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Radiant Energy or Electromagnetic Energy (EM)

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Presentation on theme: "Radiant Energy or Electromagnetic Energy (EM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiant Energy or Electromagnetic Energy (EM)
All radiant energy travels at 3.0 x 108 m/sec in space Velocity of a wave = wavelength x frequency Visible light is just one type of EM Energy

2 Electromagnetic Spectrum
All of the forms of radiation given off by vibrating electric charges Radiation comes in the form of vibrating or “throbbing bundles of energy” called photons The frequency of the vibrating electric charges determines which type and how much energy will be given off

3 The entire E.M. Spectrum in order from lowest to highest frequency
Radio waves: AM and FM Microwaves: cooking Infrared: heat Visible: (ROYGBV) Ultraviolet: tanning Xrays: medical Gamma: deadly radioactivity

4 Waves - Energy carried by rhythmic disturbances
Two types: 1. E.M. radiation move through empty space 2. Mechanical require a medium (air, water or any type of matter) for movement

5 Waves - 2 Types

6 All waves have similar properties
Frequency- the number of vibrations per second or the speed of the movement of the vibrating particles Amplitude – the size of the movement of the vibrating particles Both are controlled by the disturbance that created the waves

7 Velocity of all waves - v=f λ
f-frequency and λ is wavelength (distance between identical points on two consecutive waves) Reflection- bounce off barriers in regular ways Refraction- waves can change direction when speed changes

8 J 3300 Hz Use the formula chart!!! Velocity = f λ OR
And the answer is? J 3300 Hz 38 At 0°C sound travels through air at a speed of 330 m/s. If a sound wave is produced with a wavelength of 0.10 m, what is the wave’s frequency? F Hz G 33 Hz H 330 Hz J 3300 Hz Use the formula chart!!! Velocity = f λ OR 330 m/s = f x m

9 Transverse Waves In Transverse Waves particles vibrate at right angles to the direction the wave travels. Ex. E. M. Waves, waves on a slinky or rope coil, ocean waves

10 Longitudinal or Compress ional Waves
Vibrating particles move back and forth along the direction of the wave velocity Parts consist of compressions and rarefactions Ex. Sound Waves

11 Sound Waves are Compression Waves
Sound is produced when a compression is made. It requires a producer and a medium to travel through. The more elastic the object, the faster sound travels.

12 Sound acts like other waves
Echoes are reflected sound waves Sonar uses echoes to judge distance to obstructions Human hearing is 20-20,000 Hz, below 10 Hz is infrasonic, and above 20,000 Hz is ultrasonic.

13 Sound Waves move through matter not through empty space.
32 One tuning fork is struck and placed next to an identical fork. The two forks do not touch. The second tuning fork starts to vibrate because of — F interference G the Doppler effect H resonance J standing waves Resonance is the vibration of another object struck by a wave of the correct frequency. Since the forks are identical, the second one receives the correct frequency to begin vibrating.

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