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Internal information 1 EPi/Policy training UK September 12, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Internal information 1 EPi/Policy training UK September 12, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal information 1 EPi/Policy training UK September 12, 2008

2 Internal information 2 Agenda, September 12 −The web policy in general −Templates – rules and guidelines −Page −Introduction page −Highlighters −Start page −News and Press start page −Document list −Contact −Left menu divider −Special link page −Blog −Form Break for lunch

3 Internal information 3 The web policy/manual in general −Why, where and how to use templates −Policy for web communications −Valid only for national sites and in combination with EPi templates −Also governing are Skanska Graphic Handbook, Message grid, Global Web Strategy −Constantly updated −More on EPi in the EPi manual

4 Internal information 4 The inverted pyramid

5 Internal information 55 The vital 3 questions 1.Do you have an audience, and can the audience use what you are creating? 2.Is this the proper channel for this message? 3.What do you want your reader to do when he/she has read your content, and is this action easy?

6 Internal information 66 The templates –Are created to ensure user-friendliness for the visitor to your website. –Use the templates as they are intended –Do not ever add code into the templates to add functionality or change the way they work or look.

7 Internal information 7 Page

8 Internal information 8 Tone-of-voice and language −Use shorter sentences than you usually would −Use shorter paragraphs and deal with one topic per paragraph. −Use active voice - avoid using passive voice −Examples −Active voice: The dog bit the boy. −Passive voice: The boy was bitten by the dog −Be sure to include the subject (ie “the dog”) early in your sentences for optimal readability online. −Try to involve the reader/the target audience in your writing.

9 Internal information 9 Disposition −Start with what is most important for the readers −Do not force readers to read more than necessary - they will be frustrated −It is ok if they leave after reading the introduction! −Inverted pyramid-style −First: Everyone in the audience must understand what the text is about −Heading −First sentence in introduction −First part of main text −Main text - do not forget to call for action ”Read more about…” ”Download…” ”Contact xx to learn more about…” ”Did you know that you can…”

10 Internal information 10 Headings −All pages must have headings −Not to lure the reader - to help them understand −”The highest form of luxury” - WRONG! −”Skanska to build tallest five-star hotel in Saudi-Arabia” - CORRECT −Think - labels for folders −Descriptive and crystal clear −Links to pages must match the headings −Highlighter heading must match heading on page

11 Internal information 11 Introduction −Two - three SHORT sentences −Describe the contents of your page −What is most important for your reader? −What can the reader do on the page? (If applicable) −Introductions - page description for search engines −The introduction should repeat what’s written in the heading −Wording should be different −The main text should repeat what’s written in the introduction −Wording should be different −Can’t describe in three short sentences? −Split your content on more pages −You are trying to say too much

12 Internal information 12 Images −Images should generally be used to strengthen the communication, not only as decorative elements. −Illustrate the topic of the page/section it’s inserted in, or portray the actual building, person, location the page/section is about. −We want to provide a feel of how it is to live, work in, or around the project. Portray the project in use – populated by office workers, residential owners etc. from the graphic handbook

13 Internal information 13 Images - alternative text −It is read by screen readers in place of images allowing the content and function of the image to be accessible to those with visual or certain cognitive disabilities. −It is displayed in place of the image in browsers that don't support the display of images or when the user has chosen not to view images. −It provides a semantic meaning and description to images which can be read by search engines or be used to later determine the content of the image from page context alone.

14 Internal information 14 Images – alternative text contd. It should: −present the content and function of the image. −be succinct (typically no more than a few words are necessary, though rarely a short sentence or two may be appropriate.) It should not: −be redundant (be the same as adjacent or body text). −use the phrases "image of…" or "graphic of…".

15 Internal information 15 Introduction pages Introduction pages are “switchboards” −The purpose is to help the visitor find what he/she is looking for within a specific category. −Top highlighter (colored square with image to the right): describe what the user can find on that specific part of the website. Not Skanska’s view on the topic, or what Skanska wants to convey. Avoid writing marketing copy! −Below highlighter: show the visitor where to find, within the section, the things he/she is most likely to be looking for. −Cross links in highlighters in the right column (level 2 and downwards): −Related to the topic −Related to the target audience needs

16 Internal information 16 Introduction page – level 1, alt. A

17 Internal information 17 Introduction page – level 1, alt. B

18 Internal information 18 Introduction page

19 Internal information 19 Start page

20 Internal information 20 Flash –Why use flash? Make sure you have good reasons. −It can distract the visitor from seeing the “real” content on the page −It is not possible to view for visitors with accessibility problems −It is not possible to view for those who have no Flash- viewer installed (or the wrong version) or has turned it off. −Search engines cannot index it −It can slow a page down

21 Internal information 21 News and Press start page

22 Internal information 22 Document list

23 Internal information 23 Contact

24 Internal information 24 Left menu divider

25 Internal information 25 Blog

26 Internal information 26 Pop up template

27 Internal information 27 Form

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