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Solar Ovens Developing a mathematical model for energy transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Ovens Developing a mathematical model for energy transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Ovens Developing a mathematical model for energy transfer

2 Energy from the sun

3 Sample calculation (part1): A solar oven is constructed from a cardboard box that is a cube measuring 8” (0.2m) on each side. Light enters the top of the box through an 8”x 8” window (area=0.04 m 2 )  Q (max) /  t = I A = 800 W/m 2 x 0.04 m 2 = 32 J/s

4 Sample calculation (part 2) The mass of a cocktail weenie is about 10 grams and we found that the specific heat is around 2000 J/kg/ o C. How much heat does it need to absorb to raise its temperature from 0 o C to 70 o C? Q=mc  T = 0.01 kg (2000 J/kg/ o C) 70 o C = 1400 J If our solar oven is 100% efficient how long would it take to provide that energy? Q/t = 32 J/s  t = 1400 J/(32 J/s) = 43 second The hot dog would be steaming hot in less than a minute IF we absorbed ALL of the incident energy and lost NONE of it!

5 Energy from the sun

6 Absorbing electromagnetic waves Black construction paper absorbs 90% of visible light but around half of the radiant energy from the sun is in the infrared (IR) part of the spectrum. Aluminum foil reflects 80- 90% of the sun’s radiant energy at all wavelengths.

7 A model for oven’s ability to capture sun’s radiant energy Q in / t = (e) ( I s ) (A w ) e = how effectively oven captures the sunlight I s = Solar energy that arrives each second per square meter A w = the area of the window that admits sunlight into the oven Design questions: How can you increase any/all of the parameters in order to capture sunlight at a greater rate?

8 Newton’s Law of Cooling Rate of heat exchange (by all three mechanisms) is directly proportional to the difference in temperature Q out /t = C (T-T o ) Conclusion: The hotter our ovens get (compared to the surrounding air) the faster they will lose thermal energy. Eventually the oven will lose heat just as quickly as it absorbs it.

9 What does C depend on? Q/t = C (T-To) For conductive heat loss C = kA/(L) A = area L = thickness k = heat conductivity (material dependent)

10 Predicting Maximum Temperature If energy is being lost at the same rate it is absorbed the oven will stop heating up. Q out /t = Q in /t C(T-T o ) = e I s A w T- T o = (e I s A w ) / C T- T o = (e I s A w ) L / (kA sides )


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