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Genesis §The Flood Narrative Rabbinical Tradition in Judaism §Questions, Details: Sins, Food, Animals, Continence, §Names of God: YHWH - Mercy; Elohim.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis §The Flood Narrative Rabbinical Tradition in Judaism §Questions, Details: Sins, Food, Animals, Continence, §Names of God: YHWH - Mercy; Elohim."— Presentation transcript:



3 Genesis §The Flood Narrative Rabbinical Tradition in Judaism §Questions, Details: Sins, Food, Animals, Continence, §Names of God: YHWH - Mercy; Elohim - Justice §Noah - in the hierarchy of Justice with Moses and Abraham

4 Genesis Philo of Alexandria §Contemporary of Jesus, influenced by Greek philosophy §Three Senses of Scripture: --Historical: event, what happened --Moral Sense: Acting, How to act --Allegorical Sense: Alexandrian Allegory - Spiritual Realities l Flood = flood of human passions, the purification of the soul. l Going out of the Ark = escape from the body and its passions l to be free l Philosophy of body/soul -- Biblical text as image of this l Meaning: Philosophy, Ideas--Bible dresses this in narrative form.

5 Genesis Fathers of the Church: Origen, Ambrose, Augustine and others Allegory that is Christological, Soteriological, Ecclesiological Christ Salvation of Soul Church Noah as symbol of Christ; New Adam Christ was just; Ark of death leads to life Other historical events: Life, Death, Resurrection of Jesus Ark as grave, sepulchre of the soul and of Christ Flood as passage through death Ark as image of the Church (Cyprian) - whoever is in the ark is saved. Flood as judgment. Extra ecclesia, nulla salus. -- Appeal to enter the ark. Wood of the ark compared to wood of the Cross.

6 Genesis §The Dove - symbol of the Holy Spirit (Baptism of Christ) §Christ sends His Spirit after Resurrection - Pentecost. §Going out of the Ark: Resurrection §Raven that doesn’t return: evil, sin expelled from the soul. §Sinners expelled, excommunicated from the Church. §Details allegorically interpreted as figures of other things. §O.T. text understood in view of faith in Christ.

7 Genesis Critical Exegesis §Names for God: YHWH/Elohim - parallel stories §Problems discussed today 1. Relationship of the Sources 2. Possibility of a Synchronic reading 3. Link between the Biblical Story and other Flood accounts

8 Genesis P & J Compared §P - more complete than J §J - lacks construction of the Ark § lacks going out of the Ark § other elements fragmentary §J - considered more ancient than P

9 Genesis Various positions: 1. Independent - no relation between sources Some elements of P from other sources, e.g. Mesopotamian myths a. Tebah - Ark b. Mabbul - Flood c. P has covenant of God with all animals d. Mount Ararat only in P (8:1-2) e. Rainbow f. Flood as end of a Golden Age 2. P depends on J P knows J and changes certain elements 3. P more ancient than J and J represents a later addition to P J is editor of the P story, adding elements from Mesopotamia

10 Genesis Parallels in Mesopotamian Literature §Atrahasis §Gilgamesh (11th Tablet) §Sumerian Flood - Eridu §Berossos - Babylonian priest

11 Genesis Points of Contact §Decision to Send the Flood: noise of humanity §A god who helps a hero §Flood §Sacrifice §Decision not to send a Flood again

12 Genesis Synchronic vs. Diachronic reading §Synchronic: text as a whole, without history of text sources §Diachronic: take history of text into consideration §Suggestion: Palistrophic symbol - candelabra §Tensions within the text: e.g. Number of animals - § one pair of all vs. 7 pairs of clean/one pair of unclean §Stylistic Study - research to find structure. §Exegesis: aim is to understand the text, to see how it functions, § what are the elements of its dynamics, logic of the text itself?

13 Genesis The Flood Narrative Text of the Flood §Where does it begin? 6:1, 6:5 or 6:9 §Where does it end?8:22, 9:17, 9:19 or 9:29

14 Genesis The Flood Narrative §5:28Birth of Noah §5:32Birth of Noah’s three sons §6:1-4Union of sons of God, daughters of men - cause of the flood? §6:5-8First decision of God - suppress all living things §6:8Noah finds favor in God’s eyes §6:9Formula: generations of Noah §Most likely beginning: 6:5 Perception of God that begins the story. cf. Gen. 18:2; Gen. 19:16; Gen. 33:1 § Most likely ending: 9:19 New beginning

15 Genesis Elements of the Biblical Account §1. Preparation: 6:5-7:5 §6:5-8 and 6:9-12Two introductions §6:13-22Discourse of God §7:1-5Particulars

16 Genesis 2. The Flood as such: 7:6-8:22 §7:6-16Entrance into the Ark §7:17-24Complete Destruction of the Universe §8:1-5God enters §8:6-14The birds §8:13-19Exit from the Ark §8:20-22Offering of sacrifice

17 Genesis 3. After the Flood: 9:1-19 §9:1-7Blessing §9:8-17Covenant concluded §9:18-19End of the story §Transformation: §Initial situation--final situation §Flood: new beginning §One episode in the history of the universe

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