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Propaganda and Political Cartoons Analyzing the images.

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1 Propaganda and Political Cartoons Analyzing the images

2  Political: that which is concerned with public affairs or government  Define the word “Cartoon”  a sketch or drawing that interests or amuses by portraying persons, things, political events or situations etc. in an exaggerated way  Therefore: a political cartoon is a sketch or drawing concerned with public affairs or government issues

3 What is the purpose of a political cartoon?  To convey a point of view about a significant event, individual or issue

4  Brainstorm: What significant event, individual or issue could the artist be depicting?  What is the message of the cartoon?

5 Step 1: Establish a knowledge Base  Why is establishing a knowledge base important?  Political cartoons in newspapers today may make immediate sense, but the context needs to be considered in looking at cartoons from the past  Political cartoons cannot be understood without establishing the context

6 Is the context enough?  From just looking at the individuals, could you come up with a time period?  How did you come up with your time period?  If you only knew that the time period was WWII could you understanding this cartoon?

7 Step 2: Identifying the Issue  Knowing what you do about Germany and Russia, what is the issue?  What is the artist message?  The Nazi-Soviet Pact; Germany and Russia will not remain allies forever

8 Step 3: Determine the devices used by the cartoonist  In groups of five, take the descriptions and political cartoons and match them up.  Which device best explains the political cartoon you are looking at?

9 Symbols: The Symbols of the Grim Reaper to represent death Cartoon A Cartoon B Analogy: The Prime Minister as the captain of a sinking ship is an analogy for the declining popularity of the political party

10 Cartoon C Caricature: The cartoonist exaggerates the physical characteristics to make it clear the individual is Japanese Cartoon D Facial Expression: It is evident that Hitler is worried and that his army is shouting at him from their facial expressions and body language

11 Cartoon E Words: Without the words, we would not know that the cartoonist was discussing the issue of racism in the United States

12 Step 4: Identify the Cartoonist’s Bias  What is a bias?  A slanted or prejudiced attitude that can prevent people from presenting evidence clearly and truthfully

13 Step 4: Identifying the Bias  National/Regional/Local Bias  Political Bias  Religious Bias  Racial/Ethnic Bias  Economic Bias  Gender Bias  Personal Values What are the potential bias a political cartoonist could have?

14 Step 4: Identify the Cartoonist’s Bias  Political cartoonists present a point of view that has often been shaped by many influences. They tend to portray issues in extreme: bad is very bad, and good is very good.  When examining a political cartoon you need to watch for bias.

15 You Try It!  Scrutinize the characters. Can you name them by drawing on your knowledge of local and world events?  Examine the characters' attire and other visual clues. For example: facial expressions: does the character's face convey anger, fear, intrigue etc.? complexion: describe the character's facial appearance (clean- cut and shaven, scruffy etc.)  Body expression and appearance: describe the character's physical appearance (slouched, arms waving frantically, small stature, broad and bold body etc.) attire: what is the character wearing? (suit and tie, underwear, hats, etc) exaggeration of facial or physical characteristics: compared to a photograph (e.g., chins, mouths, bulging eyes, long noses etc.)  Identify objects you see in the cartoon (buildings, fences, something the character is holding). Notice words on the objects and background features (sky, walls, water).  Using all of this information, identify the issue and what the message is.





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