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1. Who is the primary author of the Bible? God. 2. How much of the Bible is inspired by God? All, 100%

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Presentation on theme: "1. Who is the primary author of the Bible? God. 2. How much of the Bible is inspired by God? All, 100%"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Who is the primary author of the Bible? God

2 2. How much of the Bible is inspired by God? All, 100%

3 3. What term describes the first five books of the Bible? Torah

4 4. What human led the Jews out of Egypt? Moses

5 5. Who was the first king of Israel? Saul

6 6. Who was the second king of Israel? David

7 7. In the Bible, what term describes a person who foretells the future? Prophet

8 8. Who announced the arrival of the Messiah to Israel? John the Baptist

9 9 – 12. In this and in the next three answers, list in alphabetical order the human authors of the Gospel. Matthew Mark Luke John (the Evangelist)

10 13. How many apostles did Jesus choose? Twelve

11 14. Which apostle betrayed Jesus? Judas Iscariot

12 15. Which apostle did Jesus choose to lead the apostles and the Church? Peter

13 16. Jesus was a descendant of King ___ and was born in the home city of this king. David

14 17. Who was the mother of Jesus? Mary

15 18. Who was the foster father of Jesus? Joseph

16 19. Who was the father of Jesus? God

17 20. Who was the mother of John the Baptist? Elizabeth

18 21. Which angel announced to Jesus’ mother that she was to become pregnant? Gabriel

19 22. In what town was Jesus raised? Nazareth

20 23. What apostle remained with Jesus when He was crucified? John (the Evangelist)

21 24. How many days after His resurrection did Jesus ascend to heaven? Forty

22 25. What is the special title of the day on which Jesus rose from the dead? Easter Sunday

23 26. What is the special title of the day on which Jesus was crucified? Good Friday

24 27. What is the special title of the day on which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper? Holy Thursday

25 28. What is the special title of the day on which Jesus ascended into heaven? Ascension Thursday

26 29. What is the special title of the day on which the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles and Mary? Pentecost Sunday

27 30. Who is the most frequent human author of the epistles in the Christian Scriptures? Paul

28 31-33. Name the Persons of the Holy Trinity. Father Son Holy Spirit

29 34. What is the essence of God LOVE (God IS “love”, 1 John)

30 35. What element of the human person survives after the death of the person’s body? Soul/spirit

31 36. What creatures are pure spirits, have free will, perfect intellects, immortality and rationality? Angels

32 37. What term describes the communication we have with God here on earth? Prayer

33 38. What is the life of God in us to which we respond or which we ignore? Grace

34 39. How much of Jesus is human? All, 100%

35 40. How much of Jesus is divine? All, 100%

36 41.What term describes our tendency to selfishness and false pride, inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve? Original Sin

37 42. What power do we have to control our destiny? Free Will

38 43. What term describes the state of eternity where we enjoy the full presence of God? Heaven

39 44. What term describes the state of eternity where we voluntarily separate ourselves from enjoying the presence of God? Hell

40 45. What term describes the state of purification to which we go after physical death before entering the eternal presence of God? Purgatory

41 46. In this and in the next two answers, list in alphabetical order the Sacraments of Initiation. Baptism Confirmation Eucharist

42 49. What dogma teaches that Mary was conceived free of original sin? Immaculate Conception

43 50/51. In this and in the next answer, list in alphabetical order the healing Sacraments. Anointing of the sick Reconciliation (Confession)

44 52/53. In this and in the next answer, list in alphabetical order the vocation Sacraments. Holy Orders Matrimony (marriage)

45 54. Who was the first Pope? Peter

46 55. Who is the current Pope? Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)

47 56-60. In this and in the next four answer places, list the ordinary stages from priesthood to pope. Priest Bishop Archbishop Cardinal Pope

48 5 Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary 1.Agony of Jesus in the Garden 2.Scourging of Jesus 3.Crowning with Thorns 4.Carrying of the Cross 5.Crucifixion/Death of Jesus (Tuesday, Friday)

49 5 Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary 1.Resurrection 2.Ascension 3.Pentecost 4.Assumption of Mary 5.Crowning of Mary Queen of Heaven (Sunday, Wednesday)

50 5 Joyful Mysteries 1.Annunciation 2.Visitation 3.Birth of Jesus 4.Presentation of Jesus 5.Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Saturday, Monday)

51 5 Luminous (Light) Mysteries 1.Baptism of Jesus 2.Changing of Water into Wine 3.Proclamation of Kingdom 4.Transfiguration 5.Holy Eucharist (Thursday)

52 81-84. 4 Marks of the Church One Holy Catholic Apostolic

53 85-87 Theological Virtues Faith Hope Love

54 88-94 Order of Liturgical Seasons beginning of Lit. Year Advent Christmas Epiphany Ordinary Time Lent Easter Pentecost

55 95-100 Holy Days of Obligation from beginning of calendar year Solemnity of Mary Ascension Thursday Assumption of Mary All Saints Immaculate Conception Christmas

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