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From 200 to 1400 Mrs. Harvey. Early Byzantine Art Justinian Era - ca. 526-ca. 725 Iconoclasm - 726-843 Early Medieval Art Pre-Romanesque Art Carolingian.

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Presentation on theme: "From 200 to 1400 Mrs. Harvey. Early Byzantine Art Justinian Era - ca. 526-ca. 725 Iconoclasm - 726-843 Early Medieval Art Pre-Romanesque Art Carolingian."— Presentation transcript:

1 From 200 to 1400 Mrs. Harvey

2 Early Byzantine Art Justinian Era - ca. 526-ca. 725 Iconoclasm - 726-843 Early Medieval Art Pre-Romanesque Art Carolingian Art - 750-900 Ottonian Art - 900-1002 Romanesque Art - ca. 1000–ca. 1150 Early Gothic - 1140-1194 Gothic Art German Gothic - 13th-14th-centuries English Gothic - 1179-16th-century High Gothic - 1194-1300 Proto-Renaissance in Italy- ca. 1200–ca. 1400

3 The Carolingian world was essentially _____________________Society was based on a rather rigid _____________with the _____________at the top, the ___________and _________________below him, and the vast sea of ___________bound to the land at the bottom of the pyramid. There was little in the way of city life on any scale. The outpost of rural Europe was the miniature town known as the monastery or the stronghold of the nobles. The rise of the ______________________ would eventually destroy the largely ________________________society as the High Middle Ages emerged in the eleventh century.

4 The ________________was perhaps the single most _____________________ of in Europe during the medieval period, and St. Gall plan reveals the activities of ideal monastic life. During the 6 th century___________________________________. This became the basis for later medieval monastic organization — _______________________________________________. Through an emphasis on literacy and education, required to participate fully in Christian life, monasteries played a vital role in continuing and preserving Western heritage.

5 . St. Gall Monastery, plan. c. 819. 3' 8" x 2' 6". (Switzerland) The nave and side aisles provide numerous altars needed because each priest was required to say Mass daily. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

6 During this period, ____________________ flourished and expanded. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ______________, who hoped to benefit from their proximity. The Christian content of this object is evident in its iconography. Reliquary in the shape of a church. c. 1170. Height 1' 9 1/2".

7 In Europe, the period between____________________________________ _________________________. The term “Middle Ages” was invented during the Italian Renaissance to suggest that these centuries were an interruption between the golden age of classical Greece and Rome and the “new” golden age of the Renaissance. The people of the Renaissance dismissed the Middle Ages as an interval of darkness and cultural activity (“Dark Ages”_____________________________________), but historians today refute this characterization.

8 One unique form of painting that developed on Orthodox Christianity was the ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ By the later sixth century, the faithful attributed ________________________________________________. Conservative factions, called _____________________(image destroyers), feared that icons themselves had become objects of worship, __________________________________________________ They were countered by _______________________(image venerators) who argued that ____________________________________________________________ ______________________The dispute erupted into open and sometimes ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________


10 _________________________Art Telling Stories — __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Compressing the Narrative — _______________________ Narrative Simultaneity— __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


12 The term was first applied in ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Distinguished by ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Christ in Majesty with Angels, Symbols of the Evangelists, and Saints, from San Clemente, Tahull, Spain. c. 1123. Diameter of apse approx. 13'.


14 Art and the Pilgrim Manuscript _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ New development was the revival of monumental architecture and art, i.e., Cluny The notion of the pilgrimage, _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _____________________; pilgrim were sheltered in monasteries The Romanesque Artist in Europe Artists organized into __________________________ __________________________ __________________ Offered protection for the artists as a group and promoted social prestige Few works signed from this period

15 Dover Castle. Center distance: Roman lighthouse tower, rebuilt Anglo-Saxon church, earthworks. Center: Norman Great Tower, surrounding earthworks and walls, 12th century. Outer walls, 13th century. More efficient farming facilitated ___________________________, and people began to move from _____________________________ ____________. Increased __________________ provided resources for burgeoning ______________________in Europe. Building was focused _____________________________ __________________

16 During the middle Ages, ________________________pr oliferated, but their rules were similar. During the Romanesque period, most were located in the _____________, away from the __________________________ and other human beings. In the ___________________two new orders, the Franciscans and the Dominicans, were approved by the pope. Cluny, mother church of a reformed Benedictine order, became the center for learning and patronage of art. It was the largest in Europe at the time of its completion (consecrated 1131-1132). Romanesque monastery and third church, reconstruction. c. 1157.

17 . The Gothic style, the preeminent style in Europe from about __________________, was first defined in architecture and architectural motifs throughout Gothic art. Easily identifiable because of its unique vocabulary— _________________________________________________. Gothic architecture seems to have been developed by ________________________(SOO-Jay) (1081-1151), friend and advisor to French kings Louis VI and VII. Gothic emerged in the Île-de-France, the French king’s domain around Paris. Within 100 years and estimated 2,700 Gothic churches, shimmering in stained glass, were built in the Île-de-France region alone!

18 Urbanization of Europe was accompanied by significant developments of monasticism; emphasis shifted ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ In early 13 th century St. Francis of Assisi founded the begging order. The vast majority of works are _____________________, but we begin to find references to ________________________in a few documents, where named are praised for their skill. Emphasis on ________________________in __________________________ the New Testament

19 .




23 Here is where Gothic architecture was invented! Massive front hall (narthex) or ________________________________________ ____________________________ Rose window – ________________________________________ ____________________________ Twin towers ________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________ Large ______________________ Flying ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________ Strong ___________________________

24 St Denis, Interior Harolding the dawn of the Golden Age of Gothic Architecture in the 12th Century, Suger realized his life's dream of building an abbey that would have "the most radiant windows" which would "illuminate men's minds so that they may travel through apprehension of God's light." In his writings, _________________________from 1122 to 1151, equated Divine Light with the light that shimmered through the stained glass windows of his beloved abbey. Light ____________________________________________


26 Madonna of Jeanne d’Evreux. 1339. Height 2' 3". The particular figural pose that characterizes much of Gothic art is revealed here. This work was presented to the abbey of Ste.-Denis in 1339 by Queen of France. The Madonna stands in the Gothic ______________________________________ ____________________________________. In typical Gothic fashion the drapery ______________________________________ ____________________________________ The stylized iris held by the Madonna is the fleur-de-lis the symbol of French royalty.

27 Elements of Architecture: Rib Vaulting.

28 Chartres is the most ______________________________ ________, not only for the quality of its _______________________, but also because it ______________________________ ________________________ A tall church was thought to _________________. In addition, height could fuel rivalry between neighbors, for during the Middle Ages the local cathedral was an ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________.

29 Plan of Chartres Cathedral, c. 1194–1250.


31 The mismatched towers of the façade reveal the changing nature of Gothic style. The shorter, transitional Romanesque- Gothic tower was completed before the fire of 1194; the elaborately decorated, fully Gothic spire was not begun until 1507.

32 Windows tell ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________. Not all windows at Chartres are narrative. Monumental iconic ensembles were easier to “read” in lofty openings more removed from viewers such as the huge transept rose with 5 slender lancets beneath it, which proclaims the Virgin Mary’s royal and priestly heritage.




36 The art and architecture of Gothic France experienced a rich and rapid evolution, as it emerged from Abbot Suger’s vision of light- saturated monastic spirituality in the 1140’s. To enhance the desired effects of light and color, architects made buildings taller, walls lighter, and windows larger.

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