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Chapter 7 Airport Charts

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1 Chapter 7 Airport Charts

2 Chapter 7 Airport Charts

3 §7.1 Introduction Formats of Airport Charts:
The “classic” chart format The “Briefing StripTM” chart format

4 Heading of “classic” chart format
The “classic” chart format provides communication information on the right of the chart heading, with airport information on the left.

5 Heading of “Briefing StripTM” chart format
This chart format distributes the same information across the top of the chart so that you are reading it from left to right. It’s a widely used format of airport charts.

6 §7.2 Airport Chart Information
The airport chart contains four primary sections: Heading Plan view Additional runway information Takeoff and alternate minimums

7 Heading Plan View

8 Additional Runway Information
Takeoff and Alternate Minimums

9 §7.2.1 Heading The top of each airport chart provides standard information about airport, including the location and airport name, elevation, and communication frequencies.

10 § Heading Border Distinct areas of the heading:
Location and Airport Name Chart Index Number and Dates ICAO Location Identifier and Airport Information Communications Row

11 Location and Airport Name
Location Name/City Name Airport Name Select the right airport within a particular city

12 Chart Index Number and Dates
Chart Date

13 ICAO Location Identifier and Airport Information
The airport identifier, unique to each airport, is a combination of the ICAO regional designation and the airport’s governing agency designation(IATA). Airport Identifier Airport Elevation Coordinates represent the airport location as provided by the controlling authority ARP Coordinates

14 Communications Row Ground Frequency ATIS Frequency Departure Frequency
Delivery Frequency Tower Frequency

15 §7.2.2 Plan View The airport chart plan view portrays an overhead view of the airport, it can provide you with graphical information about the airport, such as its runways and lighting systems. Except the length and width of stop way and taxiway, lighting system, the other part of charts are portrayed on scale.

16 § Scales, Coordinate Tick Marks and Magnetic Variation
To help you measure distance, the plan view includes a scale showing both feet and meters. The scale a chart always use range from 1inch=1000feet to 1inch=6000feet.

17 Scale of the plan view of this chart is 1inch=1000feet

18 Latitude and longitude coordinate tick marks

19 Magnetic Variation

20 Longitude Runway Number RVR Tower Scale Magnetic Variation ARP Runway Elevation Runway Length Latitude Approach Light

21 § Runway Information The Runway Information is focused on the following items: Runway Numbers Runway Elevations and Length Displaced Thresholds, Stopways, Overruns Runway Surface Arrester Gear and Barriers Non-Runway Landing Areas

22 Runway Numbers and Magnetic Direction
Runway number is magnetic unless followed by “T” for true in the far north. Runway number and, when known, magnetic direction unless followed by “T” for true in the far north.

23 Seaplane operating area, or water runway.
Closed runway. Temporarily closed runways will retain their length and runway numbers.

24 Runway Elevations and Length
Elevations of the runways’ entrance and the lengths of the runways are usually marked at the end and the middle of the runways. Runway number and Magnetic Direction Entrance elevation of 07L Length of 07R

25 Displaced Thresholds and Stop-ways
Displaced thresholds reduce the length of runway available for landings. This portion of runway prior to a displaced threshold is available for takeoffs in either direction, and landings only from the opposite direction. Stopways or overruns are areas beyond the takeoff runway at least as wide as the runway and centered upon its extended centerline. They may be used to decelerate an airplane during an aborted takeoff.

26 Runway Surface In the plan view of the charts, different symbols are used to portray different runway surfaces. Paved runway Unpaved runway, such as turf, dirt, or gravel. The type of surface is usually printed on the chart next to the runway.

27 Pierced steel planking (PSP)
Seaplane operating area or water runway. Dashed lines indicate the operating area. Area under construction

28 Arrester Gear and Barriers
Unidirectional arrester gear Bidirectional arrester gear Jet barrier

29 Non-Runway Landing Areas
In addition to runways, the airport chart indicated landing areas as follows: Helicopter landing pad Authorized landing area (may be used on Australia charts with limited runway source information

30 § Taxiways and Aprons Taxiway and apron
Permanently closed Taxiway Designated stop bar or designated holding position Category Ⅱ/Ⅲ holding position

31 § Airport Facilities Buildings RVR with letter ARP Cone
Airport Identification Beacon Tee Navids RVR Tetrahedron

32 Buildings Buildings Large Buildings

33 Airport Reference Point
The airport reference point (ARP) is at the approximate geographic center of all usable runway surfaces, and is the point from which official latitude and longitude coordinates are derived. The center of the crosshairs marks the ARP’s exact location. When the ARP is on a runway centerline, an arrow points to its exact location.

34 Navigational aids On-airport navaid, such as VOR ,NDB ,or LCTR (locators, other than locators associated with ILS). When navaids are offset from the runway, you may need to make significant adjustments in your final approach course, once the runway is in slight.

35 RVR measuring devices RVR RVR with letter
RVR measuring site (transimissometer). The primary instrument runways at major airports may have as many as three transimissometers providing RVR readings, which include touchdown RVR, mid-RVR, and rollout RVR. RVR RVR with letter

36 Wind direction indicators
Cone or wind sock. It is used at both towered and non-towered airports. It can provide the present wind conditions near the runway’s touchdown zone. Wind tee. Determine the wind direction from a wind tee, but it doesn't indicate wind intensity or gusty conditions. The tail of the tee aligns itself like a weather vane into the wind, so you can take off or land on the runway that most closely parallels the direction of the tee.

37 Tetrahedron. It is a landing direction indicator, usually located near a wind direction indicator. It may swing around with the small  end pointing into the wind, or it may be manually positioned to show landing direction.

38 § Lights and Beacons The majority of lighting symbols on the airport diagram are approach lights and beacons. Approach Lights Beacons

39 Approach Lights Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing
Approach light system with sequenced flashing lights ALSF-I

40 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing Approach light system with sequenced flashing lights and red side row lights the last 1,000′ ALSF-II

41 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing Medium intensity approach light system with runway alignment indicator lights. MALSR

42 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing Medium intensity approach light system with sequenced flashing lights MALSF

43 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing Omni-directional approach light system ODALS

44 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing Runway alignment indicator lights RAIL

45 Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing CALVERT Approach Lights

46 CALVERT(CATⅡ/Ⅲ) Approach Lights
Name Abbreviation Chart Symbol Real Composing CALVERT(CATⅡ/Ⅲ) Approach Lights CALVERT(CATⅡ/Ⅲ)

47 Beacons Beacons are depicted on the airport diagram as stars “ ”.When the depicted beacon is the airport identification beacon, the star is circled “ ” and may appear with its MSL elevation.

48 Reference Points Man-made Reference Points Unknown Structure Tower
Building Road Railway Pole Line Lighted Pole

49 Natural Reference Points
Nature Terrain Bluff Trees

50 §7.2.3 Additional Runway Information
Some required airport information, such as lighting systems and usable lengths, cannot be portrayed in enough detail in the airport chart plan view. These information appears below the plan view in the box titled “Additional Runway Information.” This table provides information for each runway charted in the airport diagram, except for permanently closed runways, ultralight runways, and ski strips.

51 Additional Runway Information of Hong Kong INTL
Usable Length Runway Light System RVR Note Runway Width

52 The first column lists each runway, grouped in approach end pairs
The first column lists each runway, grouped in approach end pairs. Three types of information are provided for each runway: Lighting systems and equipment Usable lengths Width

53 § Lighting Systems and Equipment
Runway light System includes HIRL 、CL、TDZ. The interval of HIRL is 60m;interval of CL is 15(30)m

54 Runway Light System HIRL CL TDZ HST

55 Approach light---ALSF-Ⅱ
Approach Lights Approach light---ALSF-Ⅱ

56 Approach Lights RVR

57 § Usable Lengths Usable lengths


59 § Runway Width

60 You can also determine the runway width by counting the number of runway threshold stripes, as indicated in the following table:

61 § Runway Restriction Notes
Runway is grooved; PAPI of 07L is fixed at the left of runway , angle 3°; PAPI of 25R is fixed at the right of runway , angle 3°; HSTIL are located at High-speed taxiways A4 and A6.

62 §7.2.4 Minimums The bottom part of an airport chart includes up to three separate sections: Takeoff minimums Obstacle departure procedures Alternate minimums

63 Minimum for adequate Vis Reference
CL operative, centre line of the runway can be seen. One of the TDZ, middle and end of the runaway RVR inoperative, meanwhile the other two operative, the minimum for take off is RVR600FT. One or Two engines, RVR 50(5000FT) or VIS 1mile; Three or Four engines, RVR 24(2400FT) or VIS 1/2mile.

64 Take off from 6R, keep Minimum climb grads 281FT/MIN until climb to 400FT.
When take off from 6R, the light、visual reference couldn’t meet the standard, the take off minimum require ceiling to be 200ft,meanwhile VIS 1.25SM.

65 The following is a part of Hong Kong airport which is revised on October 28th,2005. The minimums for the air carriers which adopt JAA and FAR121 take off from Hong Kong are listed in the following chart. For all airports authorized Category Ⅱ/Ⅲ, if the RVR/VIS is below 400m, It is required to establish and apply LVP procedure when taking off .

66 Takeoff minimums published under the title “AIR CARRIER (JAA)” are based on JAR OPS-1 Subpart E. These minimums are provided for operators not applying takeoff minimums as specified under AIR CARRIER .They are shown in the following table. The criterion of this table is the category of aircraft, but not according to the number of engines, as FAR dose.

67 § Obstacle Departure Procedures

68 § Alternate Minimums When preparing your IFR flight plan, you must consider the weather reports and forecasts for your destination airport at your estimated time of arrival, plus or minus one hour. If the weather conditions are poorer than those specified by the governing agency, you must list an alternate airport on your flight plan. To qualify as an alternate, the airport you select, and its forecasted weather for your arrival time, must meet certain conditions.


70 End

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