Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) – Made a phylogeny using Beast and Beauti (free online, easy to use, and comes with a short tutorial and good manual) Question: What is the phylogenetic structure of communities as you go from rural to urban environments? RD64 1 2 3 4 5 ???

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