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1 Multimedia Databases n How to represent and organize the databases containing a mix of media types? n MM DB architectures u The Principle of Autonomy:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Multimedia Databases n How to represent and organize the databases containing a mix of media types? n MM DB architectures u The Principle of Autonomy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Multimedia Databases n How to represent and organize the databases containing a mix of media types? n MM DB architectures u The Principle of Autonomy: Use suitable index structures for each media type (may result in different index structures) u The Principle of Uniformity: Use same index structure for all media types u The Principle of Hybrid Organization: Hybrid of the above two n Organizing based on the principle of uniformity u associate with each media object o i, some meta-data, md(o i ) u md(o i ) may be produced by a human or program (image/video/text content retrieval engine) u If our archive contains objects o 1, … o n, then index the metadata md(o 1 ), … md(o n ) in a way that provides efficient ways of implementing the expected accesses that users will make

2 2 Media Abstractions n Considering the content of mm data of different media types, What is common (or different) to all the media types n Media abstractions are mathematical structures representing such media content n Media abstractions may be implemented through a single data structure

3 3 Media Abstractions n Media abstraction comprises of u a set of states (state is the smallest chuck of media that we wish to reason about) u a set of features (feature is any object in a state that is deemed to be of interest, in principle can include both objects and activities) u attributes associated with features u a feature extraction map that specifies what features occur in which states F in some cases, these are implemented as content extraction programs F in some other cases may involve humans manually specifying content u a set of state-dependent and state-independent relations F e.g., left-of is state-dependent, age is state-independent u a set of inter-state relations F e.g. before(s 1,s 2 ) may say that s 1 occurred before s 2

4 4 Media Abstractions: Image data n States: {pic1.gif, … pic7.gif} n Features: Names of the people shown in the photographs (Bob, Jim, Bill, Charlie, Ed) n Extraction Map: state feature pic1.gif Bob,Jim pic2.gif Jim pic3.gif Bob … n Relations u state-dependent : left-of u state-independent: father n Inter-state relations may be empty

5 5 Media Abstractions: Video data n States: frames 1.. 5 n Features: Jane Shady, Denis Dopeman, Dopeman-house, briefcase,.. n Extraction Map: state feature frame1 Jane Shady, Dopeman-house, briefcase frame2 Jane Shady, Denis Dopeman, Dopeman-house, briefcase frame3 Jane Shady, Denis Dopeman, Dopeman-house, briefcase frame4 Jane Shady, Denis Dopeman, Dopeman-house, briefcase frame5 Jane Shady, Dopeman-house

6 6 Media Abstractions: Video data n Relations u state-dependent : have person object state Jane Shady briefcase 1 Jane Shady briefcase 2 Jane Shady briefcase 3 D.Dopeman briefcase 4 u state-independent: spouse person spouse Jane Shady Peter Shady Peter Shady Jane Shady n Inter-state relations: u before(s 1,s 2 ) holds iff s 1 occurs before s 2

7 7 Simple Multimedia Database n Is a finite set of media extractions n simple multimedia databases are naive u a media abstraction may list “church” as a feature u when searching for “cathedrals” or “monuments” we may not find church because the system does not know that they are synonymous n users often search for media objects containing one or more features and then “refine” the search later when the returned objects (though correct) do not correspond to what they wanted

8 8 Structured Multimedia Database n SMDS consists of u set of media abstractions M u equivalence relation (  )on features F u partial ordering (  ) of the set on F/equivalence classes on F u inh: a map that associates with each feature f, a set of features below f according to the ordering on features u subst: is a map from

9 9 Example of SMDS media object part/frame features image photo1.gif - church,danube image photo2.gif - cathedral,melk image photo3.gif - church,st.paul, rome video video1.mpg 1-5 church,stream video video1.mpg 6-10 stream audio audio1.wav 1-20 st.peters,tiber n 3 media abstractions, one each associated with image, video and audio n features F = church, danube, cathedral, melk, st.paul, rome, stream, st.peters, tiber n equivalence u church  cathedral u river  stream n partial ordering  church cathedral river stream St.paul St.peterdanubeTiber rome melk

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