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GK-12 Module 4: Alloying Metals for Specialized Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "GK-12 Module 4: Alloying Metals for Specialized Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 GK-12 Module 4: Alloying Metals for Specialized Materials

2 NAE Grand Challenge Briefing Topic of Interest: Alloying Metals for Specialized Materials Grand Challenge Connection: Provide Energy from Fusion What’s the Connection?

3 NAE Grand Challenge Briefing

4 What is Fusion? Fusion - the forceful joining of light atoms - is the process that operates our sun. Setbacks involving the use of Fusion as Energy? Dealing with neutron radiation and heat by-product. Neutrons produced during fusion can travel tens of centimeters out into the containment structure. Advantages of Fusion? Fusion has very small energy requirements compared to current fossil fuels. For example, one drop of heavy water could, through fusion, provide as much energy as 20 gallons of gas

5 Alloying Metals for Specialized Materials

6 Phases of Matter What are the four fundamental states of matter? 1.Solid 2.Liquid 3.Gas 4.Plasma The Kinetic Theory is used to explain how temperature and pressure affect matter.

7 Phases of Matter The Kinetic Theory Important Assumptions of the Kinetic Theory: 1.Matter consists of small particles 2.Particles in constant motion 3.Collisions transfer energy 4.No energy change – Law of the Conservation of Energy

8 Phases of Matter Pressure: the force of particles striking a surface. The SI unit for pressure is the pascal, named for Blaise Pascal. Blaise Pascal. The pascal is a derived SI unit equal to 1 Newton / m 2 (1 N = (1 kg)(1 m) / s 2 ) Temperature: a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of matter. Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. The SI units for energy is the joule. The joule is a derived SI unit equal to (kilograms) (meters) / s 2. KE = 1 / 2 mv 2

9 Phases of Matter How can we conveniently and concisely display information about the control of the phase structure of a material? Make a material phase diagram!

10 Introduction to Phase Diagrams

11 Some Key Points: 1.There are multiple phases 2.Those phase may exist in equilibrium 3.There is a singular condition where all three phases coexist in equilibrium 4.There also exist a point where phase boundaries no longer exist

12 Phase Diagrams There different types of Phase Diagrams… One Component or Unary Phase Diagrams Binary Phase Diagrams Ternary Phase Diagrams

13 Binary Phase Diagrams Eutectic Point - (of a mixture of substances, especially an alloy) having the lowest freezing point of all possible mixtures of the substances

14 Binary Phase Diagrams

15 Applying the Lever Rule to calculate the composition of phases:

16 Binary Phase Diagrams

17 What to Look Forward to Next Week Next week we will conduct an experiment with alloying metals and their corresponding phase diagrams You will be asked to reconstruct a phase diagram for the system of our experiments


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