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Chris Davis, Instructional Support Coordinator Teaching Online with

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Davis, Instructional Support Coordinator Teaching Online with"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Davis, Instructional Support Coordinator Teaching Online with

2 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments 1.Who are you? 2.What do you teach? 3.Online Teaching / Learning Experience? Introductions

3 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Agenda Tuesday, September 10 and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 (8:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.) Introduction to teaching online with Blackboard using the Blended Schools Curriculum with emphasis on the following skills: –Logging into and navigating Blackboard –Getting familiar with the BSN curriculum –Introduction to online learning –Adding teacher presence to online classes

4 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments What is Not-for-Profit Organization dedicated to providing robust, engaging learning environment –Network of Educators –Curriculum –Technology –Professional Development –Language Institute

5 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Not for profit. Tooling districts for the future. Goal is to help develop 21st Century teachers / classrooms Courses are written by highly qualified teachers Employees are educators. What Makes BSN Unique

6 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments How Districts Use BSN Charter school studentsCharter school students Home schooled studentsHome schooled students Homebound studentsHomebound students Gifted education or accelerationGifted education or acceleration Alternative educationAlternative education Summer schoolSummer school Supplementing regular classroom instructionSupplementing regular classroom instruction Students who travelStudents who travel RemediationRemediation Credit recoveryCredit recovery OtherOther

7 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments How it Works Join BSN Designate UserbandAnnual Agreement Select an Online Primary Contact (OPC) OPC Training Get Started 500 hours of PD (onsite / online) Access to 190+ coursesBlackboard licenses Video / interactive learning objects Continued PD & Support Online Help Desk Live Help Desk Weekdays Online / onsite PD

8 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Online world language instruction Includes curriculum and instruction Priced per enrollment per semester –Arabic –Chinese –Japanese –Russian –Hindi –Spanish –French –Latin –German Language Institute

9 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments

10 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Username mc99.cdavis Password = welcome

11 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Edit Your Personal Info

12 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Edit Your Personal Info

13 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments The Tab

14 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments The Tab Start Page 1.Add desired modules 1.Drag / Drop modules 1.Minimize / Expand modules 1.Edit Personal Info

15 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Who Develops These Courses? Practicing K-12 teachers Developers are trained in technology and basic design principles BSN Staff supports new developers along with previously successful teacher developers Teachers work in teams to develop the courses If you are interested in becoming a developer, contact

16 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments The Course Catalog Find the BSN Course Catalog on your “Classes” tab. Click “All Available classes.”

17 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Course Categories Catalog is organized by discipline Use Category drop- down to a discipline to browse. Then click “Go.”

18 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Category Listing

19 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments The Course ID SC. 09. EarthSpaceA_3.0. bnet4copy Subject Identifier Level Identifier Course Name and Version District Identifier

20 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Consistent Structure Breadcrumbs Class Information Class Menu Units Resources

21 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Unit Structure Enduring Understandings Unit Vocabulary Project Introduction Lesson Folders Assessments Folder –Authentic project –Knowledge and Skill Test Curriculum Map

22 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Multiple Learning Activities Direct Instruction Videos Note Taking Lesson Hook Essential Question Evaluation Lesson Components All elements of a lesson fit together for a complete learning experience. Feel free to edit, copy, move elements to fit your students’ needs.

23 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Resources Differentiation Folders Teachers files Introduction (student tutorials) Class Information Area Report an Error Providing Engaging Learning Environments

24 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Class Information Course Entry Point Contains –Syllabus –Enduring Understandings –Course Materials Lists –Customizable Policies –Credits Providing Engaging Learning Environments

25 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Syllabus Example

26 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Gradable Items List Example

27 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Do You Know? Essential Question Students will be able to answer at the end of the lesson

28 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Getting Started Similar to a “bellringer” or “anticipatory set.” Often in form of a simple joke, image, cartoon, video, practice problem, or fact.

29 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Note-Taking and Vocabulary Concept Vocabulary Simple games to introduce key vocabulary and concepts Intentional Note-Taking Reminder for students to take notes Graphic organizer of outline of lesson

30 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Lesson Presentations Student Controls –Pause, rewind, re- watch Multiple Videos –If lesson is complex “Flip” your classroom starting with these videos Use the PPT slides (in teacher files) to create your own screencasts

31 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Learning Activities Interactive Activities for practice Internet Links Editable Extension or clarification Assignments Open-ended practice

32 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Collaborate and Reflect These activities require students to: think again about the big ideas of the lesson be reflective in their writing.

33 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Checks for Understanding At the end of a unit: Authentic Unit Project Unit test Course final In a lesson Open Ended Assignment Lesson Quiz Journal Reflection

34 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments BSN 3.0 Course Introduction New 3.0 Courses New course design Interactive lessons Self-scoring learning activities ScoreCenter tracking

35 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Why 3.0? Lesson Packages Textbook Required Textbook Free

36 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments What Does a 3.0 Course Look Like? 3.0

37 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Navigation 3.0 Easy-to-use navigation Helpful sidebar links

38 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Interactive Lessons 3.0 Practice during context of lesson Interact with content Self-scoring

39 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Checks for Understanding 3.0 Checks for understanding for formative assessment Self-scored

40 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Teacher View of Participation Attempt-based ScoreCenter Report See score, duration, give feedback

41 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Teacher Control Teachers can: Override auto-scores Edit settings for scoring Move lesson packages

42 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Previewing 3.0 Courses Only enrolled users can access these new lessons due to ScoreCenter / Grade Center connection. So we have created a special “Preview” area for you, allows you to see the full lesson without needing to connect to Grade Center

43 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Getting Started with 3.0 Courses Teachers 1.Hide the Preview area from the class menu. 2.Show the actual unit content areas in the class menu.

44 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments When will Courses Become 3.0? New Releases = 3.0 Current Releases will be converted over time 2.03.0

45 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments 1.Avoided speaking in a meeting? 2.Hesitated in joining a committee? 3.Multi-tasked during a meeting? Have you ever…

46 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Hide Hesitate Hold out They will…

47 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments What are the benefits of creating a community atmosphere in an online class? How can you establish your presence in your online class? What and How?

48 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Why Create a Community? “Without the support and participation of a learning community, there is no online course” Moller, L. Designing communities of learners for asynchronous distance education. Educational Technology Research and Development Perceived community = student learning = success or failure of the students.

49 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Why Create a Community? “Feeling lost or isolated is often big complaint of students who had a bad online class experience.” Lucidway eLearning group, Missing or Disengaged Teachers. “Where’s my teacher?” is the most frequent and complaint when it comes to online learning. Debbie Morrison, Instructional Designer Master’s College in Santa Clarita CA

50 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Strategies for Creating a Sense of Community Starters / Ice breakers Personalized first contact Personality / learning style test Video intro Voice Board intro Learner Profile Wiki Email Learner Journal Add a web link to a personality test, share results in blog Catch Them

51 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments What do you think? In a traditional setting, how long does our brain focus attention at a time? (# of hours, minutes or seconds)

52 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Brain in Focus? 8 seconds Kostina and LaGanza, Golden Climate in Distance Learning 2012 Our brain needs stimulation in the form of curiosity.

53 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments Qualities of a Good Ice-Breaker Fun Non-threatening Quick Simple Person-focused, not content-focused Promotes finding commonalities with others

54 Providing Robust, Engaging Learning Environments S trategies for Establishing Your Presence Start the conversation Acknowledge and exemplify contributions Set the tone Clarify PREVIEW 6 ways to increase social presence 1.Welcome letter 2.Personalized intro 3.Frequent announcements 4.Appear in discussions 5.Synchronous workshops 6.Office hours / conferences Hong Wang, PhD in Faculty Focus. Feb 18, 2010 Join Them

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