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Magic e by Mrs. Meranto. Learning I can decode and determine the meaning of words. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of new words: prefixes,

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Presentation on theme: "Magic e by Mrs. Meranto. Learning I can decode and determine the meaning of words. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of new words: prefixes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magic e by Mrs. Meranto

2 Learning I can decode and determine the meaning of words. I can use context clues to determine the meaning of new words: prefixes, suffixes, restatements, examples given in context. I can read vowel-consonant-e syllable words. I can read long vowel sounds and new keywords.

3 Magic e works his magic on the vowel in the vce pattern. When a vowel is followed by a consonant and a magic e, the magic e says, “Abracadabra” and the vowel changes his name “just like magic.” vowel-consonant

4 Watch the Magic! /b/ /i/ /k/ e = bike /j/ /o/ /k/ e = joke /m/ /a/ /k/ e = make

5 Magic e bakecakefakelakemakeraketakebakecakefakelakemakeraketake BikehikelikeMikepikeBikehikelikeMikepike broke choke Coke joke poke woke duke fluke Luke puke

6 Magic e domehomedomehome baleDalegalemalepalesaletalebaleDalegalemalepalesaletale bride hide pride ride side tide wide file mile Nile pile tile while

7 Magic e crime dime grime lime prime slime time fine line mine nine pine vine whine bride hide pride ride side tide wide datefategatehatelatemateratedatefategatehatelatematerate

8 Magic e dice mice nice price rice slice twice

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