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Published byAustin Horton Modified over 10 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 66 You might have once heard somebody in a position of power at a company laugh and brag about how easy it
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 67 was for them to intimidate and frighten a person who was spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. There is an old saying that you reap what you sow but a lot of people don't like the idea that you
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 68 have to work at planting seeds if you want to have a harvest. A lot of people prefer to reap where they don't sow. A person in a position of power at a company who purposely tries to intimidate and frighten
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 69 a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable employee is the type of person who likes to reap where they do not sow. It is easy for them to frighten the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 70 person because early in life the vulnerable person probably had someone who was in a position of power over them making it impossible for them to develop spiritually and psychologically. That person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 71 who had power over the vulnerable person early in life planted the seeds of spiritual and psychological weakness into the vulnerable person and as the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person goes through life they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 72 will meet people from time to time, like the boss in the present example, who will reap the harvest from the destructive seeds that were planted in the vulnerable person early in life.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 73 While the boss who frightened the vulnerable employee is out drinking with his friends at a bar bragging about his conquest saying things like, "you should have seen it - his face went totally red", the spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 74 psychologically vulnerable employee will very likely be at home laying down in bed feeling sick. The vulnerable person might have a headache and will probably have the same feelings that they have had many times
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 75 before during their life when someone in a position of power was treating them unfairly and where there was nothing they could do to stop it. They will feel that they need to think rationally and snap out of what they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 76 feeling but their underlying feelings of panic that they have kept below the surface and that are now coming to the surface will make it impossible for them to think rationally. Just like they have done in similar
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 77 situations in the past where they had no clue as to what they should do, they will probably decide to just let the situation unfold and hope that the solution to the problem will somehow magically appear.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 78 As the days go by the vulnerable person (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man in this example) might notice that his boss is becoming a bit more accepting of him and he
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 79 might also notice that some of the other employees who had been having trouble with a lack of motivation at their jobs are now doing better than they had done before. The vulnerable person will realize that when
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 80 the boss treated him unfairly, it motivated the other employees and the work of the other employees improved as a result. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man will then realize that his
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 81 boss is at least somewhat happy with him and happy to have the vulnerable man working for him because any time the boss wants to, he will able to improve the performance of the group by
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 82 treating the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man unfairly. But as soon as the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man starts to be comfortable in his new role
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 83 as the person who is responsible for the improvement in the performance of their group, the other employees will once again start to lose their motivation as they will be unhappy that the spiritually
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 84 and psychologically vulnerable man is no longer being treated unfairly. At this point the boss will feel the need to once again treat the vulnerable man unfairly.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 85 The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man might at this point use his present work situation to help him understand what happened to him early in life when people in a position of power treated him
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 86 unfairly. He will hope that by gaining insight into what caused the original trauma that makes him freeze up when he is treated unfairly, he will be able to handle this type of pressure better in the future. What he learned from
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 87 the experience described above was that early in life, just like in the experience he just had at work, when he was treated unfairly by people in a position of power there was really no way to negotiate with the person or
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 88 people who were treating him unfairly because that person or those people who treated him unfairly liked the end result of what occurred when they treated the vulnerable man unfairly. They liked the fact that when they treated
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 89 the vulnerable man unfairly it motivated the other people in the group to do better. The group that the vulnerable man was in did better when the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man was treated
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 90 unfairly. That was probably one reason why the vulnerable man was never able to break free from his difficult situation early in life. If the vulnerable man would have been allowed to become stronger early in life
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 91 it would have made the group as a whole become weaker and the group would not have allowed that to happen.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 92 The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man might have imagined during the early years of his life that the person or people who had treated him unfairly early in life did not like him because they always seemed
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 93 to be trying to block or discourage his efforts to develop good relationships with other people. They would often pressure him when he tried to do something that might help him to develop good
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 94 relationships with other people. The relationships could never develop because he was pressured so much when he tried to develop good relationships with other people that he would have to back off from trying to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 95 develop good relationships in order to reduce the pressure that was being put on him. After analyzing what happened in the work situation described above, the vulnerable man realized that the person or people who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 96 were treating him unfairly early in life probably did not want him to develop normal relationships with other people because if that were to happen, there would be nobody left to provide extra energy to the other members
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 97 of the group when they started to lose their motivation. Instead of his spiritual energy going out to other people in genuine relationships where the other person could return to him the spiritual energy that he
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 98 was sending to them, he was forced to only send a small amount of spiritual energy to the people who he had relationships with and he was forced to send a lot of spiritual energy to the other group members so that they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 99 could become stronger at his expense. This transfer of spiritual energy to the other group members happened whenever he was treated unfairly. The person or people who treated the vulnerable man unfairly early
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 100 in life did what they did because of their love for the group that they were a part of. Because of their strong love for their group, they had a strong desire to make their group stronger.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 101 When a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person is treated unfairly and when they start to freeze up or panic (because they don't know what is happening to them at that moment) it might be useful for them to learn to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 102 understand that society allows them to be treated unfairly because it is generally thought that the good of the many is more important than the good of the individual. They may not like the fact that they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 103 forced to sacrifice their spiritual energy for the good of the group, but it might be useful for them to understand why this is allowed to happen. Another thing that runs through the mind of a spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 104 psychologically vulnerable person when they are treated unfairly is wondering what will change in their future relationships as a result of the spiritual attack that is being made on them in the present. They know that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 105 every time someone makes a spiritual power play on them where they are forced to give up their spiritual energy for the benefit of the group, their relationships with other people become worse as a result. But they don't really
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 106 understand the manner in which their relationships with other people change for the worse when they have their spiritual energy taken away from them for the benefit of the group.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 107 Following is an analysis of the differences between linking your spiritual information (or spiritual graphics) with other people and embedding your spiritual information (or spiritual graphics) with other
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 108 people. Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people over time tend to develop a spiritual structure where they embed the spiritual information of other people into their souls rather than forming real-time and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 109 automatic spiritual links between their soul and the souls of other people. Each time someone unfairly takes advantage of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable individual it forces that person to move further away
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 110 from the normal situation where a person forms automatic spiritual links with other people and pushes them further into being forced to form artificial spiritual links with other people where the spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 111 information is embedded rather than linked. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might not like the fact that what is happening to them might force them further into only being able to embed
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 112 the spiritual information of other people into their souls, but it might help them deal with the panic they feel when they are treated unfairly if they could understand the exact manner in which their relationships with other
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 113 people will change in the future if the person who is attacking them (and who is causing them to panic) is allowed to steal the vulnerable person's spiritual energy.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 114 If you are familiar with the world of computer graphics, you already know about the concepts of linking and embedding. When you want to insert a graphic into your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 115 document, you can choose to link it in such a way that the graphic shows up in your document but is actually stored somewhere else on your computer or somewhere else on the network. If you choose to embed the graphic
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 116 in your document, the graphic will become a permanent part of your document and it will reside in your document.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 117 In a large company several people may link to a particular graphic which resides on the company network. If the company chooses to update (or change) the graphic, the next time a person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 118 opens their document, they will have the latest version of the graphic. If they embed the graphic, the next time they open their document, they will get the version of the graphic that existed when
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 119 they created their document originally. There is a strong similarity between the linking of computer graphics and the dynamics of what happens when people automatically
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 120 exchange spiritual information with other people. But while your computer program goes out on the network to access the latest version of the desired graphic, human beings go out on the "spiritual network"
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 121 to access spiritual information (thoughts and feelings) from other people. When people link to other people spiritually they are constantly receiving updated, dynamic, and real-time exchanges of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 122 subconscious spiritual information with other people who they know by accessing their spiritual information through the spiritual network.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 123 Those people who are not able to automatically exchange spiritual information with other people (individuals who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable) have a tendency to embed
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 124 spiritual information from other people into their souls. For this reason they have trouble keeping up strong relationships with other people. But embedding the spiritual information of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 125 another person in your soul (and embedding your spiritual information in another person's soul) is not quite the same thing as embedding a graphic in a document that you are working on. When you embed a graphic in a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 126 document that you are working on and the graphic changes on the network, you will have exactly the same graphic in your document that you had before. When you embed the spiritual information of another
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 127 person in your soul and you or the other person goes through some sort of a change, there is some updating of the "spiritual graphic" that you have in your soul of the other person
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 128 (and some updating of the "spiritual graphic" they have in their soul of you) that takes place. Unfortunately, the updating of spiritual information that occurs when people embed the spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 129 information of another person into their soul will not be as strong or as accurate as the updating of spiritual information that takes place when a person automatically
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 130 links their spiritual information with another person.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 131 You may have heard people talk about how their current lover was able to tie up their emotional loose ends and was able to help to bring their life into perspective. It was almost as if the spiritual energy that the individual had
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 132 been exchanging with their previous lovers (who were no longer physically present) was transferred to their new lover (who was physically present). Individuals who are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 133 spiritually and psychologically vulnerable (people who tend to embed the spiritual information of other people into their souls) also have a tendency to transfer their exchanges of spiritual energy from people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 134 who they knew in the past (people who exchanged spiritual energy with them in the past) to people who they know now (people they know in the present who exchange spiritual energy with them). The spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 135 psychologically vulnerable person might think that the person they are involved with must care about them deeply because they can tell that they are exchanging quite a bit of spiritual information with the other person. But
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 136 because of the fact that they have formed a relationship with the other person based on embedded spiritual information, the other person will not think that the volume (or the quality) of the spiritual information being exchanged
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 137 is a good basis for a relationship and they might even get nervous when they sense they are exchanging a lot of embedded spiritual information with the vulnerable person. They might think that it is not
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 138 appropriate to have a lot of spiritual information being exchanged in a relationship that is based on embedded spiritual information and they may want to cut back on the amount of spiritual information that is being
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 139 exchanged. This tends to be the unfortunate end result of embedding the spiritual information of other people into your soul and it is understandable that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 140 people are not be happy when they are forced further into only embedding the spiritual information of other people into their souls (when they are treated unfairly and have their spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 141 taken from them for the benefit of the group). When someone treats a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person unfairly and causes that person to freeze up and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 142 panic from all of the confused feelings that come rushing into them at that moment, it would be useful for the vulnerable person if they could at that moment understand exactly why they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 143 are feeling panic. The information presented in the example above might help some spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people understand what goes through their minds when they freeze up and when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 144 start to panic. Other spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people might be from a different background than that of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 145 person in the example above. Learning to understand our fears can help us to overcome our fears. But each person is different and each person needs to on their own come to terms with the things in
The Philosophy of Exotischism Ignorance Is No Excuse 146 life that are difficult for them to understand and the problems in life that are difficult for them to solve. Copyright 2009 Don Bergquist
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