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Multi-Genre Research Papers Kimberly Puryear Jordan Winner.

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1 Multi-Genre Research Papers Kimberly Puryear Jordan Winner

2 Exhibit A  Multi-Genre Research Papers The project allows journeys for the young student mind Multiple mediums: whatever the student can find Poetry, Drawing, and Historical fiction The choice is up to the student’s predilection Allows for the combination of imagination and fact Some believe this method has a much greater retention impact

3 What is it?  Combines imagination and multiple genres such as drawing, poetry, songs, fiction, dialog, cartoons, and plays.  Each section makes a point of its own.  Sections combine to recreate both fact and the imaginative world of the drama, characters, and emotion.

4 When do we use it?  Most appropriate for English and Social Studies, but do have a place in math, science, and foreign language.  For example, to teach the students about a truth in science they may explore what life would be like if it did not exist.  What if the earth had no gravity or water boiled at a different temperature?

5 Benefits?  Yes, there are many.  Plagiarism is more difficult.  Students write about their own experiences.  Students write about their own opinions.  Students are forced to look at topics from different points of view.  Oh…..and it is FUN!!!

6 Connecting to 21 st Century Skills?  Analyzing Skills  Express material relevantly  Think outside the box  Question the world around them

7 Example 1  Theodore Roosevelt Poem Theodore Roosevelt, a man of many hats Boxer, hunter, cowboy, head cop Governor, President, tourist stop Theodore Roosevelt, more powerful than gats Been hit with a shell, but he don’t walk with a limp He trust-busted, square-dealed, and carried a big stick Theodore Roosevelt, a real rough-riding cat

8 Political Poster

9 Research and Literary Component  Biography of Theodore Roosevelt  Historical Fiction How would Roosevelt have handled 9/11?

10 Rubric RequirementsBrief DescriptionFeedbackPossible Points Earned Research Component Research Journal. Keep a weekly journal of research completed. This should be at least 1000 words each week and state fact and reflect. 20 points Literary Component Choose 1 literary component. This can be a Historical Fiction or an Interview. This should be 2 pages and portray an aspect of your individual’s character. 20 points Artistic Component Choose 2 artistic components out of cartoon, drawing, or a poem. These should portray some aspect of your individual’s character. 40 points (20 points for each component) Works Cited You will turn in all resources used. They need to include books, primary sources, and internet resources. 10 points Attention to Detail Make sure and check your documents for grammatical errors. Writing should be presented in a clear and concise manner. 10 points

11 Example 2: English Take one character from a novel and place him/her in another novel and write a story RequirementsBrief DescriptionFeedbackPossible Points Earned Research Component Read two novels that you would like to use and turn in two 3 page summaries of the novels. Good choice of combining Alice in Wonderland and Pilgrim’s Progress. 20 points 20 Literary Component Choose 1 character from one of the novels chosen and place him/her in the other novel. Write a 4 page story featuring the character. Interesting that you chose to combine Wonderland with Christian’s journey toward righteousness. 40 points 39 Works Cited You will turn in all resources used. They need to include both primary sources. Clean citations and excellent works cited page. 10 points 10 Attention to Detail Make sure and check your documents for grammatical errors. Writing should be presented in a clear and concise manner. More attention to detail needed. Perhaps you need to at some point glance at a dictionary for guidance on spelling. 10 points 3

12 Example 3: Foreign Language What if you lived in a South American Country? RequirementsBrief DescriptionFeedbackPossible Points Earned Research Component Research Journal. Keep a weekly journal of research completed. Should be at least 1000 words each week stating fact and reflecting. Very nice how you related to the material comparing your life to a high school students living in Brazil. 20 points 20 Literary Component Choose 1 literary component. This can be a Historical Fiction or an Interview. This should be 2 pages and portray an aspect of life in Brazil. The story of a young Brazilian girl auditioning for a school play in an American school touched on a universal fear of many high school students of being accepted. Good use of your Spanish vocabulary! 20 points 20 Artistic Component Choose 2 artistic components out of cartoon, drawing, or a poem. These should portray some aspect of your individual’s character. Both of your poems explore the rich culture of Brazilian life. Well done! 40 points (20 points for each component) 40 Works Cited You will turn in all resources used. They need to include books, primary sources, and internet resources. You need more primary sources. 10 points 8 Attention to Detail Make sure and check your documents for grammatical errors. Writing should be presented in a clear and concise manner. I can tell you spent a lot of time on your paper. 10 points 10

13 Example 4: Science, Astronomy What if you lived on Mars? RequirementsBrief DescriptionFeedbackPossible Points Earned Research Component Research Journal. Keep a weekly journal of research completed. Should be at least 1000 words each week stating fact and reflection. I like how you analyzed the differences between our atmosphere on Earth. 20 points 20 Literary Component Choose 1 literary component. This can be a Historical Fiction or an Interview. This should be 2 pages and portray an aspect of life on Mars. I like the creativity in your short story of the type of life form that could live on Mars and used your facts to make the form come to life. 20 points 20 Artistic Component Choose 2 artistic components out of cartoon, drawing, or a poem. These should portray some aspect of your individual’s character. I like how the drawing helped to create a visual of the life forms on mars. It really brought it to life! 40 points (20 points for each component) 40 Works Cited You will turn in all resources used. They need to include books, primary sources, and internet resources. You had a wonderful array of resources! 10 points 10 Attention to Detail Make sure and check your documents for grammatical errors. Writing should be presented in a clear and concise manner. You were very clear and concise in your literary component. The poem had some spelling errors. 10 points 7

14 Questions?  Benefits of using this type of paper?  Possible negatives of trying this in a high school class?  Has anyone already used multi-genre research papers in the classroom?  Has anyone thought of any possible examples they will use?  Can anyone think of any other connections to 21 st century skills?  This is a new and complex idea what questions do you have on how to implement multi-genre research papers in the classroom?

15 Resources  Ondaatje, M. (1970). The Collected Works of Billy the Kid. New York: Vintage International.  Romano, T. (2000). Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, Inc.  Romano, T. (1995). Writing with Passion: Life Stories, Multiple Genres. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers. 

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