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Muhammad and Islam Thesis: While many historians portray Islam developing in a cultural void, the archaeological evidence demonstrates that Muhammad’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Muhammad and Islam Thesis: While many historians portray Islam developing in a cultural void, the archaeological evidence demonstrates that Muhammad’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muhammad and Islam Thesis: While many historians portray Islam developing in a cultural void, the archaeological evidence demonstrates that Muhammad’s message would immediately appeal to the trading communities of Arabia.

2 Pre-Islamic Arabia 5 th /6 th CE Nomadic culture Regions (see maps) Saba Mecca Hadramawt Bahrain

3 Pre-Islamic Cities Aden Mecca Ubar


5 Mecca & Life of Muhammad Society Khadijah Quraysh Mecca Trade Religious center

6 Mecca Components Suq Haram Zamzam Ka’ba

7 Life of Prophet 610 622 629 632

8 Spread of Islam 630-950 Culture Religious presence No hegemonic states

9 Archaeological Material Trade Frankincense Dates Indian goods Divisions in society Kinship & families Nomadic

10 Islam Develops in a Rich Context Religious? Paganism Judaism Christianity Commercial? Long/short dis. trade Societal? Nomadic Kinship ties

11 Thesis Defendable? Many historians portray Islam developing in a cultural void. Why? Arabia: trading community Why the appeal of Islam? Why was the time right?

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