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Phonics Resources: Long o (CVCe)

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics Resources: Long o (CVCe)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics Resources: Long o (CVCe)
Unit 2 Week 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Phonics Resources: Long o (CVCe) Phonics Resources: Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll Comprehension Resources: Sequence Grammar Resources: Days, Months,&Holidays Practice and Spelling Workbook Jefferson County Schools Credited for Daily Fix Its

2 How do animals work together to survive?
Question of the Week How do animals work together to survive?

3 Day 1 Morning Warm-Up! Some animals live and work together. They are a lot like people. How do animals work together to survive?

4 Amazing Words enemy extinct protect

5 Shared Literature Mama Newt Said “Let me protect you,” Mama Newt said.
“I’ll keep you safe and Make sure that you’re fed. A crow is an enemy, A snake is one too. Papa and I will Watch over you.” “Try to be careful,” Mama Newt smiled. “I know there are dangers Out here in the wild. If we keep our eyes open And keep our hearts linked, Then there is no chance Of becoming extinct.” Click to Play Song

6 Introduce Phonics Target Skill: Long o (CVCe)
Activity 4: Long O Words with the C-V-C-Silent E Pattern (01:02)

7 Make real long o words. sm dr gl th obe ove oke ose

8 Spelling Words I like my new home. home

9 Spelling Words The monkey hopes to get a banana. hope

10 Spelling Words Water is coming out of the hose. hose

11 Spelling Words The rose is yellow. rose

12 Spelling Words Those dinosaur eggs are hatching. those

13 Spelling Words woke

14 Spelling Words Clowns tell funny jokes. joke

15 Spelling Words A hand has many bones. bone

16 Spelling Words The men rode horses. rode

17 Spelling Words The dinosaurs hid behind a stone. stone

18 Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers

19 Phonics Resources: Long o (CVCe)
SMART Board Activity: Long o Sound Button: Split o_e Find the Long o Word See ‘n Spell Long Vowel Picture Match: Long Vowel Wordmaker: Split Vowel

20 Build Background

21 How Animals Work Together
Build Background How Animals Work Together

22 The order that events take place is called sequence.
Comprehension Target Skill: Sequence The order that events take place is called sequence. Words like first, next and last help readers figure out the order of events. Good readers pay attention to the order in which things happen. Adapted from Jefferson County

23 Put the ordinal words by the correct sentence.
The kids went on stage. The cat came out with the hat on. The kids made animal masks. next last first first next last Adapted from Jefferson County

24 Put the ordinal words by the correct sentence.
He sees a herd of triceratops. Big T. Rex wakes up. He runs up and down the slope. next first last first next last Adapted from Jefferson County

25 Comprehension Resources: Sequence
SMART Board Activity: Sequence-Putting Things in Order SMART Board Activity: Getting Things in Order Interactive Elements of a Story Sequence the Comic Strips Story Sequencer Instruction Sequencer Sequence Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

26 Shared Writing

27 M A C Monday april christmas
Grammar Target Skill: Days, Months, Holidays The words for the days of the week, the months of the year, and holidays begin with a capital letter. M Monday A april C christmas

28 Which words should start
with a capital letter ? Friday friday october October halloween Halloween girl

29 Grammar Resources:Days, Months,&Holidays
SMART Board Activity: Capital Letters-Days of the Week SMART Board Activity: Capital Letters-Months Look, Cover, Write Go for Gold: Capitalize

30 Daily Fix-It A fox lives in pine park. it has fiv kits.

31 A fox lives in pine park. A fox lives in Pine Park. it has fiv kits.
Daily Fix-It A fox lives in pine park. A fox lives in Pine Park. it has fiv kits. It has five kits.

32 Day 2 Morning Warm-Up! Today we’ll read about a frog that sits on a log in a bog. Eating bugs and slugs makes him grow. What makes you grow?

33 Amazing Words crater holler

34 Shared Literature Why is the frog afraid of the alligator?
What does the frog do when it sees the alligator?

35 Introduce Phonics Target Skill: Contractions
Word Pup Discovers Rhymes, Contractions, and the Bossy R (14:39) Find the Contraction (04:53)

36 Contractions with not. do n’t not did n’t not are n’t not have n’t not

37 I ‘m am we ‘ll will she ‘ll will they ’ll will
Contractions with am and will. I ‘m am we ‘ll will she ‘ll will they ’ll will

38 Phonics Resources: Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll
Many Contraction Activities On-line Contraction Practice Contraction Match Fly By Contractions

39 sp st h d ope one oke oze Make real long o words.
Click here for long o spelling words for this week. sp st h d ope one oke oze

40 Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers
Apply Phonics Decodable Reader and Leveled Readers

41 Vocabulary Words now down inside there together

42 They all go swimming together.

43 The paper goes inside the recycle bin.

44 I see three huge dinosaurs over there.

45 Stan slipped and fell down .

46 I have to feed my dog right now.

47 the way on that do and take in up help use get
Review High Frequency Words the way on that do and take in up help use get

48 eat too her your small tree many into them home
Review High Frequency Words eat too her your small tree many into them home

49 Review High Frequency Words
this saw put good no old want catch paper

50 Review High Frequency Words
could be out horse who live work people

51 M A C Monday april christmas
Grammar Target Skill: Days, Months, Holidays The words for the days of the week, the months of the year, and holidays begin with a capital letter. M Monday A april C christmas

52 Grammar Resources:Days, Months,&Holidays
SMART Board Activity: Capital Letters-Days of the Week SMART Board Activity: Capital Letters-Months Look, Cover, Write Go for Gold: Capitalize

53 Daily Fix-It 3. The Boys ran a rase. steve is not as fast as tom.

54 steve is not as fast as tom. Steve is not as fast as Tom.
Daily Fix-It 3. The Boys ran a rase. The boys ran a race. steve is not as fast as tom. Steve is not as fast as Tom.

55 Day 3 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read about dinosaurs.
We’ll learn how they cooperate. They share the job of protecting each other. What jobs do you share?

56 Amazing Words swamp

57 Shared Literature How did the frog recognize the gator?
How would you describe the bog? What kinds of plants live in the bog?

58 c z r ch ope one ode oke Make real long o words.
Click here for long o spelling words for this week. c z r ch ope one ode oke

59 Build Words: long o and contractions
Build Words with Fridge Magnets Smartboard Gallery

60 Build Background Classify

61 Vocabulary

62 Vocabulary Words now down inside there together

63 The order that events take place is called sequence.
Comprehension Target Skill: Sequence The order that events take place is called sequence. Words like first, next and last help readers figure out the order of events. Good readers pay attention to the order in which things happen. Adapted from Jefferson County

64 As you read, think about the order in which things happen.
Comprehension Target Skill: Sequence As you read, think about the order in which things happen. Ask yourself what happens first, next, and last.

65 Comprehension Resources: Sequence
SMART Board Activity: Sequence-Putting Things in Order SMART Board Activity: Getting Things in Order Interactive Elements of a Story Sequence the Comic Strips Story Sequencer Instruction Sequencer Sequence Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

66 Vocabulary: Categorize
Visit the websites below to learn about meat eating dinosaurs and plant eating dinosaurs. Going Back Through Time With Dinosaurs The Reptile Kingdom Game

67 M A C Monday april christmas
Grammar Target Skill: Days, Months, Holidays The words for the days of the week, the months of the year, and holidays begin with a capital letter. M Monday A april C christmas

68 Grammar: Days, Months, Holidays

69 Daily Fix-It 5. The triceratops mad a circle Can the baby hid in it.

70 5. The triceratops mad a circle The triceratops made a circle.
Daily Fix-It 5. The triceratops mad a circle The triceratops made a circle. Can the baby hid in it. Can the baby hide in it?

71 What would you like to see in a museum?
Day 4 Morning Warm-Up! Today we will read a news page about a class that takes a trip to a special place. They visit a museum. What would you like to see in a museum?

72 Amazing Words bluff boisterous

73 Shared Literature Listen to find out how the elephants take care of the boisterous babies.

74 Vocabulary Words now down inside there together

75 Phonics Review: long i & short i

76 c z r ch ope one ode oke Make real long o words.
Click here for long o spelling words for this week. c z r ch ope one ode oke

77 Writing Across the Curriculum
Journal Entry Pretend that you are explorers in Africa. Imagine that you are watching a group of elephants. What would you write at the beginning of your journal? What things might the elephants do? What would you want to report about the elephants?

78 M A C Monday april christmas
Grammar Target Skill: Days, Months, Holidays The words for the days of the week, the months of the year, and holidays begin with a capital letter. M Monday A april C christmas

79 Grammar: Days, Months, Holidays

80 Daily Fix-It 7. Jen like Elephants. 8. Cann’t she take one hom?

81 7. Jen like Elephants. Jen likes elephants.
Daily Fix-It 7. Jen like Elephants. Jen likes elephants. 8. Cann’t she take one hom? Can’t she take one home?

82 Day 5 Morning Warm-Up! This week we read about dinosaurs and other animals that live together. They find food and protect one another from enemies. How are these animals like a community?

83 Oral Vocabulary loud soft boisterous whisper

84 “I’m looking at this globe,” said Dot. Hope can’t close the box.
Long 0 and contractions Review Underline words with long o and identify the contractions. Rose isn’t home. “I’m looking at this globe,” said Dot. We’ll vote for Cole. Hope can’t close the box.

85 High Frequency Words ______ was a roar that made them frown.
Complete the rhyme with a Word to Read on page 86. ______ was a roar that made them frown. In hills and mountains, up and _____. Animals came from far and wide. They made a circle-small ones _____. ______ they stood, the time was ___. Then all T. Rex could think was “Wow!”

86 Daily Fix-It 9. the cat has the Hat. 10. I will mak a mask

87 9. the cat has the Hat. The cat has the hat. 10. I will mak a mask
Daily Fix-It 9. the cat has the Hat. The cat has the hat. 10. I will mak a mask I will make a mask.

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