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From Trials To Temptations James 1:12-16. From Trials To Temptations We have begun a study on the book of James Our study so far has brought us 3 lessons.

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Presentation on theme: "From Trials To Temptations James 1:12-16. From Trials To Temptations We have begun a study on the book of James Our study so far has brought us 3 lessons."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Trials To Temptations James 1:12-16

2 From Trials To Temptations We have begun a study on the book of James Our study so far has brought us 3 lessons surrounding the trials we face in this life It’s interesting that James moves from trials to temptations

3 From Trials To Temptations The words used for trials (v. 2) and temptations (v. 12) are actually the same words The word seems to be used in a broad sense including anything that might try or test our spirituality in this life So we switch gears to temptations

4 From Trials To Temptations Certainly temptation can be a scary word However, the more we know about something, the better we can combat it What does James teach us about temptation?

5 Temptations 1. Possibility of endurance (v. 12) ▫It was comedian Flip Wilson who made the phrase “the devil made me do it” famous ▫Although a joke, many people have recited it in all seriousness ▫If it is true, then we cannot resist temptation

6 Temptations 1. Possibility of endurance (v. 12) ▫However, James gives us a different view ▫It is possible for us to resist and endure temptation ▫Paul wrote about the same idea in I Corinthians 10:13

7 Temptations 1. Possibility of endurance (v. 12) ▫That same word for temptation is used in both passages ▫God gives us a way of escape when that temptation comes ▫It is up to you and I to have the integrity to look for it

8 Temptations 2. Source of temptation (v. 13-14) ▫James also teaches us just who is the source of our temptations ▫Again, some believe incorrectly that God tempts us ▫However, James says that is not the case

9 Temptations 2. Source of temptation (v. 13-14) ▫Why would God, who loves us and wants us to do right, tempt us to do wrong? ▫Not only is God incapable of being tempted, but He also is incapable of tempting anyone

10 Temptations 2. Source of temptation (v. 13-14) ▫Instead, James teaches us that we are tempted when we are drawn away by our own desires ▫Satan is known as the tempter (Matt. 4:3; I Thess. 3:5) ▫We are told to resist the devil (Js. 4:7)

11 Temptations 2. Source of temptation (v. 13-14) ▫Satan feeds off of our desires to tempt us to sin ▫He does his best to draw us away from God and then entice or ensnare us in some sin ▫Satan works with our desires to get us

12 Temptations 3. Birth of sin (v. 15) ▫When Satan uses our desires to be lured away from God, it gives birth to sin ▫Sin is a word that should scare each and every one of us ▫It’s the reason why people are lost

13 Temptations 3. Birth of sin (v. 15) ▫When we act upon our desires in a way that goes against the will of God, sin is then born ▫That sin puts a separation between ourselves and God (Is. 59:2) ▫There is certainly a slippery slope there

14 Temptations 4. Consequence of death (v. 15-16) ▫Satan does his best to make sin look good ▫Satan is good at deception (II Cor. 11:14; Rev. 12:9) ▫What we need to understand is that the consequence of sin is bad

15 Temptations 4. Consequence of death (v. 15-16) ▫James tells us that sin brings forth death ▫That death is not just an eventual physical death, but a spiritual death, the kind we need to worry most about ▫Romans 6:23

16 Temptations 4. Consequence of death (v. 15-16) ▫Jesus said we need to be fearful of Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matt. 10:28) ▫In all this, the danger of sin is that it can cause us to be deceived, as James warns

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