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Principal- Justin Hahn Counselor- Ellen Rademacher Family and Consumer Science- Heather Maier SRO- David Bauer.

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Presentation on theme: "Principal- Justin Hahn Counselor- Ellen Rademacher Family and Consumer Science- Heather Maier SRO- David Bauer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Principal- Justin Hahn Counselor- Ellen Rademacher Family and Consumer Science- Heather Maier SRO- David Bauer

3  Sxw Sxw

4  Why are you here today ?... … because we care! A new study from Drexel University found that the majority of young people are not aware of the legal ramifications of underage sexting Not to make you feel bad/ashamed Help you be aware of the consequences INFORM PROTECT EDUCATE EMPOWER

5  PUBERTY- When people start changing from children to adults This is when hormones are secreted from the pituitary gland in your brain which causes your bodies to change physically, mentally, emotionally and socially

6 ….and then when hormones come into play it adds a whole new dynamic… Friends Media Family

7 The sexual habits and desires of a person. It is totally NORMAL to have sexual desires, thoughts and interests. *What matters is how you act on these desires/habits.

8  As teens’ brains develop and mature they (unfortunately) aren’t able to make safe decisions for themselves  ….especially if they allow their hormones to decide for them

9  You understand reproductive health  You have healthy relationships  You know how to set personal limits  You know how to communicate your desires  You have assertiveness—you make decisions for yourself

10 Mutual respect Trust Honesty Support Fairness/equality Separate identities Good communication …Does not include sexting Bare your feelings, not your skin healthy_relationship.html#

11  No Longer “Just a phone”  Surf the web  Text/Chat  Photos  Videos  Music  Games  Calendar (to name a few)

12  Cell phones are vital to teens identities  Cell phone indicates social status & popularity  47% stated their social life would worsen or end without a cell phone  57% credit mobile device w/ improving lifestyle  A mother of a 14 year-old boy surveyed stated  “He is embarrassed for his friends to see his phone.”

13  What does the future hold?

14  Pew says more 12 year olds use their phone to text with friends than to actually talk face to face with them.  42% can text blindfolded

15  Girls text more than boys  Girls 80/day Boys 30/day  83% of youth in survey have used their phone to take a picture and 64% share the pictures with others.

16  Texted words  Audio files  Video files  Pictures  Graphics- business

17  Mobile Pornography  The sending of sexually suggestive content  Text messages  Pictures (of self or others)

18  Sent / posted nude or semi-nude pics/vids  22% Teen Girls (13-19)  18% Teen Boys  Sending or posting sexually suggestive messages  About 2 out of 5 teens have done it  Majority to boyfriend/girlfriend National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and Completed a survey in the fall 2008

19  75% of Teens say it can have serious negative consequences  Yet 2 of 5 have sent or posted sexually suggestive content  1 in 5 have sent nude or semi-nude images of themselves  Almost half say it is common to share images with more than the intended recipient

20  2 out of 3 – to be “fun and flirtatious”  52% girls – “sexy present” for boyfriend  51% girls – pressure from a guy  18% of teen boys pressure from a girl  40% – as a joke

21  Mainly used for fun, silly, or impromptu  Also used for inappropriate video  They usually end up on the internet  Very hard to control the distribution.

22  Petty Misdemeanor  Status Offenses  Misdemeanor  90 days jail and/or $1000 fine or both  Gross Misdemeanor  365 days jail and/or $3000 fine or both  Felony  1 yr+ jail and minimum $3000 fine or both

23  Possession of Child Pornography – Felony  Dissemination of Child Pornography – Felony  Manufacture Child Pornography - Felony  Defamation – Gross Misdemeanor  Penalty  Diversionary  Continuance for Dismissal  Adjudication and registration

24  Two H.S students cell video of themselves  Boy showed his friends  Copies made it to DVD  DVDs were located in local adult shops  Later located on the online auction sites.

25  Boy (17) asks for a nude pic of girlfriend  Girl (16) takes pic of herself and sends it to her boyfriend.  Boy forwards the pic of his girlfriend to several friends to show her off.  One of the friends cell phone is searched by his parent who calls the police….  WHAT LAWS WERE BROKEN?...  Consequences….., POR…..

26  Repeated harm inflicted through use of electronic media.  Chat rooms  Email  Social Network pages

27  NOTHING is truly anonymous  Pics and Videos last forever (can be morphed)  Peer pressure may be even greater in cyberspace  Other people may post your info. W/o permission  GEO TAGGING- what is on the electronic “fingerprint” of most cell phone pics?  Did you get your friend’s permission to post their image?

28  REAL LIFE RULES APPLY  Use caution on social networking sites  Boys can be victimized online too  Be aware of online peer pressure  Be willing to contact the police  Follow rules – your safety is our responsibility

29  Jobs, Colleges, Careers  Using searches for applicants  Use the public information on web sites  Law Violations  Images of illegal activity  Videos capturing crimes in progress

30 Image used with permission from

31  Do you know your child’s social media passwords?  If you ask where your child is going on Friday nights, you need to also think about the “virtual world”.  Don’t be afraid to take the phone away if they show that they are not able to be trusted with it.  Follow your gut. Ask questions. PARENT.

32  Follow parental / house rules  Privilege to use computer  No “right to privacy” from parents  Following rules = More Trust = More opportunities.

33  Messages or pictures you send are not truly private or anonymous.  The original recipient may forward or show the message to others.  Short term and long term consequences or your actions.

34  Do not respond to texts from unknown numbers  Do not say your phone number in a group  Anything you send will never truly go away  Consider the recipient’s reaction  Do not give into pressure to do something that makes you uncomfortable – even in cyberspace

35  Please be honest. No penalty.  How many of you received an electronic message during this presentation that there was going to be a “Big surprise” at the end?

36  Works Cited  (2015, 04 23). Retrieved from  (2015, 04 23). Retrieved from Digital Parenting:  (2015, 04 23). Retrieved from Odditycentral:  (2015, 04 23). Retrieved from  Wikipedia. (2015, 04 23). Retrieved from  Pew Research Center's Teens Relationships Survey, Sept. 25-Oct 9, 2014 and Feb. 10-Mar. 16, 2015

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