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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Today is Monday, November 3 Day 6

3 Open House Videos are due to Mrs Haslett this week. Any questions see Mrs. Haslett in J101 (1st- 3rd) or the Computer Lab.

4 Today we will have Mass at 8:15 in the Cathedral. Please proceed to the Cathedral after moning announcements.

5 There will be a Meeting next week for the Shakespeare Club on Wednesday, Nov 5 after school.

6 The Thanksgiving Drive begins next Tuesday. Nov. 4 th. The food and household items will go to St. Paul Cathedral Food Bank. This year the drive will also include gently used winter coats, hats and gloves.


8 Attention Seniors! The representative from Josten’s will be here in the Study Area to take Cap and Gown orders on Thursday, November 6 th during all lunch periods. Please complete the order form that was in the packet that you received in homeroom last week. All seniors must order a Cap and Gown. Complete the Cap and Gown section and hand it in to the representative on November 6th. Also, if you are interested in ordering additional Graduation accessories (graduation announcements, name cards, etc. (refer to the packet), you can also order them at this time using the same order form. Note: There is a $50.00 deposit required when ordering the additional accessories. Make checks payable to: Josten’s.

9 A reminder that all Senior Student Ambassadors will have a brief meeting tomorrow morning after homeroom in the Lecture Hall to go over important details about Open House Day. Please see Mrs. Fratto or Mrs. Marchiano with any questions."

10 Students doing PJAS science and math projects- the web site is now open for your projects. See Mrs. Benedik in G24 with your project idea. Your forms must be on line and in print before Thanksgiving vacation.

11 Those students interested in playing freshman basketball please come to the, Freshman Basketball open gyms, they will be held on Tues. Nov. 4 and Wed. Nov. 5 from 3-4:30pm in the Donahue Pavilion. Go Eagles!

12 Calendar Drive: We are 270 calendars away from our goal and want a day off! Any student who turns in 1 additional sale by next Thursday, November 6th will be entered into the drawing for a $250 Simon Mall Gift Card. Students who have already participated in the drive with sales will get an extra ticket in the raffle. In addition, the first 50 students to turn in sales between now and next Thursday will earn a bonus prize!

13 Anyone trying out for a winter sport must have the PIAA sports physical forms completed by Nov. 17.

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