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IYA2009 Theme Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA and Gemini) With valuable input from Rick Feinberg, Lars Lindberg Christensen and Ian Robson.

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Presentation on theme: "IYA2009 Theme Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA and Gemini) With valuable input from Rick Feinberg, Lars Lindberg Christensen and Ian Robson."— Presentation transcript:

1 IYA2009 Theme Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA and Gemini) With valuable input from Rick Feinberg, Lars Lindberg Christensen and Ian Robson

2 IYA2009 is an opportunity to: Celebrate Galileo and the 400th anniversary of using the telescope for astronomy Illustrate the cultural influence astronomy over time and connect science and culture Show that astronomy is one of most captivating branches of natural science and excellently suited to show the fascinating aspects of science, especially to young people Remind humanity that we are ourselves responsible for the future of our planet Portray astronomers as a global family of international collaborations. Encourage a scientific perspective in society

3 Increase public support for scientific researchIncrease public support for scientific research Improve science education at all levels, andImprove science education at all levels, and Attract young people to careers in science and technologyAttract young people to careers in science and technology

4 Develop a global theme that is universal (or close to) and can be used (or adapted) by any participating country The theme and adopted slogan/logo should be interrelated Theme should have a link to basic UN principles Connect people to the night sky

5 Get as many as possible to look at the night sky and/or look through a telescope at night Ideal activity for observatories, planetariums, astronomy clubs, and individuals Keep track of the number – Google Earth mashup? Appreciate the night sky Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pleiades, Orion, etc. Globe at Night concept – sharing of nighttime experiences Universe Awareness – expose children to the inspiration of astronomy

6 “The sky, our common and universal heritage, forms an integral part of the total environment that is perceived by mankind. Including the interpretation of the sky as a theme in World Heritage is a logical step towards taking into consideration the relationship between mankind and its environment. This step is necessary for the recognition and safeguarding of cultural properties and of cultural or natural landscapes that transcribe the relationship between mankind and the sky.” UNESCO - World Heritage Site


8 IAU and Global Events Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA and Gemini)

9 International Astronomical Union (IAU) will play a leading role as a catalyst and coordinator Most events will occur nationally, regionally and locally The IAU should take a lead on a small number of global activities including opening and closing events

10 The Universal TimesEstablish a Web site that follows astronomers from around the world as they experience IYA2009 – The Universal Times (modelled after Quantum Diaries) Universal Times aims to put a face -- many faces -- on the global astronomy community in 2009. Through their bios, videos, photos, and blogs, the bloggers offer a personal look at the daily lives of astronomers. It's about being a astronomer. That means that the bloggers write about their families, hobbies, and interests, as well as their latest research findings and the challenges that face them.

11 Sponsor an expanded Globe at Night program to connect people with the night sky and to help them become aware of light pollution issues Arrange a series of live webcasts over a 24-hour period from telescopes around the world. Each telescope would webcast for one or two hours with a ‘host’ at each telescope. The host would talk about the telescope, interview the observers about their science, show data, etc. Take advantage of the total solar eclipse of July 22, 2009, which will be the longest duration eclipse of the 21 st century.


13 IYA 2009 Opening and Closing Ceremonies and More! Dennis Crabtree (NRC-HIA and Gemini)

14 IYA2009 will span the calendar year Opening ceremony in January 2009 Closing ceremony in early- or mid-December Type of events? Locations?

15 The Official Opening Ceremony to launch International Polar Year 2007-2008 will take place at the Palais de la Découverte, a famous science museum in central Paris, France. The event will start at 11.00 Central European Time (CET) with a press conference, followed by a buffet lunch.

16 International Year of Physics 2005 Opening The launch conference « Physics for Tomorrow » took place in Paris, January 13-15, 2005, under the aegis of the UNO, the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), the IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) and the EPS (European Physical Society). It is also supported by a number of sponsors including French and international organizations and institutions. Over 1000 participants are expected, including many Nobel Prize winners and other eminent scientific personalities, as also around 500 young students from over 80 countries.



19 Suggest a 3-day conference as an opening event for IYA2009 Location: TBD (Paris, New York) Include high-profile speakers Conference to cover various topics : –Astronomy in different cultures –Accomplishments of astronomy since the first use of the telescope –Our current view of the universe –Astronomy and the public –Roundtable discussions

20 Suggest a more modest closing ceremony in mid-December A review of the excitement of the past year Announce the number of people that looked through a telescope during the year

21 IYA should have a major presence during the GA in 2009 A special Symposium on a topic TBD Other events?

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