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“Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” Friday 3/7/09 Joke Hofmans Flanders office in Brussels -

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Presentation on theme: "“Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” Friday 3/7/09 Joke Hofmans Flanders office in Brussels -"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Who do I call if I want to call Europe?” Friday 3/7/09 Joke Hofmans Flanders office in Brussels -

2 Content 1.Vleva (Liaison Agency Flanders Europe) 2.EU grants: logic? 3.Sources of information 4.Funding: Progress 5.Beyond the grants

3 MISSION  “intelligence” platform  organized Flemish social fabric  European policy arena  Facilitate and orientate TASKS  Knowledge broker  Network developer  Representative  Project guide VLEVA (1)

4 Vleva and grants: - Call page (chronologically; - All calls are repeated in the monthly newsletter - Funding data base (online search engine) - Partnersearch page - Contact list of national contact points, experts, Fleming at the European Commission - Question and answer service (first aid) - Information meetings - To refer - To link with potential partners and relevant networks VLEVA (2)



7 KLEIS and vleva: partners in crime - Kleis: European knowledge centre for the Flemish social profit sector - To avoid duplicates: Jos is part time seconded in vleva (health and well-being policy) VLEVA (3)

8 Kleis and vleva: We don’t: - write the proposals - make a quality check of the proposal - participate as a partner We do: - screen - search for partners, relevant contact points, networks, experts - search for existing best practices VLEVA (4)

9 2. EU grants: logic? (1)  EU grants for a “European Negotiation Seminar” for University students?  EU grants to recruit a medation officer?  Measures in the framework of the European Economic Recovery Plan  Brownfield grants  Grants for an online forum on top-class sport  Grants for a cultural house  Exchange of ideas and projects between Red Cross divisions

10 2. EU grants: logic? (2) 1.European grants are based on European policy/ work programmes 2.Co-financing 3.No regular activity (in general) 4.Not retroactive 5.Transnational co-operation 6.Dissemination of results

11 2. EU grants: logic? (3) -20 calls/month -For all target groups: SME’s, NGO’s, government, researchers, youth,… -From different institutions, DG’s and agencies -Most succesful calls return

12 3. Sources of information(1) Sources of information (EU):  Official Journal of the European Union  “Grants, funds and programmes by EU policy” “Grants, funds and programmes by EU policy”  Brochure “New funds, Better rules” Brochure “New funds, Better rules”  Mailservice and RSS feed

13 3. Sources of information(2) More specific: -Annual work programme of grants and public procurement contracts for 2009 (update: 19/6/09)Annual work programme of grants and public procurement contracts for 2009 -Annual Management Plan DG EmploymentAnnual Management Plan DG Employment -Website calls ProgressWebsite calls Progress

14 3. Sources of information(3) Sources of information:  EU institution/ agency  National or regional Contact points  International networks  Colleagues in other cities

15 4. Funding: Progress (1) -Very centralized programme, no national contact points -Rare information days (but presentations on demand) -Call published? Oath of secrecy for everyone in the units! -Operational grants published as calls -Contact: Ms Antonia CARPARELLI, Head of Unit Unit 2: Inclusion, Social Policy Aspects of Migration, Streamlining of Social Policies, 022993428, Mr Georg FISCHER, Head of Unit Unit 4: Social Protection, Social Services, 022992118

16 4. Funding: Progress (2) -Work programme 2010 (calls + thematic year): act now! Johan VANDENBUSSCHE, Directeur-adjoint Cabinet du Ministre Fédéral des Pensions et de l'Intégration Sociale Tel. +32 2 238 28 01 Mobile: +32 478 21 27 31 Fax : + 32 2 238 28 71 E-mail: Thérèse BOUTSEN, Représentation Permanente de la Belgique Tel.: +32 2 233 21 11 Fax: +32 2 231 10 75 E-mail: = members of programme committee = limited contact point, provide information, but no guidance, no quality check,…

17 5. Beyond the grants (1) HomeCare Europe as a point of reference? 1. Anticipation -Screening (field, funding, supporting structures) -Internal communication of dossiers and problems 2. Pro-active -To react promptly 3. Credibility -Knowledge -Reliability of information -Quantitive and qualitative requirements for partners

18 5. Beyond the grants (2) Resources: -2007-2013 Multi annual programme -Commission Legislatif and Workprogramme -EU Presidency programme -EP thematic committees -Ateliers Committee of the Regions -Consultations -Conferences -Call for experts ! Anticipate the agenda

19 Contact Joke Hofmans Liaison officer Vlaams-Europees Verbindingsagentschap Liaison Agency Flanders Europe Kortenberglaan 71 - B-1000 Brussel Tel +32 (0)2 737 14 33 - fax +32 (0)2 737 14 49 GSM +32 (0) 486 933 244 -

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