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The Role of Producers in an Ecosystem

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1 The Role of Producers in an Ecosystem
Science 8 9/5/07

2 What is a Producer ? Producer(explained) Are green plants.
Producers are responsible for producing all of the energy in the ecosystem.

3 Energy Producers…How? Green planets are able to take radiant energy from the Sun transform it to a form that can be used by plants and animals. Consumers(animals) can not do this. Animals have to go out and actively find food. Plants make their food.

4 Energy Producers… How? Plants make their food by a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the most important chemical reaction that takes place on the planet. Without it other life would be impossible.

5 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis(explained) green plants take water from the ground, carbon dioxide from the air and radiant energy from the Sun and produce carbohydrates(food for plants and animals) and oxygen.

6 Producers Every ecosystem has to have producers.

7 Producers Producers(green plants)produce food for consumers in all their parts. seeds, flowers, leaves, wood, roots and fruits are eaten by consumers

8 Producers Besides food and oxygen producers provide habitats and places to hide for animals.

9 Producers in a Pond Ecosystem
The main producer in the pond ecosystem is phytoplankton or algae. Phytoplankton are tiny free floating green plants in the water column. Give the pond its greenish color. Major source of food and oxygen in the pond ecosystem.

10 Producers in the Pond Ecosystem
Also provide a hiding place/cover for many small animals in the pond Other producers: Water Plants: pickerel weed and cattails Terrestrial Plants: willows, grasses

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