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Open Access Projects in Lithuania Meilė Kretavičienė Library and Health Sciences Information Center, Kaunas University of Medicine

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1 Open Access Projects in Lithuania Meilė Kretavičienė Library and Health Sciences Information Center, Kaunas University of Medicine dr. Žibutė Petrauskienė Vilnius University Library Antanas Štreimikis Department of Information Technology Development Center, Kaunas University of Technology

2 Outline Open Access in Lithuania: initiatives, situation, policy. eLABa: description, goals and functions, statistics, problems, expectations. Outcomes.

3 OA in Lithuania: Initiatives Membership in BioMedCentral: The Institute of Oncology Vilnius University 2004- Kaunas University of Medicine Library 2003-2006 DOAJ – 13 journals (2009) Workshops : Open Access and Scholarly Communication, 2005 / LMBA, OSI; speakers Melissa Hagemann, Raym Crow, Lilian van der Vaart, Jean-Claude Guédon, et al. Open Access - Revolution in the Scholarly Publishing? / LMBA, LABT. 2005 OA in European Union and Lithuania/ SPARC, LMBA, Ministry of Education and Science. 2008 Quality Assurance of Scientific Information in Open Access / Open Access Day – October 14, 2008/ Ministry of Education and Science, Research Council of Lithuania, LMBA

4 OA in Lithuania: Situation and Policy Governmental level: Law on science and studies (12 05 2009). Article 45. Publicity of the results of scientific activity: 1. In order to guarantee the quality, transparency of the scientific research and to stimulate scientific advancement carried out utilising state budget funds, all the results of the scientific activity carried out in the state science and study institutions must be made public (via the internet and by other means) if this is in agreement with laws regulating intellectual property and protection of the commercial, state or work related secrets. 2. Results of scientific activity carried out at non-governmental institutions of science and studies using state budget funds must be made public (via the internet and by other means) if this is in agreement with laws regulating intellectual property and protection of the commercial or state secret. Institutional level: Vilnius University Library prepared a Regulations of Open Access to Scientific Information of Vilnius University (accepted by University Senate Committee on 8 10 2009).

5 eLABa – Lithuanian Academic e-Library (1) Beginning: 2006. Main data suppliers are Lithuanian science institutions. Main goal is to create the environment and means and using them to prepare, accumulate and store for a long period of time Lithuanian science and study e-documents and to deliver them to the users via different outputs. Other goals: to create the e-publishing infrastructure for Lithuanian science and studies to create the eLABa means and environment for e-document preparation, accumulation, long-term storage and delivery to employ the means that have been created – Lithuanian Virtual Library (LVB) and full-text database (VDDB), including services being delivered by them

6 eLABa (2) Main functions : to provide science and study publications using automated sequences of e-publishing procedures to gather, catalogue, collect and store for a long-term periods science and study e-documents to ensure information search and direct and permanent access to the science and study documents to guarantee harvesting of metadata of eLABa objects via OAI-PMH protocol for Google and other information search systems on the Internet

7 eLABa Legal Regulations No.Documents’ LevelInstitutional LevelDocuments 1Regulations Ministry of Education and Science  Regulations of eLABa  Guidelines for procedures description for ETD’s preparation, presentation for submission and submission to eLABa repositories and usage 2Rules Lithuanian Academic and Science Institutions  Procedures for ETD’s preparation, presentation for submission and submission to eLABa repositories and usage 3DocumentseLABa  License agreements  eLABa documents including ETDs

8 eLABa Collections ETDBooksJournalsProceedings Working papers Empirical data Total All institutions 1179056402334110016004

9 eLABa e-Documents and REFER Records (excluding ETDs) e-Documents REFER Records Total LABT-U 24103679739207 LABT-K 14515511696 LABT-M 16642425825922 Total 42196260666825

10 eLABa Collections (excluding ETD) BooksJournalsProceedings Working papers Empirical data Total Book series BooksJournalsNumbersArticlesEvents Procee- dings Working papers LiDA objects All institutions15563281367923211004214

11 Submission to eLABa ETD Collection (Lithuanian ETD Database) as per Institution No.InstitutionBTMTWPGADDDDSSWRHPTotal 1KMU 1489115337681 2KTU 89751948 3KU 22 4LKKA 11522110544 5LMTA 55 6LVA 16542207 7LŽŪU 193524960 8MRU 181510361861 9ŠU 133722201379 10VDA 44 11VDU 113357611251 12VGTU 435209211855 13VPU 20923662107 14VU 672474129789 15ISMVEU 141297177 Total 1541054795125392911790 BT – Bachelor theses MT – Master theses WPGA – Works by post-graduate of art DD – Doctoral dissertations DDS – Doctoral dissertation's summaries SWRHP – Science works for habilitation procedures

12 Submission to eLABa ETD Collection (Lithuanian ETD Database) in 2004-2009 YearBTMTWPGADDDDSSWRHPTotal 2004 275515 310 2005 12350711091415 2006 18320100722004 2007 1861372822018 2008 206401161312311 2009 15432801138130293732 Total 1541054795125392911790 BT – Bachelor theses MT – Master theses WPGA – Works by post-graduate of art DD – Doctoral dissertations DDS – Doctoral dissertation's summaries SWRHP – Science works for habilitation procedures

13 Availability of ETDs 30 of September, 2009 Availability On submission Now Unrestricted 34426616 Available in intranet only 43772384 Withheld 39712790 Total11790 All institutions

14 Front-end Services for Users Aleph OPAC Lithuanian Virtual Library (LVB) Portal (

15 eLABa via Aleph OPAC. Interface

16 eLABa via Aleph OPAC. Search results


18 eLABa via LVB with MetaLib. Interface

19 eLABa via LVB with MetaLib. Search results

20 eLABa via LVB with MetaLib. List of the results

21 SFX Services (1)

22 SFX Services (2)

23 eLABa via LVB with Primo. Interface (

24 eLABa via LVB with Primo. Short description

25 eLABa via LVB with Primo. Full text

26 OA/eLABa: problems The lack of an institutional policies. Situation with copyright. The lack of interest from decision makers (institutional and national level). The lack of financial support from national funding programme’s.

27 About eLABa development (1) New project for 2009-2010 designed for eLABa development is being prepared for application to European Social Funds support The applicant is Kaunas University of Medicine All institutions, which have signed corresponding cooperation agreements regarding eLABa development, are invited to become the participants of the project The value of the project is approximately 430 thousand EUR The main goal of the project is to integrate Lithuanian Science Publications Database (PDB) into eLABa thus creating expanded eLABa

28 About eLABa development (2) While implementing the project: eLABa regulations will be improved Convenient tools for full-text submission to eLABa repositories together with PDB bibliographic records will be created 65 librarians will be trained About 30 thousand bibliographic records of science publications announced by authors from institutions participating in the project and about 4500 related full-texts will be accumulated

29 Conclusions (1) eLABa represents best practices of Open Access in Lithuania. Having created and implemented eLABa, not only scientific institutions and researchers will benefit, but other persons related to science and the state as well. eLABa implementation will promote scientific research and usage of research results.

30 Conclusions (2) eLABa will be useful for business sector, for scientific institutions and communities from the EU and from all over the world that are developing their cooperation in the fields of studies and conducting the common scientific research work. Development of eLABa is important and it is supported by the our Ministry of Education and Science.

31 Thank You for the attention! Questions?

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