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Key Words #1 for Jim Crow and Segregation Web Quest John C. Calhoun The First Klan(1865- 1877) General Nathan Bedford Forrest Ku Klux Klan Act 1874 de.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Words #1 for Jim Crow and Segregation Web Quest John C. Calhoun The First Klan(1865- 1877) General Nathan Bedford Forrest Ku Klux Klan Act 1874 de."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Words #1 for Jim Crow and Segregation Web Quest John C. Calhoun The First Klan(1865- 1877) General Nathan Bedford Forrest Ku Klux Klan Act 1874 de jure segregation The Second Klan(1915-1945) John C. Calhoun

2 Woodrow Wilson and the Rise of the Second Klan Wilson was the first southerner elected President since the Civil War He re-segregated the Federal bureaucracy He lavished public praise on the film, Birth of a Nation, by D.W. Griffith, following a special White House screening in 1915.

3 "It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true". –Wilson’s controversial reaction to Birth of a Nation

4 This quotation from Wilson’s book, History of the American People, appeared in the film itself.

5 The film, based on the play The Clansman, glorified and excused the terroristic acts of the Klan. For many years, it was used as a recruiting tool. Here are two links to excerpts of the film: 2zc&list=PL6BA187F342CBC32E&index=10 2zc&list=PL6BA187F342CBC32E&index=10 l_j0&list=PL6BA187F342CBC32E&index=11 l_j0&list=PL6BA187F342CBC32E&index=11

6 Between 1915 and the mid-1920s Klan membership grew to between 4-5 million members

7 Key Words #2 for Jim Crow and Segregation Web Quest Eugenics Margaret Sanger Racial supremacy Social Darwinism H.S. Chamberlain Arthur de Gobineau Anti-Miscegenation Laws The Tuskeegee Experiment The Scottsboro Boys Hugo Black The Little Rock Nine Orval Faubus Freedom Riders Chaney,Goodman, and Schwerner Lester Maddux George Wallace Robert Byrd Wm. Fullbright George Wallace Strom Thurmond Dixiecrats

8 Little Rock Central High School 1957 Little Rock Central high School today. The “Little Rock Nine” being escorted to class by Federal troops

9 Schwerner, Chaney, & Goodman

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