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Tips and tricks: KU Leuven. Degree Seeking Students Orientation days 18/09/2014 Joke Vanhoudt Study Advice Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips and tricks: KU Leuven. Degree Seeking Students Orientation days 18/09/2014 Joke Vanhoudt Study Advice Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips and tricks: studying @ KU Leuven. Degree Seeking Students Orientation days 18/09/2014 Joke Vanhoudt Study Advice Service

2 1. Study Advice Service Prospective students Programme information Programme selection KU Leuven students Learning skills o Study methods o Planning your work Programme information Advice on changing programme Opportunities for advanced students o Study abroad o Career guidance A centre of expertise on student learning and study choice. Fosters the development of know-how, prepares policy and provides advice and training for:

3 Introductory video Video : Study Succes @ KU LeuvenStudy Succes @ KU Leuven (

4 2.Themes Relationship Student-Professor Study Method – Study skills Time Management Cultural Differences in the Study Approach Different kinds of courses and assignments Writing Papers / Master Thesis Exam Expectations Practical Information o The story of Peter, master student in chemistry

5 A. Relationship Student-Professor Not too familiar Asking questions to the professor? o In class : relevance for others o After class : ‘argumented’ question Respecting the hierarchy Professors appreciate : o Critically o Coöperating o Independant

6 B. Study Method / study skills Is taking notes necessary? o Student course books What to learn and how? o Text book (marking, reading, analysing) o Exercises (familiar and new) o Notes

7 B. Study Method / study skills Critical thinking o When reading o Analytical thinking Memorizing literally? Check your memory style! o To know – to do Own examples, counter examples Comparisons Exercices Applications Critical point of view, … The study skills handbook (Author: Stella Cottrell, Editor: Palgrave MacMillan)

8 C. Time Management What is different with previous study experiences ? Hours of studying When to begin? Where to study? o Room o Library o Agora? Study plan How does the academic year look like?

9 Overview of the academic year

10 D. Cultural differences in the study approach Selection before or after studying? o Passing the admission in the beginning ≠ passing the exams at the end? Exam expectations Independant thinking and studying o courses and assignments

11 (Academic) culture Power distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty avoidance Pragmatism Indulgence

12 E. Different kinds of courses and assignments o lecture/tutorial o exercise session - integrated practical (compulsary, permanent evaluation) o group presentations o paper/essay o master thesis/dissertation (independant working, limited coaching)

13 F. Writing papers/master thesis Goal : personal, independant synthesis of literature, research in lab, … What is plagiarism? o Copying or paraphrasing (articles, sites, …) without acknowledgment. Referring and citing : some misconceptions : insulting the professor. Consequences at KU Leuven : o

14 G. Exam Expectations Examination Forms o Oral (feedback of prof) o Written Open questions (structure) Multiple choice (guessing : -1/3 for wrong answer) o Paper (plagiarism) o Presentation (not only content) o Exercises Deliberation Criteria Ombudsperson

15 Grading MarkTranscriptUSECTS% of succesfull Your answer 20OutstandingA+A10%Exceptional, additional analyses, additional information 19 18 17Very goodA 16B25% 15GoodA-Own examples, counter examples, comparisons, critics, application, exercises 14C30% 13Above averageB 12D25%Structuring answer 11SatisfactoryB-C+Memorizing literally, basic understanding 10CE10% 8-9InsufficientDSuperficial knowlegde- comprehension 0-7Very insufficientFLack of knowledge- comprehension

16 H. Practical information Registration o Student number + Passwords for Toledo and ISP Start classes : Tuesday Sept. 23th ‘14 ISP = Individual Study Programme o Choosing electives o Numerus clausus? o Exam planning o Before the 8th of October o Sessions in faculty/programme Toledo :

17 Further info sessions Tips and tricks 1: Studying @ KU LeuvenStudying @ KU Leuven Thursday 18th of September 2014 Tips and tricks 2: Study approach @ KU LeuvenStudy approach @ KU Leuven Monday 27th of October 2014, 8pm Tips and tricks 3: Time management @ KU LeuvenTime management @ KU Leuven Monday 27th of October 2014, 9pm Tips and tricks 4: Master thesis @ KU LeuvenMaster thesis @ KU Leuven Monday 17th of November 2014, 8pm Tips and tricks 5: Presentation techniques @ KU LPresentation techniques @ KU L Monday 17th of November2014, 9pm Tips and tricks 6: Exams @ KU LeuvenExams @ KU Leuven Monday 1st of December 2014, 8pm

18 Digital info o Support, services at K.U.Leuven o Study advice service

19 Contact Joke Vanhoudt Study Advice Service Naamsestraat 80 3000 Leuven 016/32 43 11 > Contact form

20 Questions?

21 The End


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