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EcdyNews Official Newspaper of the 16th International Ecdysone Workshop Vol 2 n° 3 Ghent, July 12, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "EcdyNews Official Newspaper of the 16th International Ecdysone Workshop Vol 2 n° 3 Ghent, July 12, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 EcdyNews Official Newspaper of the 16th International Ecdysone Workshop Vol 2 n° 3 Ghent, July 12, 2006

2 Today’s program Wednesday, 12 July, 2006 8h00 -:Registration + coffee 8h30-9h30:Two Keynote Lectures on non-genomic actions & membrane receptors: by S. Sakurai (Japan) and P. Evans (UK) 9h30-10h15:Oral session 7 “Non-genomic actions” 10h15-11h15:Poster session 8 “Phyto-ecdysteroids, still basis” 11h15-13h00:Oral session 9 “Ecdysozoa: special emphasis to Crustaceans” 13h00-14h00:Lunch 14h00- :Guided excursion (reservation has to be made)

3 General agreements for the lunches at Ecdysone Workshop For all paid participants Buffet formula: à volonté Drinks (coffee/thee/water/soft drinks): free and continuously present at self service corner Smakelijk – bon appetit – Guten Appetit – Enjoy your meal - ….

4 Lunch on Wednesday (13h00  14h00) Buffet from Italy and the Mediterranean: different pizzas, quiches, and ‘croque monsieur’ Every day an alternative suggestion for vegetarians is also provided

5 EcdyNews Tourist Supplement The Belgian Beers Belgium is the home of more than 115 breweries producing about 500 beers. This does not include special one-off beer styles, which would add another 500 beers to the beer list.

6 Diversity of Belgian Beers -The pils or lagers: Jupiler, Stella Artois, Maes,... -The white beers: La Binchoise Blond, Hoegaarden, Brugs, Steendonk,... -The blond beers: Duvel, Delirium Tremens, Blond Ciney, Brigand, … - The brown beers: Kwak, Brown Ciney, Verboden Vrucht, …

7 - Abbey beers: Leffe, Grimbergen, Tripel Karmeliet, Maredsous, Watou,... - Trappist beers: Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, Westvleteren,... - Other beers: Gueuze, Palm, Rodenbach, …

8 Where to buy these Belgian Beers Adress BVBA De Hopduvel Coupure links 625 9000 Gent Belgium Tel. : 0032 9 225 20 68 Fax : 0032 9 225 69 94 E-mail: Opening hours Tuesday - Saturday : 10.00 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 18.00 Sunday : 10.00 - 12.00 Closed on Monday and holidays Annual vacation : spring half-term and the second half of July

9 Hopduvel

10 Our Wednesday excursion to the historical centre of Ghent

11 When? Departure: Wednesday afternoon after lunch at 2 pm We walk from the venue to the center (about 15 min) Duration excursion: about 3-4 hours Price: we did an extra effort to make this free for you Interested?  Put your name on the list before Tuesday 4 pm

12 What will we visited? 14h30-: Guided tour in Saint Bavo’s Cathedral

13 Saint Bavo’s Cathedral Emperor Charles V was christened in this cathedral in 1500. This splendid cathedral combines various styles: Romanesque style, high Gothic, late Gothic The christening chapel contains the famous masterpiece the “The Mystic Lamb” (15th century) from the Jan and Hubert brothers Van Eyck (separate admission: €2.5/3) other art treasures, e.g. 22 alters, crypt, painting of Rubens

14 16h30-: Walking on water - Boat trip An enthralling historical passage through medieval Ghent admiring its wide range of monuments: –Old guildhalls –Impressive castles –The old fish market facing the even older Meat Hall built for donkey’s years –Monasteries –The ancient port of Ghent with along with its quay-walls and mercantile houses

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