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“Jesus said to them, ‘ Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing.” – Jn 5:19.

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Presentation on theme: "“Jesus said to them, ‘ Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing.” – Jn 5:19."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Jesus said to them, ‘ Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing.” – Jn 5:19

2 What part of your life have you not invited the Lord?

3 You’re going to have to look at your life and just see what you are doing certain activities for… how much it is with Jesus and how much it is with me filling up on the attractions of the world

4 My way of looking at surrender was a sacrifice, I’m going to give this over to show my love for someone else….but it’s the other way round, it’s the love of God that compels me to surrender It’s not about sacrifice, it’s not about surrendering objects to get objects, we’re surrendering our heart to be filled with the spiritual gifts.

5 The starting point, if one is clueless as to what their path is in life, is to surrender over time for prayer Once we make a commitment of surrendering 15 mins of our day, that’s as big as a commitment as surrendering my guitar….or how much money you want to give to charity, because that’s the start of the spiritual relationship with the Lord. that one hour you spend with the lord, is probably going to save you 15 years of your life of doing the wrong thing

6 There’s more to surrendering, we surrender because we believe that the Lord is willing to come and fill us through the holy spirit…but we can’t receive it if there’s nothing to actually fill How much does the Lord want? Everything. How much do I want to surrender? Everything. Why? Because he will fill me with everything.

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