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The Struggle for Equality: 1865- 1965 How did the events following Reconstruction shape race relations?

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Presentation on theme: "The Struggle for Equality: 1865- 1965 How did the events following Reconstruction shape race relations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Struggle for Equality: 1865- 1965 How did the events following Reconstruction shape race relations?

2 Voices of Protest: Douglass, Washington, DuBois & Others Frederick Douglass: Agitate, Agitate, Agitate Kansas Exodus and Exhortation to stay put No illusions but path via the Constitution Tied to GOP and demand rights Booker T. Washington & Up From Slavery Tuskegee Movement emphasis on A/M Alliance with Biz USA Atlanta Compromise & ‘cast down your bucket’ Opposed to agitation?

3 DuBois: The Niagara Movement tory/hwny-niagara-movement.html Harvard Intellectual Souls of Black Folks The Talented Tenth Niagara Movement NAACP: A Battle for All True Americans Militancy and Struggle http://www.huarchivesnet.ho all.htm Dudley Randall http://www.huarchivesnet.ho all.htm Philanthropy The Church Education The Courts Citizenship The Press Monroe Trotter and Boston Guardian Ida B. Welles and The Red Record

4 The Plessy Decision, 1896 Test Case in Public Transportation Homer Plessy was 1/8 black Banned despite possessing ticket Supreme Court Decision: y=CASE&court=US&vol=163&page=537 y=CASE&court=US&vol=163&page=537 Jim Crow Segregation sanctioned No distinction for race: Justice Harlan’s dissent

5 The Great Migration U.S. Neutrality and booming economy Fleeing the South by cover of darkness St. Louis, Chicago, NY, Boston, etc America’s Diaspora and Reaction to it. Conditions Up North: More Crow Brownsville Incident, 1906 & Judge Lynch

6 A World Safe for Democracy? Historical Record of Black Service to U.S.A. Segregated Units and Trouble: Spartanburg 369 th fights for France: Hell Fighters most distinguished and longest in trenches. Journey home, you are still negroes French Liberation versus more discrimination

7 1919: A Long Hot Summer Racial Tensions and Explosive Milieu Chicago Riots: 13 days of calamity Blacks now beginning to fight back Images from Birth of a Nation Resurgence of the Klan Lynching and Burnings The New Negro Movement

8 Marcus A. Garvey Black Self Determination & Meaning Back to Africa Movement Harlem: Black Man’s Jerusalem Black Star Shipping Line Black Pride Movement Renaissance in the making

9 NAACP: Using The Constitution Voting, busing, housing and education Howard University and Jurisprudence Herndon and Voting, 1927 Murray versus Pearson, 1935 Lloyd Gaines University Missouri, 36 1940’s cases: housing and covenants


11 The Harlem Renaissance Explosion of Talent Jazz: Quintessential Musical Expression Langston Hughes and Literature Josephine Baker and Theatre The Cotton Club Other Venues of Expression

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