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Ultimate Team Sports.

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1 Ultimate Team Sports

2 HISTORY Ultimate Frisbee is now called ‘Ultimate’ as Frisbee is a registered trademark. Ultimate was originally created by Joel Silver of Columbia High School in New Jersey in 1968. He made a proposition to the School Council regarding the creation of an Ultimate Frisbee team. Silver admitted that he only said this as something of a joke and he certainly did not foresee the sport’s popularity taking off like it did. The first game of Ultimate Frisbee took place between the School Council and The Colombian Newspaper in 1968 which was won by the newspaper by a score of 11-7.


4 HOW TO PLAY There are 2 teams of each
Game begins with a throw-off determined by a coin toss Games consist of 2-24 minute halves Goals are worth 1 point A goal is scored by advancing the disc past the goal line Change of possession each time a team scores The disc advances by passing the disc from player to player The game is won by the team with the most points after time has expired If a foul is called the fouled player is given possession of the disc at that point.

5 The line a team has to cross with the disc to score
GOAL LINE The line a team has to cross with the disc to score

6 END ZONE The area of the playing field where the Frisbee must be caught to score points 

7 TRAVELING A violation that occurs when a player runs while holding the Frisbee or when the thrower lifts his/her pivot foot

8 THROW OFF/PULL The throw from one team to the other that starts play at the beginning of a half or after a goal

9 Any event resulting in a change of the team in possession of the disc
TURNOVER Any event resulting in a change of the team in possession of the disc 

10 An agreed upon violation of the rules
FOUL An agreed upon violation of the rules

11 BACKHAND THROW A throw in which a player brings the Frisbee across to the other side of the body and then propels it forward BACKHAND THROW VIDEO

12 FOREHAND THROW A throw in which a person swings the arm backward and then rotates it forward along the same side of the body; The Frisbee should roll off the middle finger FOREHAND THROW VIDEO

13 TWO HANDED CATCH A catch performed by placing one hand on top and the other on the bottom of the Frisbee, bringing both hands together to grasp the disc

14 ONE HANDED CATCH A catch performed by positioning the thumb up if the disc falls below the chest or the thumb down if the disc approaches above the chest

15 HUCK A long throw that extends at least half the distance of the field in an attempt to reach a downfield receiver

16 MARK/GUARD Refers to either the act of covering the person with the disc (often preventing that person from throwing in one direction) or the person covering the disc him/herself.

17 Time a thrower has to get rid of the Frisbee (“Stalling 1, 2, 10”)
ULTIMATE VOCABULARY STALL STALL COUNT Time a thrower has to get rid of the Frisbee (“Stalling 1, 2, 10”) The defensive player counts up to ten, if the disc is not released before the count reaches ten, it results in a turnover

18 The person with the disc.
ULTIMATE VOCABULARY PICK HANDLER Getting in a defender's way so that that defender cannot follow his or her man in a straight line; this is a violation in ultimate The person with the disc. 

19 When the disc is caught in the end zone by a player on the offence
ULTIMATE VOCABULARY POINT OR SCORE SPIRIT OF THE GAME When the disc is caught in the end zone by a player on the offence The underlying principle of sportsmanship inherent in all aspects of the sport of Ultimate that places the responsibility for fair play on the player

Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes. Occurs when a player violates the rules but does not initiate physical contact. Common violations include traveling with the disc, double teaming, and picking (moving in a manner so as to obstruct the movement of any player on the defensive team)

The flat hi-tech plastic object used in the game of Ultimate. The official disc weighs 175 grams.


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