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Nature in Charge 14 October 2005 Wildland Prospects in the North Pennines Peter Samsom.

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Presentation on theme: "Nature in Charge 14 October 2005 Wildland Prospects in the North Pennines Peter Samsom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature in Charge 14 October 2005 Wildland Prospects in the North Pennines Peter Samsom

2 Background AONB Management Plan context NE Regional Forest Strategy Proposed actions Partners- theory and practice

3 Character of the area Already perceived as very wild Off-putting to members of the public and local communities Large landed estates- grouse shooting, Common Land and Open Access under CROW

4 Three pronged approach Woodland expansion Assessment of existing woodlands Mapping Identification of opportunities for linkages Landscape considerations Funding and facilitation

5 Three pronged approach Woodland expansion RSPB Geltsdale- Bruthwaite planting Black Grouse recovery project

6 Three pronged approach (2) Peatscapes Restore and enhance blanket bog resources in the North Pennines Celebrating the resource

7 Three pronged approach (3) Minimal intervention sites Landownership and value But… changing CAP and uncertainty More mapping

8 Wildland characteristics Mapping work bringing together wildland characteristics and landscape factors

9 Conclusions Without public or NGO ownership large sites are unlikely to materialise But opportunities to make areas wilder than they are now through landscape scale approach to woodland establishment and peatscapes restoration

10 Peter Samsom North Pennines AONB Partnership

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